Elk County Forum

General Category => Politics => Topic started by: Warph on February 10, 2014, 10:05:58 PM

Title: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Warph on February 10, 2014, 10:05:58 PM


KING AND QUEEN OBUMA Flaunt Regal Power and Extravagance in Americans' Faces
February 10, 2014, 8:14 PM

by Kristinn Taylor

First Dogs Bo and Sunny, White House photo, February 10, 2014

President Barack Obama and his wife First Lady Michelle Obama rubbed their royal attitudes in the noses of long-suffering Americans today.

(These are animals.  And I am not talking about the Dogs)


While King Obama was pronouncing, "That's the good thing as a President, I can do whatever I want", Queen Obama sent out a photograph of the family dogs wearing jewels, seated at a table representing Tuesday's state dinner in honor of President Francois Hollande of France. The photo was captioned, "Bone appétit!"

King Obama backed up his " ...as a President, I can do whatever I want", with yet another unlawful exemption to Obamacare announced this afternoon.


The menu for the state dinner, as reported by the Associated Press:
"The first course will feature American Osetra caviar, farmed from the estuaries of Illinois, paired with quail eggs from Pennsylvania and a dozen varieties of potatoes from farms in New York, Idaho and California.

"That will be followed by a salad of petite radishes and baby carrots on a bed of lettuce and splashed with red-wine vinaigrette made using honey from the beehive on the South Lawn. The salad will be served in a clear, glass bowl and resemble a terrarium.

"The main course, dry-aged rib eye beef from a farm in Greeley, Colo., will be served with blue cheese, charred shallots, oyster mushrooms and braised chard.

"Dessert is chocolate malted cake, described as a modern version of a layer cake made with bittersweet chocolate from Obama's native Hawaii, Florida tangerines and served with vanilla ice cream from Pennsylvania. After dinner, guests can dip into a serving dish made entirely of sugar to sample fudge made of Vermont maple syrup, shortbread cookies made with lavender from Mrs. Obama's garden and cotton candy dusted with orange zest."

Any resemblance by the Obamas to France's King Louis XVI and his wife Queen Marie Antoinette prompted by the visit of France's president is pure coincidence, oui? How about impeachmints for just desserts instead?

(where's a guy like Max Robespierre when you need him?)

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2014, 09:49:50 AM
Except for the caviar and the dry aged beef, the descriptions of the food are much fancier than the food. I remember years ago being amazed at Nancy Reagan's State Dinner menus too. State Dinners are a big deal and will be for the next president too.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: nykkylsdymes on February 12, 2014, 02:41:54 PM
QuoteThe menu for the state dinner, as reported by the Associated Press:
"The first course will feature American Osetra caviar, farmed from the estuaries of Illinois, paired with quail eggs from Pennsylvania and a dozen varieties of potatoes from farms in New York, Idaho and California.

What ever happened to serving plain ole Russett Potatoes???  Who the hell needs 12 different potatoes to eat at dinner?  I have never had a quail egg?  I want a full sized egg, thank you very much.  What is the point of eating a quail egg... better off eating the damn bird, at least you will get a mouthful.

Quote"That will be followed by a salad of petite radishes and baby carrots on a bed of lettuce and splashed with red-wine vinaigrette made using honey from the beehive on the South Lawn. The salad will be served in a clear, glass bowl and resemble a terrarium.

Put the damn food on a plain plate like the rest of us American eat off, well except Diane because she knows everything about fine foods.

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Patriot on February 12, 2014, 03:28:58 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 12, 2014, 09:49:50 AM
Except for the caviar and the dry aged beef, the descriptions of the food are much fancier than the food. I remember years ago being amazed at Nancy Reagan's State Dinner menus too. State Dinners are a big dealand will be for the next president too.

Once again, the know it all Delaware Demoncrat misses the point entirely.  But that's ok, because socialists seldom see the elitist abuses of their own kind. 

The point is the tax payers are funding these imperialistic excesses.  At a time when this country is 17 trillion dollars in the hole, has a health care system headed to hell in a hand basket, is faced with a political class that is engaged in routine consentual sodomy with multi-national moneybags and an educational system that is no longer first in the world (and is falling fast), problems like a black youth unemployment rate in cities like Chicago that exceeds 90%, we can ill-afford to have our tax dollars wasted in such frivolous pursuits.

Wake your ass up, Delaware. This is just another Obummercation on the tax payer dime.

