
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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Judy Harder

as a kid my grandma ruth (not blood) had a huge hollyhock bush in her back yard. I enjoyed sucking the honey (I thought) out of the flower........PS. I couldn't let mom know I did that..........she always thought of the things that crawled on it. LOL still did it!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Quote from Wilma:
stood six feet tall and several feet in diameter

Dang Wilma---what you using for fertilizer ? You ever need any removed I know a logger that might do it just for the lumber. ;D :angel:


Well, Jar, in my prime, I stood five feet, four incihes and these hollyhocks were well over my head.  They might even had been seven feet tall.  You know how much things grow after they are caught, er, after the fact.


Wilma, I wasn't doubting the height but I was impressed by the diameter of the plants. Several feet makes them pretty big. :)


They grow in clusters of stems, not one large single trunk.  An established plant is spread out from years of sending up new stems each year.  Wish I had taken a picture of these way back then, but my only camera was a box Kodak, used 8 exposure size 620 film and it never occurred to me that I might have a chance to brag about the hollyhocks.


Wilma they sound like they were beautiful. My mother had some years ago that did the same thing and I still love hollyhocks and wish that I had some. I know that Trigg's Greenhouse is going to be open again this year and he has several different colors of moonflowers this year.

Janet Harrington

Moon flowers are beautiful.


i've been moving a bunch of iris,it may not be the right time but they are choking to death where their at.


Janet they are. I can't wait till I can get some of those.


Started 200+ toms on Sunday and on Wednesday some of them were up! Also have 72 hot and sweet peppers started along with some eggplant. Makes the weather a little easier to take when you can see things growing. However am really thankful for the moisture.

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