Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Wilma on May 25, 2011, 09:31:13 AM
From today's Wichita paper's Opinion Line, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly, hoping for a different result."

Opinions are like----no I can't do it-----not nice.

Insanity is far better than being a lemming or a sheeple, that's my definition of insanity.
It's far better than writing yourself a letter bragging about yourself about accomplishments that don't amount to much.
So call me crazy. Even call me a crazy old veteran that believes in freedom of speech. Call me anything your heart desires.
I promise I won't take offence. I have even been called to polite right here on this thread.  And did not take offence.

Have a great time name calling.

But hey, while we are conversing. perhaps you can tell me, who are the legal or registered members of Elk Konnected, LLC?


Quote from: jarhead on May 25, 2011, 01:33:52 PM
This obsession to your identity seems to be side tracking a few to your quest for answers so let me put the mystery to rest. Now I aint positive---but I think Patriot is Lewis Burwell Puller and he resides at Tun Tavern. It has also been established that you wear Haines but just so my next question is not the next distraction--------------boxers or briefs ?? Please don't answer commando !!!!
I do apologize for not staying on subject so  carry on Fly-Boy .:)

Obsession on irrelevant stuff can be good.  It keeps non-thinkers and sheeple from focusing on important stuff that might fry their brains. 

And that would be General Puller.  Just call me Chesty.  And just to set the record straight, I left the tavern on my death in '71.  I now occupy a cozy little place bout 6' beneath the grassy knoll.  Wait... impersonating an officer is wrong.  Never mind.  :)

Commando?  I like that.  But let's not encourage prurient interests of chuck and the ladies.

Quote from: Wilma on May 25, 2011, 12:43:00 PM
If only I knew what? 

How deep this river really is.

Quote from: Wilma on May 25, 2011, 12:43:00 PM
If you want total openess, how about starting with yourself?
State your real full name and address.
State your true agenda.

My serial number is 999999999. My name and rank are..... wait! Dontcha wanna know where I was the day JFK was shot?  Turn off those damned lights.  Gawd No!  Not the waterboard!!!!

Quote from: Wilma on May 25, 2011, 12:43:00 PM
Tell us what you expect to get out of this tirade that you are carrying on.

The truth, integrity from government and good management.  Or at least some public awareness of the lack thereof.

Quote from: Wilma on May 25, 2011, 12:43:00 PM
Tell us what you would do to help Elk County progress and not what you wouldn't do.

The day I file to run for public office, you will be among the first to hear my community development plans.  In the mean time, let's stick to the current government and all the wise financial planning they've used and the new infrastructure they've created.  And all the new business growth, new job growth and population expansion they have or haven't helped encourage.  Those are things we should expect, right?  Have we gotten them?

Now, what exactly has Elk Konnected, LLC and county government done with their taxpayer monies?

Enjoy your soaps.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Separation of church & state?  How about separation of anything & state?

Why does the county government have a 'youth coordinator'?  Do our youth need to be coordinated by county government?  I thought that's what parents, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, FFA, 4-H, churches and other private organizations did.

And why do registration forms for the Elk Konnected sponsored summer day camp need to be returned to the clerks office in the county courthouse or to a county government PO Box designated for government use by a government employee?

At about $72/yr, can't Elk Konnected, LLC afford a PO Box of its' own?

For that matter, why is a government employee paid with taxpayer money handling mail for a private sector company, and how much are the taxpayers contributing to Jennifer Brummel's wages for that function?

Doesn't Elk Konnected, LLC have an admitted member, employee or private volunteer capable of handling their mail and receiving summer camp registrations?

How blurred must the line between public & private activities & funds become before the silent readers of this thread and others say, "Enough!"?  

If you really want to express yourself on these matters, (since we have no other single management focal point) you can probably call or write call your county commissioner at the phone numbers & addresses listed on the official county government website here: http://ks-elk.manatron.com/ElectedOffices/Commissioners/tabid/3526/Default.aspx

Nothing to see here.... move along, move along.  All is well.

Who and what is Elk Konnected, LLC?...   Really.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


This is my opinion of what is happening in our great county.

Our country is in a terrible financial crisis.
Our state is in a terrible financial crisis.
Our county so far is doing pretty good considering the two statements above.
Our school district, well that's a completely different story of disarray,  in my opinion.

The subject of this thread however is Elk Konnected, LLC.

My opinion is the following.

Since Elk Konnected, LLC just won't come out in the open. Instead have a few volunteers trying to cover for them.

So I as a Patriot and a Vietnam Veteran and  a Voter and  a Taxpayer I have a duty to question their purpose.

They hold what they call community conversations which are not conversations per the definition of a conversation.
noun \ˌkän-vər-ˈsā-shən\
Definition of CONVERSATION
(1): oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas (2): an instance of such exchange : talk <a quiet conversation> b: an informal discussion of an issue by representatives of governments, institutions, or groups c: an exchange similar to conversation.