We the people are getting screwed... and we aren't going to get kissed.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Nancy on February 12, 2014, 03:49:32 PM
And once again Mr. Wrey has missed Diane's point entirely.  Nancy
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Patriot on February 12, 2014, 03:58:35 PM
No, Mrs Lebow, her point was clearly that she is more knowledgeable than the average bear, and the implication was that Warph was uninformed thus making his critique somehow invalid. His disgust at the excesses of King & Queen Obama, especially in hosting a socialist at the White House are quite on point.  No less so than the spending habits of many local politicians which fail to reflect any respect for the taxpayers

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Bullwinkle on February 13, 2014, 09:14:25 AM
       Never had caviar, don't desire too. Never had dry aged beef, though I've raised tons of it. Never had a quail egg, though I've hatched hundreds of them.

      Momma always said, just because someone else did/does it, doesn't make it right.

      Methinks Mrs Liebeau and Mrs Silverman fancy themselves as first lady.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 13, 2014, 10:55:52 AM
Bull... You have a severe problem having any kind of an ordinary social conversation, doncha? Sorry I intimidate you so much. I'm just little old me...allowed to post just like anyone else, with no "agenda."  What is yours? What makes YOUR opinion so special?
Please put me on ignore if I'm so awful. I don't want to give you high blood pressure or fleas or anything. ;D
Yes, I've eaten quail eggs...kinda tough. I've had dry aged beef because my father liked it . (An old Kansas country boy) The butcher here will order it and hang it for people to pick up for Christmas. I guess I like it, I'm not quite sure...a lot of waste.
  Just because you differ from me doesn't automatically make me wrong or you right.....You did completely miss my point. Narrow minded people would. And yes, I am a very good cook.  So what?
Obviously you don't know anything about potatoes. Different ones are better for different things, You will shut your minds against anything I might say, so I won't bother explaining that Russets, while very nice aren't the best for everything. I suspect farmers who grow other kinds would like to have theirs used at the White House too. Good advertizing for them or their state.
The Reagans and the Nixons and a great many other Presidents have held State Dinners that would seem very lavish to many. So will the next President. So what.... it just is what it is.
   Don't go hanging  your "interpretations " on what I say, and rarely do say much any more because you few have taken over. What do you get from attacking me? And others who dare speak up once in awhile? No wonder hardly anybody posts any more. They get attacked and smeared every time.
Notice the number of "guests" there are now? You have become their e- version of the National Enquirer. Now both of you bullies, go to your room! Hope you are pleased with yourselves. Some great examples of the Elk County  population.  You were already told not to pick on me. What happened?
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: upoladeb on February 13, 2014, 11:34:44 AM
Diane you need to get thicker skin.If they didn't care so much they would ignore you.I thought theres 2 kinda potatoes red fer boilin white fer fry'n
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Patriot on February 13, 2014, 12:20:24 PM

Fries anyone?

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: nykkylsdymes on February 13, 2014, 12:21:51 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 13, 2014, 10:55:52 AM
You did completely miss my point. Narrow minded people would.

No you actually totally missed the whole point of the topic at hand.  Narrow minded people think they are the be all and end all of information.  You seem to think you do know it all.  The fact is our government spends too damn much money, my money and your money.  And yes, the next President is going to do the same as is the next and the next.  This is about money spending, not the fact that you know the difference between a red potato and a white potato. Grow a set and get over yourself.

QuoteNotice the number of "guests" there are now? You have become their e- version of the National Enquirer. Now both of you bullies, go to your room! Hope you are pleased with yourselves. Some great examples of the Elk County  population.

First, the number of "guests" don't mean a thing.  This particular venue is crawling with web spiders.  Do you really think people stay away from this forum because of the conversation?  They have a mouse and the ability to leave any "conversation" and the ability to participate or not.  Don't like what is being said, don't read it.  Poor victims all of them.  I have no doubt the conversation is going great guns over on Facebook or whatever means people use.

As for examples of the population of Elk County?  At least there are those in this county that will stand up to the bullcrap some people try and push down the throats of the citizens of this county. 

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Patriot on February 13, 2014, 12:33:04 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 13, 2014, 10:55:52 AM
...Notice the number of "guests" there are now? You have become their e- version of the National Enquirer. Now both of you bullies, go to your room! Hope you are pleased with yourselves. Some great examples of the Elk County  population.  You were already told not to pick on me. What happened?

