Michael Jackson Acquitted of Molesting Boy ???

Started by Teresa, June 14, 2005, 08:51:05 AM

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Associated Press  

Santa Maria, Calif., June 13 -
A jury acquitted Michael Jackson on Monday of molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor at his Neverland ranch,
vindicating the pop star who insisted he was the victim of mother-and-son con artists and a prosecutor with a vendetta.

A caravan of black SUVs delivered Jackson, wearing a black suit and flanked by family members,
to the courthouse. Jackson was greeted by "Michael, innocent" chants as he walked into the courthouse.  

The jury, which listened to 14 weeks of testimony and arguments, deliberated over seven days
before sending word of a verdict at about 12:30 p.m.

The announcement came shortly after Judge Rodney S. Melville issued a statement
saying that the jury asked and withdrew a question Monday morning.
He also confirmed that on Friday the jury had a read-back of testimony and there were four meetings in chambers with attorneys. News organizations had filed motions seeking information on such developments.

Jackson, 46, is charged with molesting a 13-year-old cancer survivor in 2003,
plying him with wine and conspiring to hold the boy and his family captive to get them to
rebut a damaging television documentary.

In the documentary, "Living With Michael Jackson,"
Jackson held hands with the boy and told interviewer Martin Bashir that he let children
into his bed but it was innocent and non-sexual.

Jackson, who climbed to fame with the Jackson 5 and dominated pop music in the 1980s
with the powerhouse "Thriller" and other albums, was portrayed at trial as a pedophile
who lured boys into his bed at his fairytale Neverland ranch.
The defense called the accuser and his family con artists.

Jackson's career began to lose its luster after 1993 allegations of child molestation
that ended with a multimillion-dollar civil settlement paid to a boy, and his lifestyle,
two marriages, and drastic changes in appearance became fodder for "Wacko Jacko" tabloid headlines.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Personally I believe that the facts are clear.

There is so much inappropriate behavior involved here that I fail to see any INNOCENCE on the part of Michael Jackson.

This is a sad day for our justice system, for it has failed miserably.


It will surely make them think about all the safety precautions we have diligently taught them. And if they can trust the law and adults in charge to protect them.

Keep your children close.
And make it clear - It is NOT Okay to sleep with creepy little men,
no matter how famous they are and no matter what they hear on TV or from their friends.

I wonder how many parents are still stupid and star struck enough and will still let their boys go to Neverland and sleep in his bed?  You know, I agree that the parent should be also held accountable.And it is darn sure a whole lot of the parents fault too, but this isn't totally about the parent.

It is about the history and pattern of Jackson.

How many accusers have there been? How many do we know of...and how many has there been that has been paid off and swept under the carpet?? HUH??

How many countless people, have seen inappropriate behavior that he has displayed??
Remember when he held his child upside down out that third story building?

He might turn 180 degrees on a dime fast, but he ain't the sharpest crayon in the box.

  Would you trust your son, or even your daughter for that matter.. around Jackson?
Be honest.
You think its normal for young boys to sleep with adults like him?
And for 40 year old men to want to sleep with young boys.. .naked no less
in his bed

~~ I don't know about you, but you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the answer to that one.

I don't say girls... because obviously from past years and all the allegations made, he only preferred boys. No girl seems to have ever accused him.... but I wouldn't trust him being around my daughter or granddaughter... NO WAY!

Once a pedophile always a pedophile, and unfortunately it will happen again...

Time will prove it.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I agree.

If he did those things to my child, I am sure that I would introduce him to the real reason people get nose jobs and plastic surgery.

Bleeping Pervert.  I can only hope that he gets his in the end. 


I most definently was appauled.....CREEP.  I heard the news on the way home from work yesterday and it truly made me physically sick....if it would have been anyone else...they would have already been behind bars and rightfully so.  He is a sicko and time will tell...but yes...I also agree that the parents have a responsibily to....they should also be charged with a crime.  It really saddens me to think that 14 people on that jury are that stupid.  Did they get paid off???  We will never know.  Only good thing about this...is that someday...he will pay and he will answer to all of this.


i've concluded that everyone on the jury were pedophiles as well... :o


Jo McDonald

We watch CNN -- and even the attorneys ( both defense and prosecutor ) interviewed said that there was no way the jury could not find him guilty of half of the charges brought against him -- the alcohol given to minors was an absolute!! 
The jury that was interviewed this morning stated "The Mother of the victim- was the one that turned them off and prompted their verdict". 

How frightening!!
  First OJ, then Blake and now Nauseating Jackson.  And on top of that we have to put up with Rev. Jesse Jackson's face and his stupid thoughts as well.
  Guess I vote to get rid of the TV.   


Interviews with the jury members state they thought he was strange. Some of them even thought he probably HAD molested boys in the past. It simply was not proven in this case, jurors said.

One juror, Raymond Hultman, told CNN he felt "Michael Jackson probably has molested boys" but the evidence presented at trial was insufficient to convict him.

"I have a problem with Michael Jackson's behavior. And all I can say at this point is that I hope he recognizes that this is a serious problem," said juror Hultman.

But Hultman said his personal opinion "doesn't make (Jackson) guilty of the charges that were presented in this case, and that's where we had to make our decision."

Jury foreman Paul Rodriguez said jurors were "very troubled" that Jackson, by his own admission, had overnight sleepovers with children.

And let's face it - the boy's mother was soooo bad - as a mother, as a witness, as anything!

Michael Jackson should have changed his behaviors a long time ago, at least in 1993 when he settled out of court. He either got bad advice then or he didn't listen to good advice. Let's hope he changes now.

And you're right - I'm tired of Jesse Jackson!!


Quote from: Jo McDonald on June 14, 2005, 02:43:02 PM
Rev. Jesse Jackson's face and his stupid thoughts as well.

Anyone have a clue what church Mr. Jackson is the Pastor of?????

Most of the pastors that I know don't take the time to fly in their own Learjet to every high profile event when a minority celebrity gets in trouble to claim racial inequity.

Maybe I am just out of the loop :-X

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