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Topics - srkruzich

The Coffee Shop / Found lost hound dog
December 07, 2014, 07:10:36 PM
Found a lost hound dog today, or i think he is. can't imagine him being dumped. he's a great dog.  Anyone missing one, can holler at me. Give me a name and description.    Trying to get him home first.
The Coffee Shop / Log splitter
November 15, 2014, 01:31:07 PM
Does anyone have a logsplitter i could borrow to split some logs. It takes me a while to cut due to my health but i am unable to split the logs. 
If i can get a splitter i can use some of the logs i cut up already.
Buy, Sell or Trade / Mechanic service
October 22, 2014, 11:42:42 AM
If your looking for things to be worked on, One of my long time skills is auto mechanic.  I can do pretty much anything on them from brakes to oil change, to enginework even rebuilding automatic transmissions.

Let me know what ya have and I can give you a quote on it.


Its always easier to get hold of me via email. 
Sherriff went down pioneer at full bore today chasing a grain truck. anyone know what it was about???
The Coffee Shop / Men have been right all along!
September 02, 2012, 07:39:21 AM
You know how you women fuss and moan about the toilet seat being left up, proof that guys have been right in leaving it up all this time.>>>


A spider bite...please read............ And you thought the brown recluse was bad!

Three women in North Florida, turned up at hospitals over a 5-day period, all with the same symptoms. Fever, chills, and vomiting, followed by muscular collapse, paralysis, and finally, death. There were no outward signs of trauma.

Autopsy results showed toxicity in the blood. These women did not know each other, and seemed to have nothing in common. It was discovered, however, that they had all visited the same Restaurant (Olive Garden) within days of their deaths.
The health department descended on the restaurant, shutting it down. The food, water, and air conditioning were all inspected and tested, to no avail.

The big break came when a waitress at the restaurant was rushed to the hospital with similar symptoms. She told doctors that she had been on vacation, and had only went to the restaurant to pick up her check. She did not eat or drink while she was there, but had used the restroom.

That is when one toxicologist, remembering an article he had read, drove out to the restaurant, went into the restroom, and lifted the toilet seat.
Under the seat, out of normal view, was a small spider.

The spider was captured and brought back to the lab, where it was determined to be the Two-Striped Telamonia (Telamonia dimidiata), so named because of its reddened flesh color. This spider's venom is extremely toxic, but can take several days to take effect. They live in cold, dark, damp climates, and toilet rims provide just the right atmosphere.
Several days later a lawyer from Jacksonville showed up at a hospital emergency room. Before his death, he told the doctor, that he had been away on business, had taken a flight from Indonesia, changing planes in Singapore, before returning home.
He did not visit (Olive Garden), while there. He did, as did all of the other victims, have what was determined to be a puncture wound, on his right buttock.
Investigators discovered that the flight he was on had originated in India.
The Civilian Aeronautics Board (CAB) ordered an immediate inspection of the toilets of all flights from India, and discovered the Two-Striped Telamonia (Telamonia dimidiata) spider's nests on 4 different planes!
It is now believed that these spiders can be anywhere in the country. So please, before you use a public toilet, lift the seat to check for spiders. It can save your life!
And please pass this on to everyone you care about.

while i disagree with our reasons for being in all these wars, this is the only possible reason i can think of that makes it worth it! 

Politics / America: Greatest country or not
July 24, 2012, 08:10:04 AM
The Coffee Shop / whats for dinner
July 04, 2012, 10:02:09 AM
I'm making southern barbq with two bbq sauces One for the yankees and one for rebels >:)
Though i think the yankees will like the southern recipe
Cole slaw to put on the barbq sandwichs
Devilled Eggs Hot and mild
Moleasses cake
The Coffee Shop / Met another cookson today
June 30, 2012, 10:20:48 AM
I had a good morning this morning, got to meet mark cookson not the one at the hardwaer store but i know him too.  Fine young man too!  Thank you for your help mark!  I've gotta say every one i've met of the cookson clan has been good people!  Awesome folks to know. Thanks for being who yall are!  :)

Politics / Supreme court upheld obamacare but...>
June 28, 2012, 08:55:55 AM
They said that he can't use commerce clause to justify it. The only way he can use it is if it is a tax.  The congress has no power to require the mandate if they claim commerce clause, but Congress does have the power to enact a tax on individuals who choose not to have health insurance.  So this is neither a win for either side.
The Coffee Shop / What happened to Limestone Rd
June 11, 2012, 06:05:36 PM
JEEZE i rode down it today and i could have gotten a smoother ride driving across the pasture.  What in the world did the road crew do to that road. It used to be smooth ride when the windfarm was maintaining it. Sheesh. Now the crown is gone, the trash out in the middle of the road and rough as hell. I think a buck board would have rode smoother down through there.