With over 4642263 page views in the last year, it looks like the Forum is doing just fine.  As for the rest of your drivel.... consider taking your own advice.

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Bullwinkle on February 13, 2014, 09:47:48 PM
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 01:27:31 PM
Eventually you will learn that I do know everything. :angel: Once you accept that you won't be so intimidated by me and we can have real discussions. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: nykkylsdymes on February 14, 2014, 01:52:26 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 01:27:31 PM
Eventually you will learn that I do know everything. :angel: Once you accept that you won't be so intimidated by me and we can have real discussions. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Those that do know everything never would say that someone would be intimidated by them.  That spouts arrogance not confidence or humility.

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 01:53:50 PM
Actually Delaware people do know a bit about spuds.They are a big crop here downstate, and there is even one called ''Delaware." It's an eastern all purpose waxy type, good for salads and boiling, but as with all waxy types, may cook down too much if over cooked in soups.
Russets, or Idahoes, are the starchy kind and are popular with grocery stores because they ship and keep well. Great for baking and roasting because they get nice and fluffy. Red Bliss, Ruby, Yukon Gold, Royal Blue, Peruvian Purple and many others are all waxy types. Some kinds are not good keepers, so are usually sold fairly close to where they are grown. Many have a delicate buttery flavor when young. Personally, I rarely ever peel mine, but that's just personal choice. I just love new tiny reds boiled, then a bit of butter and tiny  fresh picked peas. How about you?
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Patriot on February 14, 2014, 02:01:34 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 01:27:31 PM
Eventually you will learn that I do know everything. :angel: Once you accept that you won't be so intimidated by me and we can have real discussions. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Quote from: nykkylsdymes on February 14, 2014, 01:52:26 PM
Those that do know everything never would say that someone would be intimidated by them.  That spouts arrogance not confidence or humility.

I think both of you have hit a nail on the head!  Lady Di thinks she knows everything, and it shows in her arrogant lack of humility.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 01:53:50 PM
Actually Delaware people do know a bit about spuds.They are a big crop here downstate, and there is even one called ''Delaware."

Blah, blah, blah.  Point & counterpoint.  Now... about the irreverent use of taxpayer monies by King & Queen Obama...

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 02:09:45 PM
Name the humble people on the forum and then we'll chat! ;) ;D ;D ;D   You still don't want to have a clue as to when I'm kidding.  And I think State Dinners were the topic. yes? Why they might even showcase Kansas beef and rolls made with Kansas wheat. Ya ever suggest it or would ya rather just complain about something that has always been and always will be?. The lavish State Dinner.... All parties have and will do it.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: nykkylsdymes on February 14, 2014, 02:28:00 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 02:09:45 PM
Name the humble people on the forum and then we'll chat! ;) ;D ;D ;D   You still don't want to have a clue as to when I'm kidding.  And I think State Dinners were the topic. yes? Why they might even showcase Kansas beef and rolls made with Kansas wheat. Ya ever suggest it or would ya rather just complain about something that has always been and always will be?. The lavish State Dinner.... All parties have and will do it.

You just don't get it.  Does it bother you that much that some people voice their opinions on how the government spends the tax payer's money or are you just clueless and have problems understanding the topic at hand??  It is not so much about what they had for dinner but the fact on how much they spent on the dinner.  Sending pictures out for the world to see of two dogs sitting at a dinner table with jewelry on, spending MY money doing it. What part about that do you not see? 

As long as the government, not just this President but everyone after this one, spends my money frivolously and arrogantly, I shall use my voice, however I can.  That includes this medium.  You call it complaining, fine.  Call it whatever you want.  I still think serving 12 different potatoes is crazy and unnecessary.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Patriot on February 14, 2014, 02:28:18 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 02:09:45 PM
...You still don't want to have a clue as to when I'm kidding.

Perhaps, on the other hand, your  'kidding' isn't humorous.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 02:09:45 PM
Ya ever suggest it or would ya rather just complain about something that has always been and always will be?. The lavish State Dinner.... All parties have and will do it.

I would rather the federal government spend more time performing Constitutional functions and less kissing the ass of a socialist with taxpayer dollars.  If you disagree, you could always relocate to any number of countries where your give in, live & let live thinking aligns more with fundamental leftist national thinking that supports the idea that citizens exist & work to support the elitist whims of members of their government.  France comes to mind.  Or you could just skip the socialist interim and relocate to Communist China or better yet, North Korea.

