Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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Quote from: Ross on May 25, 2012, 07:13:11 AM
I strongly recommend to each individual not to 'assuming' anything. Read, consider, talk with your friends and neighbors and make your own informed decisions.

That's a lot tougher than just making kneejerk negative comments based on personal feelings & rural myth.

Quote from: Ross on May 25, 2012, 07:13:11 AM
Sir, I don't ask anyone to believe "anything" I post.
I strongly suggest they think for themselves and make up their own mind?

That's the tough part... fact finding & analytical thinking.

I wonder, catty, how much debt do you think Elk Co. has and what is the annual debt service?  How much real economic & community growth or change has been realized from the efforts of EK... especially in light of the taxpayer resources they 'use'?  For that matter, who are the legally admitted members of EK, LLC?  How much do the taxpayers actually spend each year for Steering Committee member Montgomery's (formerly Brummel) youth & economic development activities?  Could that money be better spent in other areas?  What are the real economics and social structures in Elk County?  What is EK's 'plan' to unify & grow Elk County, how is yjat plan progressing, and what real measurable progress has already been made?

Have you any facts on which to base your blind support of those who likewise give no factual basis for their objections to the subject matter in this thread?  I think not.  And, amazingly, you claim to 'teach'.  Teach what?  Classes in blind following of self proclaimed community leaders?  It's obvious you don't teach nor apply critical thinking.  Perhaps the Obama Hope n Change model is more your style, no?

Quote from: Ross on May 25, 2012, 07:13:11 AM
And still incapable of any answers. WHY?

Like sands thorough the hourglass of time.... or like lemmings off a cliff.  Yes citizens, elections are coming... study now... before you vote.... unless, of course you secretly like being the poorest yet highest taxed shrinking violet county in the state of Kansas.  In that case vote for the status quo & keep playing following the 'leader'.  Do some homework & real self study.  Caveat Emptor!

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Are you saying all of your responses are educated, what is educated about your constant reference to lollipops. You have put out more crap and uneducated comments on the Forum than any other poster. You put down everyone that is trying to do for others, you have tried to pit Towns against towns, schools against schools and people against people. I think you are nothing but a big troublemaker. THIS IS MY OPINION AND AS YOU HAVE OFTEN SAID "EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINION.


Doing for others?   ROTFLMAO.  THey call taking money from one person by force, and threat of death then giving it to someone else doing for others?  Give  me a freaking break. Thats theft pure and simple.  Nothing nice about it. 
Doing for others denotes that all phases of the doing is volentary including the aquisition of the funds to do for others.  AND Using tax dollars does not qualify for doing for others.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Oldtimer on May 25, 2012, 01:33:27 PM
Are you saying all of your responses are educated, what is educated about your constant reference to lollipops.

But to knock facts and to change facts to fit your own need doesn't  prove anything.
Yet being unable to answer the simplest questions does speak volumes.
Now are you saying you don't like lollipops?

Quote from: Oldtimer on May 25, 2012, 01:33:27 PM
You have put out more crap and uneducated comments on the Forum than any other poster.

Why, thank you, for the crap and uneducated comments remark.
At least you are reading it and still unable to give a single answer to any questions concerning the topic, right?

Based on that way of thinking, I can understand why a certain County Commissioner finds this thread and my posts vile.
Apparently, he has no answers to the questions either.

Quote from: Oldtimer on May 25, 2012, 01:33:27 PM
You put down everyone that is trying to do for others, you have tried to pit Towns against towns, schools against schools and people against people.

No sir, I don't put down anyone who is trying to do for others, because I would have to put down myself as well. Because, I do for others frequently. I am not even really putting down Elk Konnected, LLC ! I am asking what their goals are and how they plan to accomplish them? I am also asking who is Elk Konnected, LLC ? I am also asking why a privately owned company needs to operate on "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money? Didn't they say they had all those donors? I am also asking why Elk Konnected, LLC  has to horn in on the various communities festivals using money from the county that could be used by the various communities?

No sir I don't pit school against schoo, that is acomplished through sports activities.

Please, show me where I have tried to pit community against community?