Seems that chicago school children won't be starting school this year unless the city caves  into the blackmailing union thugs.  Teachers are wanting the city to give them a 30% raise.  :O  Are they insane?  With a 52% graduation rate, they haven't even come close to earning a 5% raise much less 30% raise.   
    "The development of the Flat Ridge 2 Wind Farm is an important component to achieving balance in our country's energy production and revitalizing rural Kansas," Gov. Brownback said.  "Our state has a rich abundance of this home-grown, renewable energy and we are happy to add it to our list of Kansas export commodities alongside oil and natural gas, beef and wheat."

Left out of the press release is that Kansas taxpayers once again, in the form of rate increases, will be subsidizing this new "export."

Hit and Run Over by a Kansas Government Going the WRONG WAY
Well, what an interesting, or perhaps more accurately described, dysfunctional and dismal Legislative Session. Though some progress has been made on a few issues, the bulk of major initiatives have been mired while the drama unfolds around redistricting.
The Kansas House completed its redistricting map early in the Session and was set to move on to working bills on education, taxes, budget, social services, etc. The Senate, however, chose a different priority – self-preservation and clinging to power, all at the expense of any meaningful progress on issues important to Kansans.
Liberal Republican senators are making a desperate attempt to maintain control of the Senate. Let's call it Senate President Steve Morris' "Last Stand". Morris, a 20 year incumbent is facing his first serious re-election challenge, and even if he prevails in the fall, is at risk of losing his leadership post should his coalition of liberal Republicans and Democrats not survive the election cycle. As a result, Senate leaders are pulling out all of the stops to draw challengers out of incumbents' districts, giving up whole districts to the Democrats, and even proposed converting the 2nd Congressional District into a Democrat leaning district – all to secure votes for Mr. Morris to remain in power.
Rather than admit to their shenanigans, Senate leaders blame the "process" rather than the people manipulating it. In contrast, the Kansas House map passed with overwhelming bipartisan support – redrawing 125 districts . The Senate needs only to deal with 40 districts, yet at this late hour in the Session continues playing political games.
The fog of redistricting has made other issues less visible, but there are many important issues yet to be addressed. One item overlooked is energy. Now this is a great story! I received notification from KCP&L of a 12.9% rate increase request it has submitted to the Kansas Corporation Commission. Why an increase? Here are the reasons stated by KCP&L:

    a) The addition of our second wind generation facility in Spearville, Kansas, which will help us meet our requirements under the Kansas Renewable Energy Standards Act;
    b) Significant environmental retrofits at the La Cygne power plant that will ensure the facility meets future EPA regulations; and
    c) Increased investment in electrical infrastructure that is necessary to maintain reliable service for KCP&L's Kansas customers.

So, two of the three major reasons for a rate increase are costs directly associated with Federal and State government "Green" energy mandates. Ironically, on the heels of the rate increase notice, I received a media release from the Governor's office titled: 
"Governor Applauds Wind Farm in South Central Kansas"
Umm...KANSAS green energy mandates are singled out as a justification for electrical rate increases, yet Governor Brownback applauds the ground breaking of a new wind farm? Here is a quote from the governor's press release: 

    "The development of the Flat Ridge 2 Wind Farm is an important component to achieving balance in our country's energy production and revitalizing rural Kansas," Gov. Brownback said.  "Our state has a rich abundance of this home-grown, renewable energy and we are happy to add it to our list of Kansas export commodities alongside oil and natural gas, beef and wheat."

Left out of the press release is that Kansas taxpayers once again, in the form of rate increases, will be subsidizing this new "export."
Wind energy isn't the only hot air blowing through the Legislature. After all of the hype surrounding tax reform at the beginning of the Session, expect little more than window dressing. The "march to zero" we were promised has been watered down to a slow jog. A bill is expected from conference committee this week with encouraging changes, but leaves intact a complicated tax code and lacks the promise necessary to achieve the economic vitality expected from earlier proposals. As a result, faster growth plans like the Fair Tax, look at this point to have no hope for House floor debate and vote.
Politics / Kiss your 1st amendment goodbye
April 22, 2012, 01:30:31 PM
Obama signed into law HR347 it is now a felony to exercise your freedom of speech, right to association, and the right to redress grievances.   He signed this in secret and the traitors in our congress supported it.
Politics / Thought for the day :)
March 09, 2012, 09:45:09 PM
"I am a sinner who does not deserve forgiveness; BUT at least I am not a government official!"
The Coffee Shop / A message to all the kids out there!
January 27, 2012, 05:41:55 PM
The Coffee Shop / Started this years garden
January 10, 2012, 12:20:56 PM
Got a lot of my garden seed started today, Lots of cabbage tomato and broccoli and rhubarb.

IF i can get this greenhouse setup in time i'll hope to have some for sale.  Maybe not this year but definately by next year.
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