Elk County Commission: To tree, or not to tree!

Started by Patriot, September 12, 2012, 07:04:50 PM

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Quote from: Bullwinkle on September 13, 2012, 04:27:30 PM
      Guess some people can "poke poke " but can't take being poked , er smoked , by those with more of a sense of humor.

    ( I feel sorry for that pine cone )  :P

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Hey, I went along with the poking and such for a very long time. Now it's changing back to a personal attack, and the humor isn't there,it's just ridicule.
   When you start making up lies about things I've said, I'm done. I've got to go get dinner started anyway. 


      Since laughter is the best medicine, I'm good for the flu season now.  ;)


Quote from: Diane Amberg on September 13, 2012, 04:37:16 PM
Hey, I went along with the poking and such for a very long time. Now it's changing back to a personal attack, and the humor isn't there,it's just ridicule.

You know, I lived with a woman for a dozen years who was eventually diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (bless her poor distressed soul), and eventually had to resign myself to one approach to her loving/loathing cycles that might work here....

Please go take your meds, and let me know when the real you can come out & play.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


        And , Diane, when you are ready to come down from that ego trip, we'll be here to talk you down, really we will.  8)


Ritz was right on to ask that simple question.  Unfortuantely someone's toes got stepped on (Mr. Libeau's).
That yellow flags me that if I was part of the team, as in a natural disater, the Disaster Management Person is the lead, and the commissioners are his gophers.  I have been in that situation, and a pompous ass who is not the designated person leading is NOT who one wants in charge.  FEMA will have their way with all of you. 

If this attitude starts with lone pine trees, lawd help you all....I agree what about other areas he just might pull his weight on!


Fire Elk

I am trying to figure out the lay of the land being new to the forum. I see a lot of petty bickering and name calling. So let me maybe get off topic and be petty with the rest of you.  The topic is on cutting down a diseased tree and you all are making it into a big deal. You all have too much free time on your hands! You all need to go outside and play. You spend too much time on the computer. Sorry, for the poor intro. but you all are really petty and mean to each other. Thought I would join the club for one post.


the shadow

Quote from: Patriot on September 12, 2012, 07:04:50 PM
In more news from the Sept 10, 2012 Elk County Commission meeting, there's this...

There are two or three cedar trees in the courthouse lawn that are seriously diseased, if not dead.  It would appear these trees are suffering the terrible problems previously mentioned.

At any rate, the county commission came to a consensus in their August 27, 2012 meeting that the maintenance supervisor should cut down and remove these trees.  They were deemed an eyesore and posibly harmful to other trees in the area.  On Sept 10,  the trees were still in place and Commissioner Ritz inquired as to why they had not been removed as agreed.  Initially, there were no solid answers.

When the issue was pressed by Commissioner Ritz, it was discovered that after the August meeting decision had been made, Commissioner Liebau had taken it upon himself to privately instruct the maintenance supervisor NOT to remove the trees as agreed by the full commission.  Apparently, Liebau thought that there was some possible chemical treatment that might 'save' the trees.  Mr. Liebau had failed to mention this during meeting discussions in August.  

Ritz continued to inquire as to how anyone should be able to so block acions already decided on by the full board.  In a frustrated tone, Mr Liebau looked to the maintenance supervisor and said, "Oh hell, just cut the trees down, and I'll help ya!"  Liebau offered no scientific evidence that these trees could be saved by any approved chemical treatment.

I understand the dead trees have since been, or are being, removed.

Our county is run by a single board consisting of three people.  Not three people each managing employees at their individual whim.

Could this explain some of the erratic movements some have reported concerning the road department?  More to come on this issue, I'm sure.

Just more to consider as you ponder our county and the upcoming election.

Fire Elk, Please go back and read what this thread is about. Yes, there's petty bickering and name calling, BUT the reason for this thread that Patriot started is to let everyone know about Commissioner Liebau going behind the backs of the other two commissioners and telling a county employee NOT to do something that was voted on by all THREE of them. Do WE as taxpayers and citizens of Elk County need a Commissioner who will undermine the authority of the group as a whole? No, I don't believe we do, but it's not up for just me to decide. These things are coming to light at the right time when this county will go to the polls in less than two months and vote to either re-elect the same ole same ole or elect someone with new thoughts and ideas to replace them. I would hope that the people of this county will vote to elect someone with integrity and common sense and not vote to re-elect those who only have agendas for themselves.

The Shadow Knows................It's time for some NEW leadership!

The Shadow knows!

Fire Elk

Shadow, I am well aware of what the topic is on this thread. I still stand by my statements.

the shadow

Well, FireElk, you asked why people are making a big deal out of cutting down a diseased tree. That was NOT what the thread was started for; that was only a part of the discussion. The bigger problem at hand is the fact that a commissioner told a county employee NOT to do something that was voted and agreed to. Therefore, I don't believe you are well aware of what the topic is on this thread, if you are still going to stand by your statement of "why people are making a big deal out of cutting down a diseased tree." You may be new to the forum, but look at any topic in the Politics section and you will see petty bickering and name calling. That's what happens when one person believes they are right and someone else believes they are wrong. Pretty simple. Nothing new.

The Shadow knows!

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