East Coast Happenings

Started by Diane Amberg, March 22, 2013, 01:21:17 PM

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Diane Amberg

It was July first, 2007 when  I found the forum and was invited to join in...8 years...It doesn't seem possible. So much has happened since that lively fun bunch shared their stories and told jokes, shared their history, showed their photographs and paintings, recipes and adventures.
  I even went to Kansas that summer to visit and took my lap top to check in every day to show our travel progress and what we had seen.
Then politics began to slip in. The people who don't tolerate anyone's thinking but their own began to ridicule anyone who expressed different ideas, who stood up for themselves and the way they thought about anything.They even suggested the person on the end of the tirades deserved it, even if they were just objecting and fighting back from something one of the rough people had ridiculed them about in the first place.The rough ones thought they had all the answers.Just do as they said and would would be fine. Hardly!
They were told to back off and refused.
Now even this thread, started by me, has been over run. It is no longer just the thoughts and doings of a person on the east coast. The self proclaimed modern confederates, pining away to return to the Civil War have buried it.
Thank goodness for PMs and Face Book, so I can still have conversations with my friends and know how friendly, Kansas people really think.
So, now the hunters are on patrol and most everyone else has either abandoned the forum or looks but doesn't dare post. It's a shame. Teresa and Kjell worked very hard getting this to fly.  Thank you two for all you did.
I've always stood up for the little guy and still don't tolerate abusers and bullies, but there is nothing more I can do.The rough,common ones are set in their ways and feel they are some how owed a one sided, narrow minded wolf pack forum.  They refuse to attack and debate issues, and are determined to attack the person. No depth of thought necessary.
It takes work to understand the subtle nuances of sensitive issues They just don't cut it.  RIP


I enjoy your posts very much.



Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 02, 2015, 07:46:44 AM
It was July first, 2007 when  I found the forum and was invited to join in...8 years...It doesn't seem possible. So much has happened since that lively fun bunch shared their stories and told jokes, shared their history, showed their photographs and paintings, recipes and adventures.

That is really nice, I'm proud of you!
It is an open invitation to join any public forum, all you have to do is sign on. I do believe Everyone is welcomed by the owners of this Forum.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 02, 2015, 07:46:44 AM
  I even went to Kansas that summer to visit and took my lap top to check in every day to show our travel progress and what we had seen.

Could you please explain that progress? The population of Elk County has been declining for a very long time. During the earlier years it was it was a very rapid decline. And today the decline continues very slowly. So what progress pray tell of which you refer.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 02, 2015, 07:46:44 AM
Then politics began to slip in. The people who don't tolerate anyone's thinking but their own began to ridicule anyone who expressed different ideas, who stood up for themselves and the way they thought about anything.They even suggested the person on the end of the tirades deserved it, even if they were just objecting and fighting back from something one of the rough people had ridiculed them about in the first place.The rough ones thought they had all the answers.Just do as they said and would would be fine. Hardly!

You are so right politics picked up rapidly when Elk Konnected, LLC was born, to attempt to control funds to be paid to Elk County from the new windfarm that was soon to be built in Elk County.

And when I pointed out the ludicrousness of their plans. I also pointed out that as Kounty Kommissioners they were providing county funds to themselves in order to entertain the flock they were attempting to grow. I pointed out that their so-called " Elk Konnected Kommunity Konversations" were in fact not community conversations but a manipulating circus of a bunch of circles of chairs. Oh and I pointed out the Elk Konnected, LLC entertainment was paid for with Elk County Taxpayer money and said it amounted to nothing more than lollipops.

Allow me to refer you to: http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html
"Topic: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25  (Read 267238 times)",
the thread that will not die. I mostly asked questions and no one had any legitimate answers.

I attempted to always be polite, where as you Diane were usually very rude and calling names and correcting people grammar and spelling. Check this post of yours did you correct your own errors.

The politics here locally was about local control and local expenditures of local Elk County Taxpayers money. And really of no concern of someone in Delaware, now was it?

There were maybe three or four of us locals that you were bad mouthing and back-stabbing and some could not tolerate it from an outsider. Oh,  I fail to mention, I am considered an outsider even though I have owned a small 60 acre farm since 2005.
Why? Why am I considered an outsider ?
Because, I was not born and raised here. ?

Remember the outsiders joke about "Not being inbred" ?
Yea crass but funny. LOL

I was born and raised just 40 miles east of Moline in the county adjacent to Elk County.

