This REALLY d!ss,s me off...

Started by Warph, February 10, 2014, 10:05:58 PM

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Diane Amberg

Oh now, that's really helpful.  A State Dinner is NOT a local topic! You don't get to tell me not to have something to say about it. I never said I agreed with what they do, now did I? But no, ya can't skip the chance to start the personal insults and name calling can you!?  Why not try an adult political opinion for a change?  This topic is over as far as I'm concerned .


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 02:45:54 PM
This topic is over as far as I'm concerned .

Another song we've heard before. 

Look Lady Di, you are more than entitled to your opinions, and the right to speak them.  But when you spout views that are antithetical to the founding principles of this country (i.e. limits on government excess), don't cry like a spanked child when you're called on it.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Explain to me how I was wrong? I didn't say I agreed with political excesses at State Dinners, I just happen to know why it's done that way and I'm not going to go picket outside the White House. Making up fancy names on a menu does not an expensive meal make. I can grow carrots and radishes, pick and serve them as babies with a home made vinaigrette too.That doesn't make it expensive. And I do know for a fact that they do often showcase food specialties from different states. I can't say if it is paid for by them or the states ship the food to them for free for the advertizing. Same thing happens during trade meetings with other countries. Why don't you already know these things if you are so well informed? ???
Remember I'm an Independent. I don't get excited and swing wildly to either side without getting and weighing ALL the available information.  If the information changes, and you know it does, I may change my mind. Just who are you to be "calling"me on anything.You are just one more opinion and an NGO at that. What respect do you think you've earned by busting my chops... just from your own personal club members perhaps? and why should any of them, small group that they are, be respected? Just a simple question,thats all.  Also do you really understand and respect the difference between facts and opinions?


I want to know why they needed 350 people attend a state dinner, in a HEATED tent outside on the White House lawn in the middle of winter, just before a snowstorm was about to hit?  What rocket scientist made this decision and thought, yeah... dinner outdoors in a tent in February.  Maybe should have served ham and beans or chicken and noodles and handed out local knitters mittens and scarves??! Or better yet, ditch all the guests and take the guest of honor to a local hospital and see what the dinner menu is there and chat with some of the people who are in the ditches dealing with his Obamacare first hand. 

From what I have read, the wine was cheaper.  Costing the tax payers anywhere from $35 to $65/bottle, which was cheaper than the swill they served to Chinese leader at $400/bottle.
Integrity is doing what is right when no one else is watching.

Diane Amberg

The President, whomever and which ever party it is, is treated the same when they go to other countries, some in much worse shape than we are. That's just how politics is.  Now don't assume I agree, but I know I can't change it.That shouldn't mean I can't talk about it without getting verbally beat up.
All presidents do it, have done and always will. They are showing off our country.  Many, many will agree with you, but it won't ever change.
By the way...I can get quail eggs, duck eggs and preserved eggs, among other things, at our local farmers market. Also rabbit, alligator tail and Durian fruit. ;)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 04:27:43 PM
By the way...I can get quail eggs, duck eggs and preserved eggs, among other things, at our local farmers market. Also rabbit, alligator tail and Durian fruit. ;)

Better stock up then.  The age of Federal excesses is soon to reap its' reward on the common folks.  At least you'll still be eating like the elitist politicians you so casually defend.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 04:27:43 PM
The President, whomever and which ever party it is, is treated the same when they go to other countries, some in much worse shape than we are. That's just how politics is.  Now don't assume I agree, but I know I can't change it.That shouldn't mean I can't talk about it without getting verbally beat up.
All presidents do it, have done and always will. They are showing off our country.  Many, many will agree with you, but it won't ever change.
By the way...I can get quail eggs, duck eggs and preserved eggs, among other things, at our local farmers market. Also rabbit, alligator tail and Durian fruit. ;)

See that is the mentality of so many people of this country.  If you say it wont, it wont.  If you say you can't, you are right... you can't.  Oh dear oh dear... lil'o me can't change it.  Bull crap.  You and many others CAN change it if we continue to put pressure on those in Washington.  That means don't elect idiots in the first place and hold their feet against the fire for every vote they make.  After all they represent us and work for us, not the other way around. No it isn't going to happen overnight, took a long time to get it this way and will take time to change it.  It is unfortunate that it has come to this in this country.  We have a President baulking the greatest country ever on earth and basically crapping on the constitution, re-writing laws and going past the congress and thumbing his nose at all the citizens of this country.  The same hold true for local politics and school boards.  We elect them, they do what we want not the other way around.
Keep them all accountable for their actions.

Stay informed and fight for your country.

Integrity is doing what is right when no one else is watching.

Diane Amberg

Back with the elitist crap again. You apparently wouldn't know an ordinary middle class person if you fell over one.
What we have we worked hard for for for more than 40 years and did well with our investments. In no other country could we have done so well. We planned for our old age, especially with Al's health issues. What would you have us do, spend everything on junk and then mooch off the taxpayers on medicaid? It took long term planning to get us to a comfortable "older" age. It didn't happen by accident. Are you jealous or what is your problem? I have no idea how old you are, but you made your choices, now live with them. Elitist? What a cop out!
We are both very active in local politics and you might be surprised how often our ideas, especially Al's, are picked up.I know a lot about what can be changed, what can't and why and how to address people's concerns so they don't feel they are being politically ignored. Sometimes the honey works better than stinging people with the bee. I certainly don't know it all  politically, but I am very inforemd as compared to many.
As far as national politics, there is no one American voice! You want them to work for "you". And which "you" would that be? The heart land doesn't even speak as one. The deep south is so different from the northwest. Alaska is completely different from anywhere else, and so on.  The states and their politicians all have their hands out for their share of the American Pie....And all think their needs and wants are more right than anyone else's. It's very complicated! Now back to my own boring thread.


      You forgot to say you wouldn't be back, ( again).

     The ignore feature must have quit working as well.

     No, you just start bloviating and can't stop.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Diane Amberg

Anything to keep the children entertained.(  Ah yes, bloviating. The only four syllable word some Kansans  ever learned so they use it...a lot.) Poke.poke. I guess some don't have the attention span to stick it out, let alone understand it. Sounds like some of today's school kids. Say everything in two  sentences or forget it. Even better text it using text speak.
Never know, ya might learn something. After all, some  American farmer grows the food that the White house serves, don't they?  It's American food at those State Dinners. Except for the salad garden, which is right there during the growing season, it all comes from someone's American farm. If you were an American farmer wouldn't you like to sell to the White House?  Why it might even be Kansas wheat that made the flour that the rolls were made from. Even the caviar is from farm raised American sturgeon.  A number of states have sturgeon farms.There must be a market for it or they wouldn't be in business! Have you looked at it from that perspective? One man's tax is another man's income.
Yes, of course they could do better and the Gov't, both national and states are not known for being very efficient.  Yet, you too have folks who live off taxes. How else would you do it? Fire all the road crews?  Close all the schools? Shut off the water? Go back to out houses? Never repair the public building roofs (rooves)? ;D Then what? Everybody moves into Quonset huts?  Well sure. Somebody would make money from selling them to you. P The very thing you howl about puts money in someone else's pocket,who will then go spend it on something they need or want.
Perhaps some of you should take a real economics class to see how it's all tied together.  Some of you  seem to be looking through the wrong end of the telescope.
      Your own people are fighting for Gov't money to go to your state, just like everybody else.How would you suggest it be it done. Many states have to subsidize Kansas at it is. As you know, Delaware is one of them...that gives me the right to have an opinion! 8)  HA! Try broadening your view a little.

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