
Started by Maude, July 27, 2013, 08:19:15 AM

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      Fred is one of the first friends I made here. He certainly could add to the history threads, the cantankerous old fart.

     I don't think any but one poster needs to worry about being targeted, and that person brings it on themselves and follows posters from thread to thread to do so.

     Ross is also a good hearted soul. If you were to converse with him over coffee, you may not even realize that it's Ross you're talking with. If Fred were to post here, it would be a toss up who could aggravate some people more, Ross or him. :)



I am one of those people that have been hiding in the background, not posting.

Quote from: Wilma on July 29, 2013, 06:58:48 AM
But you don't have to join to read.  Kind of like a baseball game, if you want to get on the field, you had better be playing.
Wilma: get over it, not everyone needs to tell everyone what they have done, what they will do and what they think they need to do.  Some sit back and watch and learn.   I have been reading this forum for well over three years and it is the same people that complain that people don't post and when someone does post they think they are being attacked or the poster is right-wing radical because they post repetitively.  You can have your pretty petunias and little birdies, I am more worried about the country I love going down the drain and the fact that I live in one of the highest tax bracket counties in Kansas and still can not figure out why when my road still sucks to drive on.

Quote from: debid on July 29, 2013, 06:34:27 PM
I used to post some, but the politics board has run me and a bunch of others from posting anymore.   The hatred and bullies have spilled over onto other boards too.   You never know when you could end up on a few peoples hit list.  I read often, but usually keep my mouth shut.  If I voice my opinion much... I am sure someone would feel the need to remind me that I don't live in Elk county anymore.  Sometimes I wish Fred Bahr read and posted on here...Ross reminds me a lot of ole Fred, the only difference is Fred really is a good hearted soul. 

The best thread on this forum, imho, is Politics.  At least there you have to think about what is being written. You can learn a lot about what is going on in this county and relate it to what is going on in Washington, ten fold.  Plain and simple, it is a mess and needs to be straightened out.  People need to stop being a victim and think that every time someone posts something in reference to something you said, it is part of what we call.... conversation via a typewritten media.  Get over it.

Ross is a good hearted, passionate patriot.  He sees bullcrap and calls it as it is.... bullcrap.  He has shed a lot of light about what is going on in this county and outside as far as Washington.  More people would do well to maybe look past the messenger and look more at the message.  At least he is active and is trying to be diligent in the county.  Many won't and don't.  Many go to the voting booth and mark the block because well, the person is a good ole boy, known em all me life and aint never dun me wrong.  Meanwhile when in office they are finding ways to steal money out of my hands, by that I mean *gasp* taxes and putting into hands of those who waste it on hoolahoops and sidewalk chalk, dumb looking flyers that look like my 6 year old nephew put together.

We may be lurking in the background, but we are far from silent.

Integrity is doing what is right when no one else is watching.


I don't know who you are nykkylsdymes, but thank you. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
I know how many people read the forum.. and there are lots. If there were only a handful, as many think... we would have shut it down a long time ago and not maintained the cost and the site. But that isn't the case.

Maude made a good suggestion..maybe everyone can post something that they hear is going on. Doesn't have to be fancy words... just the information to let others know. I usually am the last to know anything. Makes me so mad.. I will call up to Mark or Derek or Danny and tell them something I have heard and they say" ohhh yea.. I heard that last week!!"
Really??? Well why in the heck didn't somebody tell me?? I find out most of what I want to know through FaceBook.  I think lots of things are posted on peoples Facebook pages, but sometimes they never make it here.. so if someone maybe reads it from FB on their friends pages.. maybe they would post it in here for those of you who aren't on FB or have a set of different friends.

Carla Morgan Hilton posted every day on FB the livestock entry's and how her girls were doing as many others did who were involved in the fair.. I know I took video and stills of the fair parade and just flat haven't had the time to get them edited and on here..
I will try to do that this next week.

Derek Cookson , my youngest. is having neck surgery in the morning. He has to have 2 discs cut and shaved off and a cadaver bone put in.. I hope it helps and will give him some blessed relief from the pain. Poor kid hasn't been hardly able to work more than 45 minutes at a time before he is home laying down for 3 hrs on ice packs. Rochelle, his wife ,has been very patient ... but if this surgery didn't come now.. I think poor Derek might not have lived too many more days.. haha    So I am here at their house staying with and keeping Mason and Cooper until he is back home on Thursday. I'm sure this old MeMaw will be worn slick by then and ready for some rest. :)

We have been extremely busy with the Outdoor channel"s TV shows.. Shooting Gallery, The Best Defense, Gun Stories and Rapid Fire.  I haven't had to travel as much this year because we now have in our family a German Shepard and a Silky Terrier.  Ranger and Bella.  These 2 are the best of friends and inseparable.. But until he is able to be a little better behaved, and out of the puppy stage, he can't fly and go with us on location as he just gets too excited.. but it won't be long until Kjell and he will start his Search and Rescue classes together and then he will be a constant traveling companion. Bella stays with my Mama on these occasions. We are both enrolled in another class at Gunsite in Arizona this October for Defensive Tactical training for couples. It is a 5 day course so I should leave there with yet more discipline and better training and shooting skills under my belt. Sporting clay league at Flint Oak starts up in September and Kjell and I and Nick Miller are all on a team. That is always a fun time and one I love.  