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 02:45:54 PM
Oh now, that's really helpful.  A State Dinner is NOT a local topic! You don't get to tell me not to have something to say about it. I never said I agreed with what they do, now did I? But no, ya can't skip the chance to start the personal insults and name calling can you!?  Why not try an adult political opinion for a change?  This topic is over as far as I'm concerned .
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Patriot on February 14, 2014, 02:51:41 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 02:45:54 PM
This topic is over as far as I'm concerned .

Another song we've heard before. 

Look Lady Di, you are more than entitled to your opinions, and the right to speak them.  But when you spout views that are antithetical to the founding principles of this country (i.e. limits on government excess), don't cry like a spanked child when you're called on it.

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 03:23:21 PM
Explain to me how I was wrong? I didn't say I agreed with political excesses at State Dinners, I just happen to know why it's done that way and I'm not going to go picket outside the White House. Making up fancy names on a menu does not an expensive meal make. I can grow carrots and radishes, pick and serve them as babies with a home made vinaigrette too.That doesn't make it expensive. And I do know for a fact that they do often showcase food specialties from different states. I can't say if it is paid for by them or the states ship the food to them for free for the advertizing. Same thing happens during trade meetings with other countries. Why don't you already know these things if you are so well informed? ???
Remember I'm an Independent. I don't get excited and swing wildly to either side without getting and weighing ALL the available information.  If the information changes, and you know it does, I may change my mind. Just who are you to be "calling"me on anything.You are just one more opinion and an NGO at that. What respect do you think you've earned by busting my chops... just from your own personal club members perhaps? and why should any of them, small group that they are, be respected? Just a simple question,thats all.  Also do you really understand and respect the difference between facts and opinions?
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: nykkylsdymes on February 14, 2014, 03:59:43 PM
I want to know why they needed 350 people attend a state dinner, in a HEATED tent outside on the White House lawn in the middle of winter, just before a snowstorm was about to hit?  What rocket scientist made this decision and thought, yeah... dinner outdoors in a tent in February.  Maybe should have served ham and beans or chicken and noodles and handed out local knitters mittens and scarves??! Or better yet, ditch all the guests and take the guest of honor to a local hospital and see what the dinner menu is there and chat with some of the people who are in the ditches dealing with his Obamacare first hand. 

From what I have read, the wine was cheaper.  Costing the tax payers anywhere from $35 to $65/bottle, which was cheaper than the swill they served to Chinese leader at $400/bottle.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 04:27:43 PM
The President, whomever and which ever party it is, is treated the same when they go to other countries, some in much worse shape than we are. That's just how politics is.  Now don't assume I agree, but I know I can't change it.That shouldn't mean I can't talk about it without getting verbally beat up.
All presidents do it, have done and always will. They are showing off our country.  Many, many will agree with you, but it won't ever change.
By the way...I can get quail eggs, duck eggs and preserved eggs, among other things, at our local farmers market. Also rabbit, alligator tail and Durian fruit. ;)
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Patriot on February 14, 2014, 05:03:10 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 04:27:43 PM
By the way...I can get quail eggs, duck eggs and preserved eggs, among other things, at our local farmers market. Also rabbit, alligator tail and Durian fruit. ;)

Better stock up then.  The age of Federal excesses is soon to reap its' reward on the common folks.  At least you'll still be eating like the elitist politicians you so casually defend.

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: nykkylsdymes on February 14, 2014, 05:32:56 PM
Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 14, 2014, 04:27:43 PM
The President, whomever and which ever party it is, is treated the same when they go to other countries, some in much worse shape than we are. That's just how politics is.  Now don't assume I agree, but I know I can't change it.That shouldn't mean I can't talk about it without getting verbally beat up.
All presidents do it, have done and always will. They are showing off our country.  Many, many will agree with you, but it won't ever change.
By the way...I can get quail eggs, duck eggs and preserved eggs, among other things, at our local farmers market. Also rabbit, alligator tail and Durian fruit. ;)

See that is the mentality of so many people of this country.  If you say it wont, it wont.  If you say you can't, you are right... you can't.  Oh dear oh dear... lil'o me can't change it.  Bull crap.  You and many others CAN change it if we continue to put pressure on those in Washington.  That means don't elect idiots in the first place and hold their feet against the fire for every vote they make.  After all they represent us and work for us, not the other way around. No it isn't going to happen overnight, took a long time to get it this way and will take time to change it.  It is unfortunate that it has come to this in this country.  We have a President baulking the greatest country ever on earth and basically crapping on the constitution, re-writing laws and going past the congress and thumbing his nose at all the citizens of this country.  The same hold true for local politics and school boards.  We elect them, they do what we want not the other way around.
Keep them all accountable for their actions.

