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...I once had delusions of attempting to build a patterson replica based on 1851  navy parts that looked ok from the outside but was actually functional….

I think you'd have to be a really good machinest to accomplish it, but I also think that if Uberti or Pietta were to design it that way with standard parts and action, it would be a good seller.  Maybe even the folding trigger.  Kind of like Pedersoli did with the Lightning rifle, they redesigned the innards so it actually works but still looks right.  I never owned one, but have seen the parts diagram, and Cimarron used to have a bunch of the parts still in the parts bins, and a lot of them were very tiny and mysterious looking.  :)
Forr a really long time the go-to guy for Rossi '92 parts was M&M (Mike McClellan) (703) 739-2150

I haven't heard his name for years, though, so don't know if he is still around.
The Darksider's Den / Re: Which rifle for BP?
« Last post by Professor Marvel on Today at 10:11:30 PM »
I know, I know, I'm a masochist. But I like shooting .45 Colt loads, so I picked up an Uberti 1866 Yellowboy today. I've got my Conversion guns that are good shooters, so I guess I'm gonna try to see how much of a mess I can make. Don't mind cleaning toggle guns, so I can use either the 66 or my 73 for the APP loads and see which runs better through a match.

Well, all you have to do to minimize blowby in a 45 is to follow prior instructions on annealing your case mouths, or using modified 44-40 casings “blown out” to .45 .

If you follow the latter, be sure to mark them SOMEHOW so you dont try to shove them in a 44-40 lol …

Prof mumbles
CAS City Classifieds / Re: Avenging Angel Holster
« Last post by Professor Marvel on Today at 10:07:46 PM »
My Dear Major
I just took a look at your ebay listing… might I be so bold as to suggest some modifications to said listing?

Under “item specifics”
1. Your holster is NOT made in India…
2. It looks brown, not black
3. I doubt you are offering a one year warrenty
4. Is it really “new unused” ?
5 i would humbly suggest you remove “10 ga, 12 ga, 16 ga, etc”
6. Isnt this for a 3 1/2 barrel, not a 5 1/2 ?
7. I would think carry position would be 10 or 11 oclock, rat,her than 1 …
8. Does it really have adjustable cant and straps? I dont see any straps, nor a photo of the backside
9. I would mention the plated silver muzzle cap as an added feature!

Hope this helps
Prof mumbles
My GoodDoughboy

If you decide to part with it, please PM me. If it is tooooo much for my pocket,
at least I took the chance….

I have chased several replica pattersons, but the auctions always went to high
For me for a replica that shoots once out of 5 lol….

I once had delusions of attempting to build a patterson replica based on 1851  navy parts that looked ok from the outside but was actually functional…. I took some aspirin and laid down, and the fever delusion passed ;)

Prof marvel
BROW / Re: Danish Rolling Block
« Last post by Professor Marvel on Today at 07:08:16 PM »
One word of caution…. Well actually an entire paragarph to be honest, besides when could I mange to post anything in “50 words or less” lol

Back in the day, before the Danes began regulating then outlawing private firearms,
Kids in Daneland would often find an old rolling block in one shed, and a box of assorted unknown cartridges in another, and being kids, if it fit they would try to shoot it.
Some went click, some went bang, some went poof…. And accasionally some
Went KABOOM. numerous old news accounts of injuries, leading to old wives tales
About “allthose old guns are dangerous and  blow up” etc etc.

So, check them out carefully. Magnafkux and  Xrays are your friend, sympathetic Veterenarians and Dentist have digital xray gear now so little to no cost to xray, and dont trust “have a gunsmith chek it out” …. Verify his/her bonafides, particulars, and education/experiance in such matters. Most smiths these days dont know squat.
Had too many bang sticks ruined by guys long on talk and short on skill.

Prof mumbles
Tall Tales / Re: Cawfee,Tea,June brides and Bugs.
« Last post by Hair Trigger Jim on Today at 07:00:58 PM »
Good for you!
BROW / Re: Revolvers with Buffalo rifles
« Last post by Professor Marvel on Today at 06:57:12 PM »
Unfortunately there is a great deal of iron in your words about CAS, Professor.

Yessir, it is all about “change”
To quote the Daoists,
“Change IS
It is neither good, nor bad.
One can embrace it, ignore it, or rail against it, but to no effect.
Change does not care, and continues.”

“Change is part of life. Without change there is only stagnation, then decay.”

But i can still whine…. Cuz change and 5e universe neither notice nor care….

Hope it doesn’t bother you folks tho, since i dont have a barkeep to whine to LOL

It would appear the road to happiness is to keep doing your own thing,  as Major2 and Many others here are doing-

Got clubs within reasonable distance? Have at it!
no club near? Set up your own venue and invite folks over
No other options? Shoot cat sneeze, wax bullets, or glue boolets in the garage!

as long as it “does no harm”  Stay calm and Carry On

Oh, and i learned the key to being a succesful barkeep:
Dont water the drinks
Dont let the customers shoot the piano player
Pretend to listen but try not to care much

Enjoyed your posts here. ;)

Why, thank you sir!
I endevour to persevere!  (Chief Dan George, ‘The Outlaw Josie Wales’ )
Tall Tales / Re: Cawfee,Tea,June brides and Bugs.
« Last post by Major E A Sterner on Today at 06:56:30 PM »
I went to the Boot Hill Regulators CAS Match today and had probably the best match I've ever shot. My stage times were great, I shot clean and when the scores were totaled I came in 4th over all (Total of 22 shooters) and 1st in category (Senior). I even beat a guy that usually finishes in the top 10 at State and higher matches. Now if I can keep this streak going until September for our State championship,I'll be really happy.
BROW / Re: Trapdoor reline
« Last post by Hair Trigger Jim on Today at 04:18:39 PM »
Bill, that sounds like a great refresh for a well-worn Trapdoor!
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