Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Diane Amberg

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. Just one per post or I'll get yelled at for being picky. Besides, it was your turn. ;)


I think you hit the nail on the head.

The Followers should be ashamed for allowing themselves being used for so long.

But I'm proud of them for waking up, to being the used outsiders of an NGO.

Good job people.

Now if the government of both the county and the West Elk School District wake up and step up to the peer group pressure and become individuals and free thinkers, we would have governments of the people, for the people and by the people. Which would be a start for the whold country.

If the principles of our forefathers would have been followed we wouldn't have austerity happening in our country.


Ross when will you figure out the people of elk county do think for themselves. You are the one with the mentality problem. The
West Elk School Board is doing a great job in hard times.


Quote from: proelkco on December 01, 2012, 10:50:16 PM
Ross when will you figure out the people of elk county do think for themselves. You are the one with the mentality problem. The
West Elk School Board is doing a great job in hard times.
Proelkco, you said it all, west elk is well run. Every year the west elk grads get a tremendous amount of scholarships, a large percent of the grads go onto higher education, very successfully. Every year the west elk students take high honors in every category.


Proelco, looks like you're on their side instead of the side of liberty.
Hard times for the government overlords at the schools?  They seem
to be doing quite well at taking our liberties while their students excel in math and socialism.


Quote from: proelkco on December 01, 2012, 10:50:16 PM
The West Elk School Board is doing a great job in hard times.

Right! We do have austerity going on with in our country, so that is all the more reason to waste taxpayer's money, good plan. Thanks for pointing out the hard times.

I believe you are 100% right, they are doing a great job, of wasting a lot of money, on a great expense!

That being an Actual Outsider a Very Expensive Professional Facilitator.  
For what purpose?
Public Relations!
To try to smooth over County History!
History =
$5.5 Million School Bond,
Howard no longer wanting to bus their kids to Moline,
and various and sundry problems.

Very Expensive Professional Facilitator manipulates the community at an open meeting to smooth it all over with kind words and even tells the audience of perhaps fifty or more special people that receive invitations in the mail and the rest of us how important we each are to the School District. Well, we know that 50 or so people will receive mailed invitations, don't we?

Why special post marked invitations for a few people, why the added expense in the hard times Proelcco?  

The Very Expensive Professional Facilitator at the meeting instructed the Board members to make sure those folks show up, at the up coming meeting. I believe that is called name dropping, I bet some of those names end up in the newspaper.

Are you one of those special people
that will receive a post marked invitation, Proelkco and should I be impressed? Will you be one of those special people manipulated by a post marked invitation?

I wish you didn't hide behind a fake name here on the forum, then we would know if you get manipulated in going to the up coming meeting!
But that is the idea, Right?
For no one to know who is hiding, Right?

I also believe you are right, about the great job, most of the board members are doing, about not realizing they are being manipulated by a very few of the other board members and their NGO! Just my personal opinion.

And you know what, I happen to actually respect and like several of the board members. And if this offends them, perhaps they should re-evaluate the job position they took on.

Quote from: proelkco on December 01, 2012, 10:50:16 PM
Ross when will you figure out the people of elk county do think for themselves.

You seem to be indicating that people should not discuss, or have an Electronic Kommunity Konversation.  
Or otherwise Shut Up people, this is none of your business!
But I'm sorry sir, it is public business and open for discussion and even questioning attitudes and actions.

So what is going on with the West Elk, School District and its elected School Board that you wish we would not discuss it, that you wish to hide?

You seem to have the same attitude; you had about the Elk County Commissioners Board and their NGO, elk konnected, llc?

You just don't seem to appreciate an Electronic Kommunity Konversation, is that perhaps because there is no facilitator from elk konnected, llc in control, manipulating the conversation and controlling the people.

Is it perhaps because Elk Konnected, LLC is getting that deeply imbedded on the West Elk School District School Board?
And you don't want anyone questioning their action?

So, perhaps it is you with the mentality problem.
I wish you would kindly review your opinion.
I think you might find that your blind faith in elk konnected, llc is hindering your thought process.
What roll do you actually play in elk konnected, llc?
When you finally figure out that name calling or such crap is not going to shut me up? What then?

The West Elk School Board is doing a great job in hard times.


They are doing a great job, of setting up the community with an outsider a Very Expensive Professional Facilitator to do Public Relations on Elk County because they can not think for themselves and work together as a school board. Or is there another reason?

It is the job of the Konnected School Board to Facilitate the School Board Meetings and if he lacks the leadership ability to do the job he was elected to do, shouldn't he let a different Board Member have the job? I believe the purpose of the School Board is to perform as a governing body of the people. And I believe their number one job should be to educate all the children. To prove that is their goal, I feel they should have a goal of becoming a Blue Ribbon School.

But it appears their goal is to become a Taj Mahal or put it in simpler terms a Big Fancy School Campus and I would like to hear from you Proelkco, just exactly how that would better educate the children.
Do fancy buildings teach?

I very much expected to see Building and Construction at the top of the manipulated list generated by the Professional Facilitator. I expected that before even leaving to go to the meeting. Go figure and I don't even have a crystal ball.

Quote from: proelkco on December 01, 2012, 10:50:16 PM
You are the one with the mentality problem.

It is the job of the Konnected President of the School Board to Facilitate the School Board Meetings and if he lacks the leadership ability to do the job he was elected to do, shouldn't he let a different Board Member have the job? I believe the purpose of the School

Quote from: proelkco on December 01, 2012, 10:50:16 PM
Ross when will you figure out the people of elk county do think for themselves.

So are you saying don't discuss what is happening in the public domain of Elk County?

I'm sorry, but that most likely will not happen.
I believe Secrets, are not a good thing concerning the actions of public governors or board members.
Do you believe they are, Proelkco?

Why does my personal opinion disturb you so greatly, especially if everyone else is thinking for themselves?
Remember, I have said my opinions are only my own and might I add, no NGO's are involved with my opinions?

But anything on this forum, I believe is open for discussion.

Have a nice day, it's forming up to be really great out doors and that is where I am going.



Ross, you've been had.  The facilitator is going to razzle-dazzle them for something.

The citizens have the money and the school authorities/lobby want more of it. 

Your facilitator 'expert' will get paid.  Wonder why he doesn't get an honest job?

It's all about getting ahold of the money, your money - not education.


Quote from: redcliffsw on December 02, 2012, 09:11:57 AM

Ross, you've been had.  The facilitator is going to razzle-dazzle them for something.

The citizens have the money and the school authorities/lobby want more of it. 

Your facilitator 'expert' will get paid.  Wonder why he doesn't get an honest job?

It's all about getting ahold of the money, your money - not education.

I agree it is about money and about building a wing for the grade school and very likely a new gym for the athletic department not educating the children.The actual education listed was a sixth of the five projects for long term planning.
That simply makes education an after thought.

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