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Messages - nykkylsdymes

Quote from: ROSS on March 13, 2014, 09:40:42 AM

The CRISIS accentuated: I received a phone call shortly after nine a.m. this morning from the West Elk Administration. They informed me I would be receiving a notice in the mail of a Special School Board Meeting Friday, but that I should ignore it because, they can't get a quorum. That means a minimum number of members of a deliberative assembly necessary to conduct business. They need a minimum of four members.

I would be wondering why any official would tell someone not to attend.  What if something changes and they do get a quorum.. No one there to make sure they stick the rules. How... convenient.

Things that make you go.... hmmmmmm.

Thanks for letting us know, Ross.
Thanks for uploading all those files Ross.  Keep us informed.
Politics / Re: CONSPIRACIES!
February 20, 2014, 11:51:40 AM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 20, 2014, 11:34:07 AM
...I'd tell you why and the details as to why the new one was built, but you don't want to hear it from  me.

For once you are right.  And you say there are people here that do nothing but incite ... if the shoe fits......
QuoteI still believe it was a very bad move to get rid of the economic development department in this county.  We now have no one for a point of contact. Sure, they can call the city offices in each town for info but seriously how effective is that.

It is their job to promote their city,isn't it?  If it is not effective then we all need to elect better people, don't you think?

QuoteElk county is majorly missing out on significant sales tax income because no one is there to be our "cheerleader" (for lack of a better word).

The significant sales tax that those wonderful hunters provide our county has not changed in 12 months I bet.  Has your bottom line changed and can you tie that to those hunters?  I doubt it.  Many of those hunters that do shop elsewhere is because they live elsewhere and bring what they need in.  The weekend warriors come out on the weekend not to shop in Elk County.  This is not what this county is known for. 

QuoteUnless there is an active attitude and a real plan for real economic development and a desire to bring in outside manufacturers and real money to provide good paying jobs, I don't see where there is the need for a Department. I do believe an Economic Development Department would consist of more than one part time employee doing some real work towards development.

Ross nails it.  Without a plan of some kind we are all stumbling around and not getting anywhere.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Disgraceful
February 14, 2014, 05:40:33 PM
But I bet they know what the Kardashians and what the highest score is in Candy Crush. Or what Miley Circus has done lately. 
Politics / Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
February 14, 2014, 05:32:56 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 04:27:43 PM
The President, whomever and which ever party it is, is treated the same when they go to other countries, some in much worse shape than we are. That's just how politics is.  Now don't assume I agree, but I know I can't change it.That shouldn't mean I can't talk about it without getting verbally beat up.
All presidents do it, have done and always will. They are showing off our country.  Many, many will agree with you, but it won't ever change.
By the way...I can get quail eggs, duck eggs and preserved eggs, among other things, at our local farmers market. Also rabbit, alligator tail and Durian fruit. ;)

See that is the mentality of so many people of this country.  If you say it wont, it wont.  If you say you can't, you are right... you can't.  Oh dear oh dear... lil'o me can't change it.  Bull crap.  You and many others CAN change it if we continue to put pressure on those in Washington.  That means don't elect idiots in the first place and hold their feet against the fire for every vote they make.  After all they represent us and work for us, not the other way around. No it isn't going to happen overnight, took a long time to get it this way and will take time to change it.  It is unfortunate that it has come to this in this country.  We have a President baulking the greatest country ever on earth and basically crapping on the constitution, re-writing laws and going past the congress and thumbing his nose at all the citizens of this country.  The same hold true for local politics and school boards.  We elect them, they do what we want not the other way around.
Keep them all accountable for their actions.

Stay informed and fight for your country.

Politics / Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
February 14, 2014, 03:59:43 PM
I want to know why they needed 350 people attend a state dinner, in a HEATED tent outside on the White House lawn in the middle of winter, just before a snowstorm was about to hit?  What rocket scientist made this decision and thought, yeah... dinner outdoors in a tent in February.  Maybe should have served ham and beans or chicken and noodles and handed out local knitters mittens and scarves??! Or better yet, ditch all the guests and take the guest of honor to a local hospital and see what the dinner menu is there and chat with some of the people who are in the ditches dealing with his Obamacare first hand. 

From what I have read, the wine was cheaper.  Costing the tax payers anywhere from $35 to $65/bottle, which was cheaper than the swill they served to Chinese leader at $400/bottle.
Politics / Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
February 14, 2014, 02:28:00 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 02:09:45 PM
Name the humble people on the forum and then we'll chat! ;) ;D ;D ;D   You still don't want to have a clue as to when I'm kidding.  And I think State Dinners were the topic. yes? Why they might even showcase Kansas beef and rolls made with Kansas wheat. Ya ever suggest it or would ya rather just complain about something that has always been and always will be?. The lavish State Dinner.... All parties have and will do it.

You just don't get it.  Does it bother you that much that some people voice their opinions on how the government spends the tax payer's money or are you just clueless and have problems understanding the topic at hand??  It is not so much about what they had for dinner but the fact on how much they spent on the dinner.  Sending pictures out for the world to see of two dogs sitting at a dinner table with jewelry on, spending MY money doing it. What part about that do you not see? 

As long as the government, not just this President but everyone after this one, spends my money frivolously and arrogantly, I shall use my voice, however I can.  That includes this medium.  You call it complaining, fine.  Call it whatever you want.  I still think serving 12 different potatoes is crazy and unnecessary.
Politics / Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
February 14, 2014, 01:52:26 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 01:27:31 PM
Eventually you will learn that I do know everything. :angel: Once you accept that you won't be so intimidated by me and we can have real discussions. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Those that do know everything never would say that someone would be intimidated by them.  That spouts arrogance not confidence or humility.

The Coffee Shop / Re: Official County Newspaper
February 14, 2014, 01:41:41 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 01:20:33 PM
Yup.slummimg everytime I come here.Oh sure. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  yet I'm told to grow thicker skin because you really care .What a joke.You are right,I don't live there but I'm not even repescted for what I know about where I do live!  Many of your topics are not local,they are national. and again people pick and pick and pick until some one stands up and says "enough already" and then some slug rams them or doing the same as has been done to convienent and what a double standard..the universal home of the insecure who never says a word unless they can put someone down. Time to grow up kiddies. Sheesh.

Diane, you really must stop being a victim.  You feel you are not respected, sorry to hear that.  I don't care about what you know where you live which is why I don't read your daily blog.  East coast happenings....boring.

Now the topic at hand was about the Official County Newspaper.  I believe Rudy Taylor is full of crap most of the times. I don't think he really helps promote the county.  Yes, he is there for good time pictures and makes people feel good about themselves.  But I don't like the fact that my tax money goes to a newspaper whose owner  talks bad the people of this county.  I do think that a lot of his "scribbles" is second hand and not verified as truth. That being said, I won't waste the 75 cents to get it. 

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