misc. news Oct. 1898

Started by ddurbin, February 10, 2007, 09:22:44 AM

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from THE MOLINE REPUBLICAN  Oct. 14, 1898

Cheese Factory---The Moline Cheese Factory is again running under full headway after a few days closed because of the failure of the Eureka Creamery Company who had it in charge.  Frank Webb has assumed control and placed J. S. Veeder, that prince of cheese makers, at the factory.  Everything is running along smooth and the patrons are receiving more for their milk than ever and what is better still are receiving their cash each week.  Long life and prosperity to the Moline Cheese Factory.

Carriage Factory---The Carriage Factory is turning out some of the finest work that has ever been done in Moline.  We were called in the other morning and shown a carriage that is the most beautiful piece of work we ever gazed upon.

Geo. H. Turner---Geo. H. Turner, the accommodating and efficient Assistant Cashier of the Moline State Bank has handed in his resignation to the Bank officials and he will be released October 15.  George has accepted a position as cashier in a large department store at San Diego, Cal., belonging to our former townsman, R. Quartermass.  To see George leave Moline is hard for the people to think of for in all young people's meetings his help can hardly be dispensed with and his place will never be filled.  But if the move will better George then the people unanimously say, "go, you have served us faithfully. may success always attend you."  He will not only be missed in church and social circles but in business, he having been connected with the bank so long and always so courteous and accommodating that business people will most sorely miss him.

Suicide---Earl Ames reports a suicide at the farm; one of their very best steers climbed up in the feed trough and stuck his head between two boards and then fell down hanging himself as successfully as if he had called at the house, secured a rope and went at it after the fashion of humanity.

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