Elk County Forum

General Category => Genealogy => Topic started by: genealogynut on August 18, 2006, 09:49:33 AM

Title: Newspaper Archives---Posting #2
Post by: genealogynut on August 18, 2006, 09:49:33 AM
Extracted from Independence Daily Reporter, dated Tuesday, May 17, 1966

Ken Forsyth spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Forsyth, and attended the "Sound of Music" presented at the Southwestern College at Winfield.

Janet Vinette, daughter of Mrs. Helen Vinette, has been admitted to Southwestern College, Winfield, beginning with the fall term.  She plans to major in elementary education, with special interest in music and art.

The Kansas State Teacher's College Symphonic Choir will present a concert on May 12 in the Emporia Civic Auditorium.  Janie Crisp and Angela Hebb of Howard are members of the choir.

Frank Gibbon is much improved after having had back surgery some time ago at Halstead.

Arrives From Viet Nam

Spec 4 Byron Shipman arrived in Howard Tuesday evening to visit his mother, Mrs. Mary Shipman, and brother, Vance.  Shipman has been in the service two years and in Viet Nam eight months.  Before leaving he was stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. After returning to the States, he visited a sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dumas in Santa Ana, Calif.

Guests over the weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hebb, Karen, Tom and Carl were Mrs. Irene Floyd, Jodi and Lori of Wichita and John Hebb of Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia.  They all enjoyed a picnic at the Howard Lake on Sunday with Mrs. Pearl Hebb joining the group.


Saturday evening, May 7, the Junior class of the Howard High School honored the Senior class with a dinner and a prom entitled "In The Misty Moonlight."  The gymnasium was decorated with blue and silver streamers and a stone wall divided the dancing area.  After a delicious meal, Linda Hobson, junior class president, gave the welcome to all seniors, faculty members, honored guests,and juniors.  Joe Hebb, senior class president, gave the response.  The boys quartet, Charles Forsyth,  Stephen Miller, Danny Parker, and Joe Hebb sang "If I Ruled The World" accompanied by Karen Hebb, followed by the reading of the senior class will and prophecy.

The speaker, Dennis Crisp, gave a very interesting talk, "Are You Ready to be an Adullt."  After which they all moved to the dance area, by crossing over a bridge over the stone wall.  The center of attraction in this part of the room was a huge fountain and a revolving mirror ball was hung from the ceiling giving a very beautiful effect.

The juniors and their sponsors, Mrs. Johnna White, Neal Weber, and Bob Hensley are to be commended for their hard work to present such a beautiful and well organized prom which all enjoyed.