My grandkids are growing by leaps and bounds. Ashley is now 11 going on 18.. and Mason is 6 and is as gentle natured, calm and soft hearted as they come. Cooper is 21/2 and is every bit a little Derek Cookson..( god help his mama) lol Then we have the latest one.. Cole who is 8 months old. He is a happy happy baby.. only grumpy when he is wet or hungry.

Danny, my oldest, is doing great. Started his own shipping business and its off the ground and doing good. His fiance, Ronda will be substituting teaching this year at West Elk..

My mom Jo McDonald, is doing great..  84 and going strong.. What an awesome woman she is.. I'm sure many of you read her column in the paper every week.

My sister.. Sherri (Mills) Wilder is retiring from FSA after 28 years. Tomorrow is her last day. I'm so glad.. This will allow her to get away from a lot of stress and maybe be able to enjoy life a bit.

Well~~~~ I hope everyone is enjoying the rain and hating the mosquitoes and flys that it seems to have created by the millions. My god.. all the dampness has made mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds!!! with huge teeth!!! lol

Thanks for all those that read.. and thanks for all those that post.. and thanks to all those who continue to keep an open mind and heart to all types of people and personality's.. and know that just because someone is verbal on how they believe and feel doesn't make them a bad person.. It makes them a person who is alive and passionate about life.

Everyone stay safe and never forget to see something funny in each and every day!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: nykkylsdymes on July 30, 2013, 10:03:36 PM
More people would do well to maybe look past the messenger and look more at the message.  

Well said nykkylsdymes.

Wake up to what is happening in the county and forget the messenger, I agree with that full heartedly.

That way when you vote you can vote intelligently.

I don't matter, you do. Each and every voter matters.

Why do you think I have received what I considered a back handed death threat and a threat of a lawsuit?
To get me to shut up and IMHO it is from those that want to control the county and to control you.

I can't be controlled by those folks as some can and that pisses them off, and they call me names and speak ugly of me.
Some even attempted to make me out a terrorist type for attending school board meetings, how cool is that.
That IMO stems from paranoia.
Oh back to why they can't control me, I don't rely on them for my income and I have no family members that rely on them for an income. I don't rely on them for anything. If they don't like my business, it isn't that far to Sedan, Independence or Winfield. But I prefer to spend my money in Elk County and that is what I continue to do. But if shopping were to become an issue of control, oh well.

But please remember what nykkylsdymes said very well ignore the messenger and discuss the message.

Thank you nykkylsdymes.

Warph is doing an excellent job over there in politics.


I put this suggestion on for information of things going on in Elk County and Howard. It has now turned into another but now we are posting things that should be on another thread. Please just keep this just for events.


Quote from: Maude on July 31, 2013, 06:37:42 AM
I put this suggestion on for information of things going on in Elk County and Howard. It has now turned into another but now we are posting things that should be on another thread. Please just keep this just for events.

There was dew on the grass in my yard & pastures this morning.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


     Oh come on, Maude. You did good.

     There are specific places to post upcoming events anyway. Maybe your post will start that happening.

      And thanks , Teresa, for your kind words to all of us. I hope Derek's procedure goes well, I'm not a stranger to back pain, it makes a person suffer like nothing else.

      Welcome as well to nykklsdymes. Glad you posted.


nykkylsdymes, I am glad you decided to join us and hope that you will continue to post.  I fear that you and I will never agree on politics, but that doesn't matter as I seldom get into politics anymore.  I prefer the petunias and birds.  I also enjoy postings about areas far from home and not so far from home.  One of my favorite pen pals is in the far West and I really enjoy hearing about her days.

I just now figured out how to pronounce your name.  Nickels and dimes.  Right?

Anyway, welcome to the forum.  It is good to have a new voice heard here.


Quote from: Wilma on July 31, 2013, 09:55:41 AM
I just now figured out how to pronounce your name.  Nickels and dimes.  Right?

I like that, I couldn't figure it out. Brain damage on my part.
I hope you are right Wilma, good job.

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