They have controlled meetings ran by a paid facilitator from Leoti, Wichita County, Kansas whose primary job is to produce for his employer Elk Konnected, LLC desired results. They have had even more than one facilitator at the meeting to be more in control. How do they control? They have you sign a paper, so they can claim you as a voluntary member. Then they can brag in the newspaper of the great number of people that have shown up at their meeting, (not community conversation).  Big difference. What does voluntary membership get you when you sign in. A little sticker with your name on it and a colored star. What is the real purpose of this, I'll get to that in a minute. But you also get to walk in the door, yea. Oh, look at all those chairs arranged in circles, the purpose to control how and where you sit, key word control it is their meeting and they have the right to be in total control. If you don't sit in the circle, here comes the facilitator who is paid to insure that you do. If you say, I would rather not, his job is to coerce you by saying you can not be involved it the discussions. After everyone is in a circle, then the facilitator tells them to look at their little star.

Now the little colored star, another control factor. After everyone is in a circle, then the facilitator tells them to look at the little star on your name tag, if it matches the color on anyone else's star we want you to move to another circle.  You sit there and wait for the musical chairs to finish playing out. And the controlling facilitator now say's we don't want you sitting with your spouse or your friends so if you have any of the in your circle please move to another circle. Why does this work, why do people play musical chairs for a controlling facilitator. Because he knows the principle of peer group pressure. You will move, or be made to feel foolish. And if that doesn't work the controlling facilitator would take that opportunity to tell every one you are being uncooperative. He may even hold his microphone up to is mouth  and simply say where is the sheriff. If everything goes according to the controlling  facilitators predetermined plans then he instructs you on what you may discuss in your circle. Remember this man, the facilitator has practiced this operation time and time again and has the control plan down pat. Control, control, control.

What happens next? One person is suppose to make notes for the circle of the ideas. These notes are then given to other people to process and given label's as to importance such as Idea, Big Idea etc. But wait a minute how do we know these ideas actually came from the citizens? Some may have? How do we know Elk Konnected, LLC members weren't in the circles pushing their own idea's.? We don't because they are secret people. There are no names attached to any of the idea's. Why? If you were to come up with an excellent idea, don't you think you should receive credit? We know Elk Konnected, LLC will take credit, they will run to the County Commissioner's with a list saying see what we did. Because that is just what Elk Konnected, LLC did. But they don't want you to have credit for your idea --- how nice.

Let's look at one of their idea's, and Elk Konnected, LLC labeled it one of their Big Idea's.

Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­
(cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's).

This is one of their new idea's, but I have been told the idea has been around for many years,

What's wrong with this idea you might ask?  Well I have read Elk Konnected, LLC's letters stating they want to bring the individual communities together and to stop the rivalry between them. I just don't believe that statement when in another  letter they said they came about because one community in the County chose to put up a fuss and big fight over refuse pick up. Their so called founding member and County Commissioner Liz Hendricks at the County Commissioners meeting said , "We did not mean to be bashing Elk Falls." She said bashing, not me. Now how is that conducive to pulling the communities together, I ask you?

But you could pull the communities together by getting rid of their own city government, their Chamber of Commerce and any other organization they may have and have a unified government located in Howard maybe controlled by Elk Konnected, LLC whoever they are.

This, was one of the big idea's  delivered to the County Commissioners by Elk Konnected, LLC,  "Unified Gov't (w/in the county) to save money and become more unified (do away with city gov't, councils­ (cont.) all centrally located-one managing body) (Big Ideas's). but they argue it is not their idea it is a citizens idea.
Give me a break. Make all the excuses you want, you provided the idea and therefore I am certain it is your idea. Remember Control, control, control as in your meetings, and conversations..

In my opinion you have abused our trust and our county government by using County Government resources paid for by taxpayer's dollars. You placed an unauthorized web page on the County Government web site. You have used the County Government automatic crisis calling system. You are a private company and in my opinion have no more right to county resources then any other business in the county. You deny using county taxpayers dollars even when you have someone standing before the County Commissioners asking for money.

There is so much more I could say and/or ask? Like who applied for the grant to pay for the Summer camp this summer? How much was the grant? Who did the grant come from? Who is being paid to administer the summer camp? How much are the volunteers being paid from the grant to run the summer camp?  So now we have got to the money issue.

Why is the membership of Elk Konnected, LLC secret/? Why is Elk Konnected afraid to have an actual conversation in this digital age on this forum where the can talk to a large number of citizens of the county.
This media the internet is used b Elk Konnected, LLC in the form of a web site to praise themselves, come on out of hiding.

This is strictly my opinion and as I see Elk Konnected, LLC, it is the way Elk Konnected, presents it's self outside of their own letters of self praise.