I would be happy to show you where Elk Konnected, LLC  dissed at least one community, when they first started their so called community organization? Would you like that?and each one of their fesitivals. It was not i that suggested that the communities individual governments be combined into one centrally located government, was it? Now that sir, would be pitting community against community in my humble opinion? Do you recall who suggested that to the county commissioners?

I happen to like each community and their particular individual identities

Quote from: Oldtimer on May 25, 2012, 01:33:27 PM

Yes sir, you are entitled to your opinion, 100% entitled, and I have said that plenty of times, you are quite correct!
And so am I. As well as everyone else in Elk County.
And what is even better is you or no  one else is required to read this thread!

But to knock facts and to change facts to fit your own need doesn't  prove anything!

You sir, may continue to try to make me look bad, but I am not the politician that sits at the county commissioners table, giving county money to my own organization. So, that it can advertise itself by handing out lollipops. Oops, you don't like reference to lollipops, sorry about that.

Call me all the names you like, diss me all you want, momma taught me as a child, "Sticks and Stones".


And the Patsy/Rosco contingent continues...<Yawn>


It's common knowledge that both Chautauqua and Elk Counties are designated Frontier Counties because of their lack of population.  It's also common knowledge that welfare is one of the largest employers in both these counties.

Your point?

And as for all the rest of the verbal diarrhea that you all post...It's a beautiful day outside and I have no more time for all of this than I did during the school year.  Continue on, you perpetual posters...If this is all you have to do in your poor existences, you have both my pity...And my disdain.


Quote from catwoman:
It's also common knowledge that welfare is one of the largest employers in both these counties.

That's something I've never heard before---interesting---could you provide proof of that statement ? I thank you in advance



There are four main employers in Elk County...

The school system is the largest.  Next, comes the welfare recipients.  Next, the farmers and those who commute to work at Martin Marietta.

This has always been known down there...My knowledge comes from the days when I taught there.  And no.  Due to confidentiality, revealing who is on free/reduced is against the law.

So...If you've never heard it before, you must not be talking to any of the educators who work down there.


Quote from: Catwoman on May 25, 2012, 04:28:04 PM
And the Patsy/Rosco contingent continues...<Yawn>


Whatever is right, and the beat goes on!

Quote from: Catwoman on May 25, 2012, 04:28:04 PM
It's common knowledge that both Chautauqua and Elk Counties are designated Frontier Counties because of their lack of population.  It's also common knowledge that welfare is one of the largest employers in both these counties.

Your point?

Not our point. What exactly does welfare have to do with this subject?
I/We have never made a point of anyone outside of this county or inside this county being on welfare.
But does that statement by you, insinuate that a privately owned company that uses "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" methods such as Elk Konnected, LLC is on welfare?  And that is alright? What exactly are you saying?

Quote from: Catwoman on May 25, 2012, 04:28:04 PM
And as for all the rest of the verbal diarrhea that you all post...It's a beautiful day outside and I have no more time for all of this than I did during the school year.  Continue on, you perpetual posters...If this is all you have to do in your poor existences, you have both my pity...And my disdain.

You may deserve our pity but we do not deserve your pity! And I personally have no disdain for you or anyone else on this earth. Life is far to short for that kind of attitude.

And thank, I will continue posting however, the main thanks goes to the owners of the forum for providing this wonderful medium for all of us to do so.

I too am enjoying this beautiful day outside. And I am going back outside and finish watering my trees and weed wacking around my property and enjoying the evening.

I will return later to read your response. TTYL


Quote from catwoman:
There are four main employers in Elk County...
The school system is the largest. Next, comes the welfare recipients. Next, the farmers and those who commute to work at Martin Marietta.
This has always been known down there...My knowledge comes from the days when I taught there. And no. Due to confidentiality, revealing who is on free/reduced is against the law.

So...If you've never heard it before, you must not be talking to any of the educators who work down there.

Meow !!! Are we feeling catty this evening ? All I wanted was proof and asking an "educators" falls way short on any proof. Also, you might want to include Flint Oak as one of the biggest employers in the county---but what do I know ? I didn't ask an educator !!


Something done right by our state government.
The right things can happen.

Quote from: Ross on May 25, 2012, 09:26:14 PM
KANSAS CITY, Kan., May 25 (Reuters) - Republican Kansas
Governor Sam Brownback signed a bill


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