Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: ELK@KC on May 23, 2011, 02:11:39 PM
Well said Wilma. I think Ross just wants some attention, maybe he wants to run for a political office, GOD forbid that. He is always making petty little remarks about the Perkins family, the Perkins Family have always worked hard for youth and community programs. They have been long time sucessful Ranchers, State Representative, business people on main street and have worked hard for the fair, 4-H and many other programs.

God bless em for it!

Now, why is Elk County near $1 million in debt on $2.4 million (give or take) in revenues?  Why have we been losing population like an eroding river bank for the last 10+ years?   Why do we see no business growth and new job opportunity here?  It seems that for all the efforts of a few successful, high profile folks, their efforts to grow this county have been a miserable failure. Unless you count the 3 to 6 new long term jobs that the wind farm will produce.  Oh wait, they had little to do with the solicitation & placement of that wind farm, or so we've been told.  Why do we pay among the highest, if not the highest, property taxes in Kansas.  Why is it 2011 and we still have residents hauling water to their farms?  Or is that crap Ross' fault too?

Quote from: ELK@KC on May 23, 2011, 02:11:39 PM
If Ross wanted answers to the questions that he repeats over and over he should go to the meetings where these questions could be addressed, the Elk County Forum is not the place, the answers shouldn't and won't be answered here. Why don't all of you quit even responding to his posts, totally ignore them, at least he wouldn't have the opportunity to just keep posting the same nothings over and over. Try it, everyone that is tired of it, just don't answer his posts.

I do believe he tried.  Maybe it's residents having listened to status quo supporters like you for years that provides answers to my questions above.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Ross on May 23, 2011, 02:43:45 PM
You go Patriot. Good job.

Much appreciated, but I need no accolades... I think I've figured out who the real "old guard" in this battle actually is!  A clue.. it isn't the wise leaders in Elk Falls who decided to make good use of their taxpayer's money.  It may be those who mooch grant money and free hot dogs under the guise of community enhancement and cheer the lollipop vendors.  Heck, it may be the lollipop vendors as well.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 23, 2011, 11:21:50 AM
Ross, do you really find that EK is somehow interfering? How?
I'm sorry you took the way the circle meeting was set up so personally. That is just one way of getting a sharing of ideas among several diverse groups. Otherwise they would tend to cluster in their own existing town groups and talk among themselves rather than talk to people from other towns. It is one way of sharing and cross pollinating ideas in a relatively short and efficient time. Do you really think only those who now live in Elk County should be  interested and involved? May I ask why?

I would have taken high offense of being forced to separate from my spouse if i had one.  This is a Known tactic since spouses tend to be like minded in most things to separate them so that they can get a different result or to water down the group that they are in.  If i had a wife,  No one, would come between us in any way whatsoever.  IF they tried, that would be declaring war.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteThis is a Known tactic since spouses tend to be like minded in most things to separate them so that they can get a different result or to water down the group that they are in.  If i had a wife,  No one, would come between us in any way whatsoever.  IF they tried, that would be declaring war.

I swear......If I was married to somebody who either WAS so weak-minded or thought I was so weak-minded that I couldn't leave their side to talk to somebody who might have a different opinion than mine I would just shoot myself or get a divorce!! I mean SERIOUSLY!!!

as for it been goin for a month and no answers yet....most people woulda figured out by now that this AINT the place to get the "answers" yall want so bad and moved on instead of  beatin a dead horse figurin it'll get up :P the flies are swarmin fellas....and it's startin to stink...dont think it's gettin up any time soon.


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 23, 2011, 03:44:30 PM
I swear......If I was married to somebody who either WAS so weak-minded or thought I was so weak-minded that I couldn't leave their side to talk to somebody who might have a different opinion than mine I would just shoot myself or get a divorce!! I mean SERIOUSLY!!!

I doubt you would stand still for being told you couldn't sit with them if you chose to either.  Just doesn't seem to be you.. being ordered around by a stranger and such.  You seem more like one to be allowed to sit wherever you damned well please.  Am I wrong?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on May 23, 2011, 03:51:41 PM
I doubt you would stand still for being told you couldn't sit with them if you chose to either.  Just doesn't seem to be you.. being ordered around by a stranger and such.  You seem more like one to be allowed to sit wherever you damned well please.  Am I wrong?

Yes you are right which is why you dont have much luck with me LOLOL

I am also smart enough to understand mixin people up to get some ideas flowin instead of little cliques who will just sit around and tell each other how RIGHT they are whether they are or not and feed each others paranoia until they come to the conclusion that "THEY are tryin to come between me and my spouse" I'm a wee bit more secure in my relationship than that! As for that matter if my relationship was so weak that it couldnt handle it then I got bigger problems than sittin in different groups!

So dont expect me to buy into your "evil" agenda theory cause it just dont hold water bud.


and thats all I got to say bout that.....got bigger fish to fry than these :)


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 23, 2011, 03:44:30 PM
I swear......If I was married to somebody who either WAS so weak-minded or thought I was so weak-minded that I couldn't leave their side to talk to somebody who might have a different opinion than mine I would just shoot myself or get a divorce!! I mean SERIOUSLY!!!

as for it been goin for a month and no answers yet....most people woulda figured out by now that this AINT the place to get the "answers" yall want so bad and moved on instead of  beatin a dead horse figurin it'll get up :P the flies are swarmin fellas....and it's startin to stink...dont think it's gettin up any time soon.
You said, "most people woulda figured out by now that this AINT the place to get the "answers" yall want so bad and moved on"
So why do you keep coming back for more?
Didn't Mr. Elk Konnected  ELK@KC tell you not to?


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 23, 2011, 03:44:30 PM
I swear......If I was married to somebody who either WAS so weak-minded or thought I was so weak-minded that I couldn't leave their side to talk to somebody who might have a different opinion than mine I would just shoot myself or get a divorce!! I mean SERIOUSLY!!!

It's not about a weak mind it's about a strong marriage. Divorce would never be an option in our marriage. For Elk Konnected it's about divide and conquer not strong family's.

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