If I may so bold as to give a parrallel example as to what I THINK you are tring to say Ross?   Clall it spin on your thoughts, but I don't think so:
There are several small towns in Elk County (the county) and each are struggling to survive.  So, here comes a group of people (names and intents yet to be determined) that creates an LLC, to preform a funneling of money functions.  They hire a well known Kansas State group to find out the main issues in the county (which their fee was paid for by this Elk Konnected, LLC) and then implemented 'some programs' based on some of the issues.   
Now, to convolute the issue...one of the Comissoners is a member of this paid group, and yes I did read the letter.  I don't think it was appropriate that it came from she, but heck   I don't live in that county.  Then you stated that this same said comissioner denied the using of taxpayers dollars in public, when in fact it came...and I use this term with caution:  INDIRECTLY to the the above mentions programs.

My first knee jerk reaction is:  wow, money laundering at the expense of the taxpayer and the county's residents sayso.  However, I really think asking who is on the committee, and who is in charge, and why won't they come forward, will in all honesty not be answered on this forum.  Why?   Don't know. 
If the county is so desperate to bring in funds to build the county to tourism, there is a lot more to see in Elk county than Howard...and Howard is good. 
Sounds more like a competiton within the towns, and Howard is ahead right now.  A unified government  for the county?   Don't think that will work...That would be like putting all of the New England States in there own district....ain't gonna happen with the residents of Elk County.  Each town is proud of their own.

So who is a member of Elk Konnected LLC?   Subliminal suggestions?   Cautious anxiety?  Pure honesty?   All will get you yelled at, I am afraid.  But, as far as I am concerned, keep asking.


I do worry about the amount of debt the county has. I do also feel that I do not want to run for county commissioner, to much on my plate. So, what am I to do about the problem of county debt???? If I don't want to run for county commissioner, what do you suggest we do about the county debt?? Please do tell. Also, you do have it wrong about me on alot of things, just so you (Patriot, Ross, and whoever). I worry about the effects of the country, shrinking population and all. I feel the main reason is the economy. People used to be able to afford living out here and driving back and forth to Wichita or other places for jobs, that just isn't the case any more. You want businesses to come out here, it just isn't the time. Economy isn't there for the start up of new jobs right now, my opinion. We are getting more water to rural areas, which is good. Just not the right time for the bigger companies and things to start up in our area. Would be nice though!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


thank you for that.   First, I would look at what the county is spending, and infrastructure is foremost.  If you can't get around in the county, no one will go and spend money...that is for starters.


This may sound cold, however I feel that most clubs:  4-H; recreational sports, etc can have their own fundraisers to get samll items.  If they don't have uniforms, well sorry.  I grew up playing my hardest in the only t-shirt mom gave me, and so did all the other kids.   This not the olympics.   Asking the comissioners for money when they are strapped is just not cool, in my opinion...unless "they, or one" has 'tapped into some money' that was'nt generated from RE/PP/OG taxes.


Quote from: Lookatmeknow!! on May 26, 2011, 09:55:21 AM
I do worry about the amount of debt the county has. I do also feel that I do not want to run for county commissioner, to much on my plate. So, what am I to do about the problem of county debt???? If I don't want to run for county commissioner, what do you suggest we do about the county debt?? Please do tell. Also, you do have it wrong about me on alot of things, just so you (Patriot, Ross, and whoever). I worry about the effects of the country, shrinking population and all. I feel the main reason is the economy. People used to be able to afford living out here and driving back and forth to Wichita or other places for jobs, that just isn't the case any more. You want businesses to come out here, it just isn't the time. Economy isn't there for the start up of new jobs right now, my opinion. We are getting more water to rural areas, which is good. Just not the right time for the bigger companies and things to start up in our area. Would be nice though!!!

You're right, the timing now is really bad.  This isn't about you or Ross or me.  This is about failed policies of county government.  The time to prepare was 4, 6, 8 or more years ago.  Now, ask yourself, who was driving the bus when we should have been stocking our shelves, so to speak?  Who's planning (or poor planning) has failed?  Who's running the boat now?  How have the agenda, priorities, programs and efforts changed?  And how do the likes of Elk Konnected, LLC come in to play?  As the saying goes:  If nothing changes, nothing changes.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 26, 2011, 10:05:28 AM
This may sound cold, however I feel that most clubs:  4-H; recreational sports, etc can have their own fundraisers to get samll items.  If they don't have uniforms, well sorry.  I grew up playing my hardest in the only t-shirt mom gave me, and so did all the other kids.   This not the olympics.   Asking the comissioners for money when they are strapped is just not cool, in my opinion...unless "they, or one" has 'tapped into some money' that was'nt generated from RE/PP/OG taxes.

In short... government (taxpayers) should be, at best, the source of last resort, right?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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