Good News from Leslie Stahl of CBS “60 Minutes”

Started by redcliffsw, October 26, 2020, 01:46:20 PM

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Good News from Leslie Stahl of CBS "60 Minutes"

It's being reported today that Leslie concluded that President Trump does not have a one-size-fits-all, totalitarian socialist central plan for the federal government to micromanage the entire medical care sector even more than it does now with its mountains of monstrous bureaucracy and inefficiency.  This is supposed to be a problem.  As with all ignorant and uneducated pop socialists (aka "the media"), Leslie and her "60 Minute" comrades know nothing at all about the subject, so they shout over and over again, "Where's your plan?!!  We need a plan, a plan, a plan a PLAN!!!"  It obviously never occurs to them that we all have plans, including doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, patients, and everyone else involed in medical care.  The issue, as F.A. Hayek famously pointed out in The Road to Serfdom, is WHO is to do the planning:  free individuals who must bear responsibility, good or bad, for their actions, or government bureaucrats, politicians, and other political hacks who do not.  The more government "plans" your life the less of a life you have as a free human being and the more you resemble a slave.
-Thomas DiLorenzo

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