Elk County Forum

General Category => The Coffee Shop => Topic started by: Janet Harrington on January 27, 2005, 09:56:27 PM

Title: Question of the week.
Post by: Janet Harrington on January 27, 2005, 09:56:27 PM
Does the Howard Forum Hall activity stop when the Heilevang's are out of town?  It seems like it.  Where is everyone?  I hope Teresa and Kjell are having a wonderful time in Vegas.
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Mom70x7 on January 27, 2005, 11:01:59 PM
Sure looks like it has stopped.  :)

I'm not "in the know" enough to know they were out of town, but I've missed the conversation. I'm more of a reactor than an initiator when it comes to discussions.

You'd think we could find some of our own conversations, huh! ???
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: DanCookson on January 28, 2005, 10:01:03 AM
I recieved a transmission from the Heilevang's last P.M. 

They are having a good time.  (how can you not in Las Vegas!! duh, free booze and legalized prostitution)

They are enjoying the sights and buffets.  The gun show started this morning and will continue thru the weekend.  I am sure that they will have a great time and will have many stories to share with us commoners.
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Mom70x7 on January 28, 2005, 01:03:21 PM
So do you think we should come up with some stories to tell them?  :D
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: mtcookson on January 28, 2005, 03:51:22 PM
need to think of some real good far fetched stories. :D
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Mom70x7 on January 28, 2005, 05:35:02 PM
How about the snow was so high . . .


It snowed so much that . . .
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Teresa on February 02, 2005, 08:55:21 AM
Quote from: Janet Harrington on January 27, 2005, 09:56:27 PM
Does the Howard Forum Hall activity stop when the Heilevang's are out of town? It seems like it. Where is everyone? I hope Teresa and Kjell are having a wonderful time in Vegas.

Thanks for missing us ! It is good to be back in Kansas and wonderful to feel needed. :D
We had a GREAT time. In fact, usually when I  go to Vegas, I am more than ready to come home after 3 days.
But this time, ater 6 days there, I was ready to come home, but not biting the bit like usual.
??? Hmmm.. must have been the wonderful fun person that I was with.
( Good thing I am married to him, or I would be in big trouble  ;) )
Anyway, we are going to be away again for a few days.. going to my sisters new home and harrass her and Curt, but will be back soon to attack the piles of work that has stacked up. Can't whine about it. Part of the Vegas trip was business. and I am proud to say that it went in our favor. So we will be sharing some of that with you later on, after we get home.

It really is good to be back though. There is nothing like home.
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Teresa on February 02, 2005, 09:29:01 AM
Quote from: SnakeHater on January 28, 2005, 10:01:03 AM
I recieved a transmission from the Heilevang's last P.M.

They are having a good time. (how can you not in Las Vegas!! duh, free booze and legalized prostitution)

They are enjoying the sights and buffets. The gun show started this morning and will continue thru the weekend. I am sure that they will have a great time and will have many stories to share with us commoners.

Danny~errr.. Snakehater is right. if you don't have fun in Vegas..it is your own fault.
Now the drinking spirits are free..the gambling you do when you get the free booze is ..however..NOT. haha
As for the prostitution ???  Ahhh..can't say that I have experienced that part of it, don't believe I want to either :P... but the buffets :) ??  Now  that IS something that we expereinced. Lots and lots of times. My oh my oh my~~ !  I left with my jeans fitting comfortable and returned with my jeans having shrunk.  :D
Was it worth it??
Youuuu betcha'.!
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Janet Harrington on February 02, 2005, 10:45:19 PM
Yeah.  Whatever.  Like you would look bad in a pair of jeans you fat old thing. :D :D :D :D
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Janet Harrington on February 03, 2005, 10:06:56 PM
Well, like I said, when the Heilevangs' are gone, nothing goes on.  While they are out being helpful to Sheri and Curt, moving them into that wonderful looking house, we have to stay home, working and trying to keep the forum going.  It is the hardest work I have ever had to do.  Trying to think of things to say.  Trying to keep the morale up on this site.  Trying, trying, trying...ah, heck, everyone have a wonderful, wonderful weekend.
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Teresa on February 07, 2005, 09:54:06 AM
And my dear Ta Ta.. your eforts are not going unnoticed my me. I appreciate it, but one can not talk alone, so the task has to be shared. We will give the benefit of the doubt to everyone...THIS TIME.... maybe everyone was busy... maybe they were gone... maybe they didn't have anything to say..( is that ever possible ???) Not by me..but I guess everyone already knows that ..huh ;D)
If everyone doesn't actively take a part..whatever is there will dwindle and die.. so goes with everything in life... even forums.

Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Teresa on February 10, 2005, 11:47:21 PM
I am so embarrased! :-[
I can not believe this..
Yes I can.. I am blond..blond ... B.L.O.N.D. :P
I ask Kjell where all the other topics in the forum went..
He looked at me..raised one eye...then closed his eyes..opened them up.. looked at the ceiling....and sighed.
(I KNOW he sighed.. I heard it) >:(
And ever so gently put his hand over mine that was on my mouse and went to the top of the posts/topic and showed me the place where it says, pages 2-3.. which I see must be like ..ahhhh... past pages? with past posts and topics??? Duhh on me.
He then patted me.. PATTED ME. >:(  Like I was an old senile person in the old home... and needed reasurring that I was still okay...
And then he quietly left the room..( probably to cry his eyes out that he married such a ninn-come-poop.)
Well Hells Bells, I didn't know there were more pages...  :-\
Am I the only one that didn't know this ???
Tell me I'm not.. PUUULLLLEEASSEEE..tell me that some of you didn't know about the pages either..
:'( :'(
I'm the only one aren't I??
Title: Re: Question of the week.
Post by: Janet Harrington on February 11, 2005, 04:46:11 PM
Well, I knew about them, but you are older then I am, therefore, I am not senile, yet. :D :D :D