The business Elk Konnected, LLC  that's what this whole subject is about and that is you support. Elk Konnected, LLC wrote an open letter dissing two of our local communities. They didn't have to name the communities because locals knew who they were dissing. But they had the audacity to ask what was wrong with our communities because they did not want to work together. Is dissing them going to aid in getting them to work together? I don;t think so.

Elk Konnected, LLC stated flat out that they were weeding out the "Old Guard" from becoming a part of their organization. Sure they knew who the
"Old Guard" was and I believe it was the organizers of Elk Konnected, LLCand I stated that. I think. I actually said, "Elk Konnected, LLCis the "old guard" "in a new dress."

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 02, 2015, 07:46:44 AM
They were told to back off and refused.

They were told - what do you mean?  You were told tooo! And you failed terribly!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 02, 2015, 07:46:44 AM
Now even this thread, started by me, has been over run. It is no longer just the thoughts and doings of a person on the east coast. The self proclaimed modern confederates, pining away to return to the Civil War have buried it.

So sorry, you fail to comprehend !  You brought our local politics to your thread, not us here in Kansas.
So your thread is not over run just respponded to.

And name calling from you is usually much worse. "modern confederates"  is nothing compared to what you have done in the past. However, I am not offended, I'd rather be a confederate
(tho I am not) than to be a Liberal Socialist like the one's you claim are the under dogs. The ones that have threatened me with a possible lawsuit and a back handed death threat. And no Diane, I did accuse you of that.

A name more appropriate for me would be a Ten Year Vietnam Veteran and Patriot and a concerned Tax Paying Citizen of Elk County, Kansas.
I live here and you don't,
I pay taxes here and you don't,
I vote here and you don't. 
Do you comprehend all this ?

You fell back here, to this Coffee Shop Thread with your political back-stabbing and the bad mouthing us locals in Elk County, Kansas, instead of keeping it in the Political threads. So yes I am responding.

Sure you started this thread and I never visit it unless you make it political. I promised you sometime back I would do so, and I always try to keep my promises.

This is not a private blog you have started and it is not a private Forum, I sure hope you understand that. All your crying and your Elk Konnected, LLC  cronies crying to the owners of this forum to get me blocked failed and for that I really appreciate and respect the owners.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 02, 2015, 07:46:44 AM
Thank goodness for PMs and Face Book, so I can still have conversations with my friends and know how friendly, Kansas people really think.

I happen to think Kansas people are the friendliest in the nation, especially out here in the boondocks. We will stop and help anyone in need and we help our neighbors that may live a quarter of a mile or twenty miles away.

But to address local politics, we are normal and have our differences, which is quite normal.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 02, 2015, 07:46:44 AM
So, now the hunters are on patrol and most everyone else has either abandoned the forum or looks but doesn't dare post. It's a shame. Teresa and Kjell worked very hard getting this to fly.  Thank you two for all you did.

There is some of the crap you throw around with nothing to back it up. I mean, this web sites statistics refute what you say, that being "most everyone has either abandoned the forum or looks but doesn't dare post."

It is a shame that you make such statements. That is just dirty politics at it's worst.

You are right Teresa and Kjell worked very hard getting this to fly and it is still flying or we would not be communicating with each other would we?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 02, 2015, 07:46:44 AM
I've always stood up for the little guy and still don't tolerate abusers and bullies, but there is nothing more I can do.The rough,common ones are set in their ways and feel they are some how owed a one sided, narrow minded wolf pack forum.  They refuse to attack and debate issues, and are determined to attack the person. No depth of thought necessary.

You have always stood up for what little guys. The one you back up here in Elk County are the elite, the wealthy. The common ones --- yes, that's me, one of the common people, the hard working man that is retired, the Vietnam Veteran of ten years that owns his little 60 acre retirement farm/ranch and hays his field with antiquated equipment, because I do not have the money to buy new fancy farm equipment. Through all my years of hard work, I learned skills as an electrician and mechanic, so I still get dirty and repair antiquated equipment bought at auction. It is a great retirement!

And yes, I am an old fart, proudly pushing 70.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 02, 2015, 07:46:44 AM
It takes work to understand the subtle nuances of sensitive issues They just don't cut it.  RIP

It doesn't take any of that Diane, when dealing with people trying to control everything and wanted control of the nearly $1 million dollars the county receives from the wind farm in lieu of property tax. It doesn't take any of that, when as Kounty Kommissioner the people blatantly lie at the
Kounty Kommissioners meetings. Yes Diane may the lying RIP !

And may honesty and morals and ethics prevail !

Diane Please review the post at :  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,16997.0.html especially the parts that pertains to morals. There is a lot there for you to learn. And please note, my sarcastic note at the very top of the page.

