Wild Bill Got it Again

Started by Hi Seas Cowboy, April 11, 2004, 10:36:32 PM

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Hi Seas Cowboy

Unfortunately they killed off Wild Bill tonight so let's all bow our heads for a brief tribute to the man 8).
"It never hurts to be nice"

D. R. Greysun

Dang nabit Hi Seas, It comes on at 2100 PDT. Now I know what to expect.  ::)

"Keep'm on the Steel"


All the naysayers are really missing a good show....this episode was the best yet......accurate protrayal of Hickok's assasination.  I really wished they'd have beat McCall a bit more though. ;)

Texas Lawdog

I guess that I need to get cable or a dish to see Deadwood.  Deadwwod is really a neat place to visit. However it has been commercialized somewhat, due to the casios being introduced. I took a tour of the "Green Door" and saw the saloon where Wild Bill met his demise.
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Big Hext Finnigan

Cheyenne keeps teasing me with little bits and pieces.. ;)
I'll have to buy it when the set comes out. 


Actually Hext, being the pard that I am I've taped the first four episodes for ya!
I'll keep tapin' til we finally get together and you can get caught up! Or, bring a six pak to San Antone and I'll take Sunday night off!  Or, bring a 12 pak over on a Saturday and we'll watch all of them together! :)

(Or just get me a six pak!;) )

Big Hext Finnigan

Well hell.. looks like you'll be getting a sixpack.. ;)  Probably won't be able to amble down there on a Sunday night, but sometime..



Well, figure to get all the episodes on tape....Sunday is the night they show the new ones.....we'll get together, only sad thing is the kids can't watch it....language and "adult situations"....the type I ain't ready to explain, least not til I get 'em figgered out! :)


Dirty coward! >:(

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