Nobody's Perfect

Started by Teresa, January 12, 2006, 01:47:31 AM

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How often have you heard the phrase, "Nobody's perfect," or even said it yourself?

This phrase brings to mind some unspoken judgment that you should be perfect, that you should be able to do and have it all.
  Well, did you know sometimes that  unrealistic sense of perfection actually gets in the way of achieving your dreams?

    That inner critic, who is inside many of us, is nothing but a troublemaker!  I am talking about that nagging little voice inside of you that says, "I don't know if I can do that," or "I'm not good enough," or even, "why bother trying when I know it won't work."  That inner critic accepts nothing short of perfection! 

And let's face it, life is far from perfect!

    But back to our inner critic.  What it is?  It comes from a lack of self-confidence, plain and simple.  The funny thing about lacking confidence is that it doesn't mean you aren't capable.  It has more to do with having unreasonably high expectations.  When you accept only perfection, then who on earth can possibly measure up?

    What you really need to keep you moving forward are realistic, doable expectations, and the ability to keep a positive outlook, even if you do make a mistake or fail in some plan.   "Once you accept the fact that you're not perfect, then you develop some confidence."

    When you are self-confident—and I'm not talking about being a "know-it-all"—you know and trust your abilities and set realistic expectations.  You can keep a positive outlook and accept the fact that you can make mistakes or even fail, without being wrong or incapable.

    So, the next time you find yourself expecting perfection, just remind yourself that "nobody's perfect"..
And if you feel that this attitude with  certain situations have been holding you back, move beyond them.

You can and will do a great job by doing and being the best you can be.

~~Just my thoughts~~

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