Property tax relief is coming to Elk County...

Started by Patriot, February 29, 2012, 10:32:26 PM

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Jarhead, I put my faith in these people just simply because they have a family reputation to live up to.  What do you think would happen to their families if one of them was proven to be as dishonest as has been implied.  Implied?  H-e-double hockey sticks!  It has been said in plain English. 

Patriot, it remains to be seen as to whether or not I would vote for you.  I don't know anything about you.  File for something and see if you can get my support.


Wilma your eyes are closed to the simpilest facts.
Didn't you hear that even a County Commissioner, elderly aunt, whom I assume has high standards, called her nephew on the carpet during a commissioners meeting? I really appreciate a woman like that?
She has integrity, principles and above all honesty. Great woman.
Perhaps she would run for office.

I wonder, I've heard they have been doing considerable work around what use to be Busby for tourism, will that be grand fathered into the new Economic Developement program that is being developed?

Will they makle it retroactive for others as well?

Perhaps for Moline's feed store, those are some really nice people, I purchase from them often.
Perhaps for the Howard Drug and Grocery store, again, some really nice people that I purchase from often.

What is the real purpose, only time will tell, right?


I happen to know that aunt and she has my highest respect.  It is family members like her that will keep our commissioners honest.  She is a school teacher.  I would say retired, but she has never retired from teaching, just teaching in our schools.  I also knew this commissioner's parents or were they his grandparents?  There is so much integrity and honesty in that family that they would drum their family member out of the county, rather than have him be dishonest.  Enough said?


Quote from: Wilma on March 01, 2012, 12:56:49 PM
...It is family members like her that will keep our commissioners honest...

So, your limits on the right to voice opposition to politicians and government activity in Elk County, Kansas requires both native county birth status AND a blood connection? Sounds more like a monarchy than a representative republic in America.  I suspect the aunt in question would disagree with your philosophy... she's as much as told me so in person.  Her measure of government seems based on character, conservative principal & performance, not on pedigree, personality or community pecking order.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on March 01, 2012, 12:56:49 PM
I happen to know that aunt and she has my highest respect.  It is family members like her that will keep our commissioners honest.  She is a school teacher.  I would say retired, but she has never retired from teaching, just teaching in our schools.  I also knew this commissioner's parents or were they his grandparents?  There is so much integrity and honesty in that family that they would drum their family member out of the county, rather than have him be dishonest.  Enough said?
Why doesn't it show through?
Why did he allow his Elk konnected, LLC to use county resources they had no business using?
The county web site?
The county emergency call system?
The county Youth Development employee?

Why does he stand by and allow his Elk konnected, LLC use
The School District web site?
The school building as if it were their own, for advertising their privately owned company?



Patriot, knowing this lady and her philosophy is the reason that I say that this family has high standards.  It has nothing to do with having been born in Elk County, although the family did homestead here.  You are wrong about my limits.  I would feel the same way about anyone whose family reputation precedes them or if I know personally of their integrity.  Unfortunately, some of the comments made on this forum speak very low of the speaker's integrity.  As usual, you are nit-picking and disregarding the gist of the message.

Ross, why can't you see it?


Quote from: Wilma on March 01, 2012, 04:02:25 PM
...As usual, you are nit-picking and disregarding the gist of the message...

So, vocally opposing policies & programs being supported/promoted by an elected government official because you think that official's family reputation somehow makes them exempt from public criticism is nit-picking?  While I see where you're coming from, I strongly disagree. 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on March 01, 2012, 04:02:25 PM
Patriot, knowing this lady and her philosophy is the reason that I say that this family has high standards.  It has nothing to do with having been born in Elk County, although the family did homestead here.  You are wrong about my limits.  I would feel the same way about anyone whose family reputation precedes them or if I know personally of their integrity.  Unfortunately, some of the comments made on this forum speak very low of the speaker's integrity.  As usual, you are nit-picking and disregarding the gist of the message.

Ross, why can't you see it?

I have seen the holliest and most respected fall, due to sexual abuses.
I have seen the highest respected in our federal government fail.
We just recently saw our respected wall street, major banks and our Central banks fail.
Bail out after bail out and who do you think is going to pay for it?

Austerity is here in our country. Prisoners are being released, mental health patients are being forced out on to the streets.
Homelessness and poverty have sky rocketed. All because of all those upstanding citizens nobody was watching.

Do you see Occupy Wall Street growing?
It isn't just street people like the news wants you to believe.
It is older respected folks.
It's college students.
It's people from all walks of life>
They are talking about major growth.
I have read they are talking violence on down the road.

I hope and pray none of it happens, but I am not blind to it either.

What are they afraid of, I think they are afraid of the dominoes and that they might create an avalanche.

Have you read about Stockton, California they may file bankruptcy and 1000 people may loose their retirement.
Those are all those respected elected officials spending, spending their selves into debt. I bet too, that there was lots of Economic Development involved. No Body Was Watching, now it's to late.

That couldn't happen here, now could it?

Do you actually believe our governments tell us the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?


Quote from: Wilma on March 01, 2012, 04:02:25 PM
Patriot, knowing this lady and her philosophy is the reason that I say that this family has high standards.  It has nothing to do with having been born in Elk County, although the family did homestead here.  You are wrong about my limits.  I would feel the same way about anyone whose family reputation precedes them or if I know personally of their integrity.  Unfortunately, some of the comments made on this forum speak very low of the speaker's integrity.  As usual, you are nit-picking and disregarding the gist of the message.

Ross, why can't you see it?

I brought up the lady and said I respect her for her desire to right the wrong. And she called her nephew on the carpet and the rest of the commisssioners on the carpet for the wrong.

Philosophy and honesty are not genetic, so your point is moot.
Sorry to have to tell you that.


Quote from: Wilma on March 01, 2012, 12:56:49 PM
I happen to know that aunt and she has my highest respect.  It is family members like her that will keep our commissioners honest.  She is a school teacher.  I would say retired, but she has never retired from teaching, just teaching in our schools.  I also knew this commissioner's parents or were they his grandparents?  There is so much integrity and honesty in that family that they would drum their family member out of the county, rather than have him be dishonest.  Enough said?
Wilma you are right on. I know the families of all 3 commissioners and all 3 commissioners are fine hardworking young people. Most of the people I have talked to in Elk County think they are doing a fine job. In addition they think that Elk Konnect is a good organization for Elk County, they like the programs that EK does for the young and old alike. I say to the Commissioners KEEP ON KEEPING ON and ignore the the negative trash that people are making up.

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