Leave the politics in the Political Section and I won't return to this thread, except to be social if the occasion should arise.

Diane, I want to wish you a Happy, Safe and Sane 4th of July and I hope you take the time to contemplate why we celebrate that day.

Good night from a Patriot.


Oh Diane I forgot to mention while discussing that progress you spoke of.

we lost another store front, a two story building that has had one side propped up by steel pipes for a long time. They had to demolish it after the last big storm we had. Is that the kind of progress you were refering to.

Or perhaps it was the Dollar Store that wanted to move into the county, but didn't due to lack of cooperation by the town of Howard.

I just don't know what progress you have seen here.

But you know what? I am terribly happy with the way things are.
We are not the big city --- we are tiny and not over populated ---- there is lots of room to move around.

Crime here is almost nill.

What more could a person ask for. This is a little bit of heaven on earth just as it is.

Diane Amberg

Well, thanks to a funny hint that came by another route, I am responding.
I've always known you don't read well or have very selective comprehension.Go back and read the third line of my post of July second .I spoke of our TRAVEL progress as we went from Delaware to Kansas. How could you possible create something else out of that...and why? Also, you know I never threatened you with injury or death.Why did you accuse me of it? That's a lie!
Perhaps your son, as old as he is now, could help you with your reading comprehension, grammar and spelling. I gave up long ago. It's hopeless. Fortunately there are still a few, like Pro. who even post that they like what I write.Thank goodness for PM's and face book.I can keep up with other things that way.
Your needle is usually stuck on politics,the meaner the better.
Thanks to you I have learned to throw manure with the best of 'em. That's a skill set I really never wanted ,but like most, I got sick of the personal attacks.
You do know it was Teresa and Kjel that enabled "ignore" just to be able to avoid a couple of you.
Please don't feel obligated to come to this site, it doesn't benefit in any way from your postings and personal attacks.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 04, 2015, 07:33:25 AM
Well, thanks to a funny hint that came by another route, I am responding.
I've always known you don't read well or have very selective comprehension.Go back and read the third line of my post of July second .I spoke of our TRAVEL progress as we went from Delaware to Kansas. How could you possible create something else out of that...and why? Also, you know I never threatened you with injury or death.Why did you accuse me of it? That's a lie!
Perhaps your son, as old as he is now, could help you with your reading comprehension, grammar and spelling. I gave up long ago. It's hopeless. Fortunately there are still a few, like Pro. who even post that they like what I write.Thank goodness for PM's and face book.I can keep up with other things that way.

So I thought you might have been speaking of our local progress that your so-called friends at
Elk Konnected, LLC here locally were promising. My error, but no big deal. They appear to have gone into hiding since they are unable to get their hands on County Taxpayers money any longer. No more Konnected Kommunity Konversations that were more like a circus of circles of chairs where they failed to allow citizens to speak openly as a whole group or allow citizens to ask questions.

They appear to operate more like "The Old Guard" that they professed to keep out of their Elk Konnected, LLCsomething or other.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 04, 2015, 07:33:25 AM
Your needle is usually stuck on politics,the meaner the better.

No Diane my needle is 99.8% locked on politics. That was my main reason for accepting the invitation to log on as a member of our local Forum.

As in Elk County, Kansas POLITICS!!!! 
I hope you comprehend that.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 04, 2015, 07:33:25 AM
Thanks to you I have learned to throw manure with the best of 'em. That's a skill set I really never wanted ,but like most, I got sick of the personal attacks.

Now if that isn't just twisting word, I don't know what is. And your talking for others, which I assume are a figment of your imagination.

When I first came on here I was very kind to you, I even stuck up for you. I thought of you as the underdog, because some people were really ugly towards you.  I was nice and decent even though I had been PM'd by several people that told me you were receiving what you deserved. And it took only about a month and you were knifing me. You were excellent in personal attacks, before I came on to the forum. It was a real struggle and I messed up a few time trying to be polite with you. I don't deny it, I lost it a couple of times but not really totally rude. Just as I am responding to your backstabbing ways of bringing politics to this thread in the Coffee Shop. I politely informed you, I would oblige you and return each time you called, through the use of politics in this thread. So here I am once again. To oblige you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 04, 2015, 07:33:25 AM
You do know it was Teresa and Kjel that enabled "ignore" just to be able to avoid a couple of you.

You do know, you are twisting Teresa and Kjel reasoning to fit your personal opinion. That is really disrespectful towards Teresa and Kjel.

