Author Topic: 2019 muster - Department of the Platte  (Read 2067 times)

Offline Sagebrush Burns

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2019 muster - Department of the Platte
« on: August 05, 2019, 10:50:47 PM »
After-action report
Department of the Platte muster
August 2, 3, 4, 2019

The 2nd annual Department of the Platte muster commenced at 1300, 2 August, 2019 when the troops assembled north of Craig, Colorado to set up the skirmish stages for the match.  Present for duty were Andy Bullen (aka Sagebrush Burns), Department Commander and your correspondent; Chuck Leutkemeyer (Drydock), Brigade Chief of Staff; Steve Fowler (Bat Masterson), Division of Colorado Commander; Mike Davison (Doc Murdock), Dept of the Platte Chief of Scouts; John Smith (Mustang John Bass); Bob Weller (Just Bob); and Jim Hasler (the Some Dense Kid), new GAF member.  Skirmishes were set by 1630 and a break was ordered.  At 1800 we met at a local restaurant and were joined by Jerry Davenport (Pitspitter), GAF Brigade Commander, his wife Cathy, and Karol Bullen (Dr, D. Mento),
Dept of the Platte Medical Officer.  After a good meal and excellent conversation all participants returned to overnight quarters for well deserved rest.

Hostilities commenced at 0800, 3 August with a recon into the box canyon which culminated with the attack by the high ridge pronghorn.  The next group of hostiles was encountered lying low in the tall brush and junipers.  They weren?t hard to hit once found, but they were hard to find!  The final encounter took place on a low wooded hillside with the hostiles again laying in wait deep in the trees.  At 1230 the troops took a well earned lunch break (fried chicken and fixins catered by Karol and Cathy) before testing our skill and resolve in the long range rifle and precision pistol events.  Long range turned out to be toughie and all of us were humbled to some extent!  The day?s action was done by 1630 allowing a refresher break at quarters prior to dinner at 1830 at another local establishment.

On 4 August at 0800 it was time for the Expansion Era skirmish.  Here we encountered a particularly tough bunch, each one requiring two body shots and a head shot to be effectively dispatched!  Fortunately their hiding skills were not up to the previous encounters and they were dispatched with dispatch.  The musters final event was the partners? stage where two shooters had to engage 15 targets with rifles, advance and reengage, then advance and engage with handguns.  Subsequent to that the troops put away all the steel (MANY THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR THEIR HARD WORK AND DEDICATION).  Then it was time for lunch, awards, and match debrief.  Troops from as far away as Missouri were able to be on the road early enough for a good start.

As always it is an honor and a pleasure to be associated with such a fine group of people!  Many thanks and see you next August?

Offline Pitspitr

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Re: 2019 muster - Department of the Platte
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2019, 09:57:22 AM »
Outstanding report as well as an outstanding match. Well done Colonel!

My congratulations to new GAF member Jim Hasler (the Some Dense Kid) who was the 2019 Department of the Platte Champion. He won the 2 gun Smokeless Regular Military class and had the overall high scores in both the Long Range and Precision Pistol matches.
I remain, Your Ob'd Servant,
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.)Brigadier General Commanding,
Grand Army of the Frontier
BC/IT, Expert, Sharpshooter, Marksman, CC, SoM
NRA Benefactor Life; AZSA Life; NCOWS Life


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