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Topics - Gadsden1775

Politics / District 1, County Commission
August 08, 2014, 03:41:33 PM
We believe in Elk County. We believe in raising our families in small communities with little crime and good schools. We believe in our friends and neighbors. We believe that the ones that will make a difference in this county are the ones that truly love living here, NOT the ones that think Elk County owes them something!

We have heard several of the oldtimers calling the newcomers to our county "OUTSIDERS". Those "outsiders" work and pay taxes. Those "outsiders" VOTE! Those "outsiders" want a good life for themselves and their families. Those "outsiders" came to Elk County for the same reason we live here and for the same reason that OUR ancestors were "OUTSIDERS" so many decades ago.

There is a hypocrisy among people in this county that cannot be overlooked. The same people who call newcomers OUTSIDERS will welcome (with open arms) someone who hasn't lived in the county for 25 years yet still believe that someone is an outsider because they weren't born or raised here. Think about it: just how many years did it take YOUR family to not be an OUTSIDER when they moved here?

Voting is not a pageant. You shouldn't vote for a person because you knew their mother; their grandfather. You shouldn't vote for a person because "Oh, I knew them in high school" or "He/She was cute and waved at me once." Look at the ISSUES and concern your thoughts there! Look at who they surround themselves with and what influence those "friends" may have on their decisions and voting. Look at how "konnected" they are. Look at what someones' morals tell you about what they will do to your county.

When you CARE about your county/community, your actions speak for themselves. You don't have to pound your chest and pat your back about all that you volunteer for and do. Rural firefighters put their lives on the line to save houses, property and LIVES. They don't get paid for it. Most don't even get thanks for it. I believe that putting your life on the line for your neighbors trumps just about any other "volunteering" one can do.

We have enjoyed the property tax breaks that have been provided to us by Doug Ritz, Gary Hebb and Kenny Liebau over the past couple of years. The road improvements over the last few years have made traveling in the county much easier. Speaking of road improvements, Doug Ritz wanted all of his Districts' roads done before the road at his house so it wouldn't appear that he was getting special treatment. We all know that the previous District 2 Commissioner didn't feel the same as Mr. Ritz about not getting special treatment! It's no wonder that District 2 has a new Commissioner!

What good businesses would want to come to the smallest county with the highest taxes? Not every business in the county is given 40+ years of tax breaks and they shouldn't be! And I don't want to hear that they are one of the largest employers in the county either! If Wal-Mart was to move here to Elk County, THEY would be THE largest employer in the county and they would STILL have to PAY taxes! Is it because Wal-Mart wouldn't be Konnected?

It overwhelms me that people will vote because of some good buddy system rather than vote for what is right for their families, friends and neighbors. The lower taxes are all that keep some people living in their homes here. The cost of living on everything else is so high that when the tax breaks are done away with, most families won't be able to buy food, pay utilities, drive to work, etc. They will be forced to choose: do we live here and raise our kids in a decent school with no gangs, no drugs to speak of and very little crime? or do we move closer to work, where the property taxes are lower than here and the overall cost of living is lower, but we can't raise our children the way we want to?

In conclusion (for now): the people of District 1 should be more concerned about the changes that will come in November. Write-In Doug Ritz, District 1 County Commissioner. Do not give in to the socialistic agenda of Elk Konnected! FIGHT FOR WHAT'S RIGHT!
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