You said many times you put me on ignore, but then you failed to be able to utilize it properly and always came back with not so smart text and bad mouthing
Elk County, Kansas Politics
nd citizens
that live here and
pay taxes here
and vote here.

You could not argue intelligently because you do not live here and had no first hand knowledge to argue about, so you resorted to rudeness.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 04, 2015, 07:33:25 AM
Please don't feel obligated to come to this site, it doesn't benefit in any way from your postings and personal attacks.

I fully understand you don't want a response. So, you can try to keep up an image of honesty. Sorry about that!

I'm so sorry you feel that way Diane. I am not making any personal attacks, not even making political attacks. I am just politely informing you of the actual truth. And your friends that read this, if there are any reading this surely understand. If not I welcome them to read the political thread at:
http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html it is entitled "Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25" it was started « on: April 26, 2011, 08:00:15 am ».

It is a lengthy read, a humorous read, an interesting read. It is almost a book. LOL

But Diane, I am obligated to respond to your on-going posting of Politics in the Coffee Shop section of this local forum.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 04, 2015, 07:33:25 AM
Also, you know I never threatened you with injury or death.Why did you accuse me of it? That's a lie!

Oh, I know you never threatened me "with injury or death.", and if I were to do that it would be a blatant lie worthy of at least 60 lashings. So, no Diane I never accused you of any such thing.

Here is a quote of which you speak, please not I said "The ones" referring to your associates as "Liberal Socialists" and made no reference to you making any kind of threat. I Think, I will high light the area of the post I am talking about, I will make no other change to that quote.

Quote from: ROSS on July 02, 2015, 06:22:44 PM

So sorry, you fail to comprehend !  You brought our local politics to your thread, not us here in Kansas.
So your thread is not over run just respponded to.

And name calling from you is usually much worse. "modern confederates"  is nothing compared to what you have done in the past. However, I am not offended, I'd rather be a confederate
(tho I am not) than to be a Liberal Socialist like the one's you claim are the under dogs. The ones that have threatened me with a possible lawsuit and a back handed death threat.And no Diane, I did accuse you of that.

A name more appropriate for me would be a Ten Year Vietnam Veteran and Patriot and a concerned Tax Paying Citizen of Elk County, Kansas.
I live here and you don't,
I pay taxes here and you don't,
I vote here and you don't. 
Do you comprehend all this ?

I even recognized that you would accuse me of accusing you of threats, so please note I stated,
"And no Diane, I did accuse you of that.

I enjoy communicating with you intensely Diane.

If you wish not to hear from me on this thread, simply leave the politics in the Political Section of our Local Forum.

Bye-bye for now. Until you conjure me up again.

Diane Amberg

I hope my Kansas friends are enjoying the holiday weekend. I watched most of ''John Adams "again yestrday .I had forgotten how good it was. Of course we watched the Capitol Fourth since we decided to say home and not go out to see fireworks this year. Al's legs are  really bothering him, so it was better that we stayed home. He found a new Polio doc to try in Philly. His leg braces just don't seem to be doing the job as they had been.


 :-\  Sorry to hear your hubby's braces aren't helping as much anymore.  Hope he finds a solution.  I've been watching the History channel a great deal in the past two days.  It's been interesting!  The first time I've had time to sit down and actually watch TV in quite awhile.  Never have watched "John Adams", might have to hunt it up and see it.  I agree with Proelkco...I enjoy reading your posts, as well!!  :D :D :D  Hope your 4th ended up being a good one for you both!!  ;D ;D ;D

Diane Amberg

Hi. I was thinking about you recently and wondering how your summer was going.
Yes, Al is unhappy that his leg braces just aren't supporting him as they did.Of course he's older and that surely adds to it. He uses his scooter as much as he can,but that's impossible here at home.
We just keep trying. He gets muscle spasms and pain quite often, but he still has to use his legs enough to keep them from atrophing.
We have Bingo again tonight at the fire house, but he'll kick back for about three hours before we go. He runs the big dish washer and makes the pizza, and I sell Bingo games.
  We had a quiet fourth, but went to a party yesterday and have friends coming in from Washington State on Thursday.I have camp kids coming to the fire house on Wednesday. So, summer marches on.
I'm glad my posts don't offend you as they apparently do some. I hope you had a fun 4th too!


I appreciate your posts, too!  Saves me a ticket to fly there, when you can describe it.
My BIL also had Polio as a young child.  His arm crutches wouldn't withstand after several years, so he was confined to a chair.  Perhaps you will find the solution.

4th is over....and as the Devil said  to his workers standing waist deep in crap..."Coffee Break is over....back on your heads!"

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