Haiku for you.

Started by Diane Amberg, August 28, 2007, 06:24:04 PM

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Diane Amberg

 Roma Jean's got it!
Nicely done, and all in fun
Another some day? ;)

Diane Amberg

Snails glide down the stems
eyes peering deep into leaves
What will they eat next?


haiku written but
can I share these deepest thoughts
is the forum safe?
Check out my family history Website http://home.austin.rr.com/clarkdentongen/

Diane Amberg

 Deep thoughts bare the soul.
Is this forum safe for you?
Friends are here, we pray.


The autumn season
Quickly approaching this land
The best time of year!!!

Janet Harrington

Hummingbirds buzz around looking for
Sweet nectar with which to fill their bellies
Fly away little hummingbird away.

Diane Amberg

 This is very nice.  Too many syllables for a true Haiku, but I really like it.  And the hummers really are stuffing themselves now. :laugh:

Janet Harrington

Diane,  I really don't know how to do these poems.  I just thought I would do 5 words, 7 words, and 5 words.  Obviously, it is 5 syllables, 7 syllables, and 5 syllables.  I think of another later and see if I can make it work.  I never was one to write poetry, but I'm getting older, so I'll try.

Ole Granny

Janet, You have a great start for a Haiku!
I was taught to write it like you did yours, then loose a few of the words or syllables or add -which ever works. 
That way you get the idea on what you want it to say.
Check mine out!!  Isn't it great!  (Don't bother looking, I haven't written one yet.) ??? ??? ??? ;D
Don't you just love wisdom from a no show.  I may when I find the time.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


early in the dawn
creatures waking up slowly.
welcome the bright sun

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