Stay informed and fight for your country.

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 15, 2014, 09:29:35 AM
Back with the elitist crap again. You apparently wouldn't know an ordinary middle class person if you fell over one.
What we have we worked hard for for for more than 40 years and did well with our investments. In no other country could we have done so well. We planned for our old age, especially with Al's health issues. What would you have us do, spend everything on junk and then mooch off the taxpayers on medicaid? It took long term planning to get us to a comfortable "older" age. It didn't happen by accident. Are you jealous or what is your problem? I have no idea how old you are, but you made your choices, now live with them. Elitist? What a cop out!
We are both very active in local politics and you might be surprised how often our ideas, especially Al's, are picked up.I know a lot about what can be changed, what can't and why and how to address people's concerns so they don't feel they are being politically ignored. Sometimes the honey works better than stinging people with the bee. I certainly don't know it all  politically, but I am very inforemd as compared to many.
As far as national politics, there is no one American voice! You want them to work for "you". And which "you" would that be? The heart land doesn't even speak as one. The deep south is so different from the northwest. Alaska is completely different from anywhere else, and so on.  The states and their politicians all have their hands out for their share of the American Pie....And all think their needs and wants are more right than anyone else's. It's very complicated! Now back to my own boring thread.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Bullwinkle on February 15, 2014, 09:36:00 AM
      You forgot to say you wouldn't be back, ( again).

     The ignore feature must have quit working as well.

     No, you just start bloviating and can't stop.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 15, 2014, 11:54:03 AM
Anything to keep the children entertained.(  Ah yes, bloviating. The only four syllable word some Kansans  ever learned so they use it...a lot.) Poke.poke. I guess some don't have the attention span to stick it out, let alone understand it. Sounds like some of today's school kids. Say everything in two  sentences or forget it. Even better text it using text speak.
Never know, ya might learn something. After all, some  American farmer grows the food that the White house serves, don't they?  It's American food at those State Dinners. Except for the salad garden, which is right there during the growing season, it all comes from someone's American farm. If you were an American farmer wouldn't you like to sell to the White House?  Why it might even be Kansas wheat that made the flour that the rolls were made from. Even the caviar is from farm raised American sturgeon.  A number of states have sturgeon farms.There must be a market for it or they wouldn't be in business! Have you looked at it from that perspective? One man's tax is another man's income.
Yes, of course they could do better and the Gov't, both national and states are not known for being very efficient.  Yet, you too have folks who live off taxes. How else would you do it? Fire all the road crews?  Close all the schools? Shut off the water? Go back to out houses? Never repair the public building roofs (rooves)? ;D Then what? Everybody moves into Quonset huts?  Well sure. Somebody would make money from selling them to you. P The very thing you howl about puts money in someone else's pocket,who will then go spend it on something they need or want.
Perhaps some of you should take a real economics class to see how it's all tied together.  Some of you  seem to be looking through the wrong end of the telescope.
      Your own people are fighting for Gov't money to go to your state, just like everybody else.How would you suggest it be it done. Many states have to subsidize Kansas at it is. As you know, Delaware is one of them...that gives me the right to have an opinion! 8)  HA! Try broadening your view a little.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: jarhead on February 15, 2014, 01:53:28 PM
When I was a child, when someone was caught in a lie, we hand a little jingle.
Liar, liar , pants on fire---hang by your ------ ( Fill in the blank ) from a telephone wire-

What's up with this ending everything with "period "? Oh yea, from Obama down it's a liberal thing-- poke-poke.

Diane Amberg Re: Classrooms vs Number of Students
« Reply #52 on: December 12, 2013, 08:06:02 pm »
(Addressing Ross ). I will never converse with you again, period.

« Reply #31 on: Today at 12:52:59 pm »
No Ross. It's your constant referrals to EK that are boring!!!!!.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Bullwinkle on February 15, 2014, 06:18:21 PM
      It does not matter where the food comes from.

     It does not matter whether it promotes any US farm.

     It does matter that we can't afford it.

     Most of today's responsible households have a tight budget, and when something doesn't fit the budget, you don't spend the money.

     THAT IS THE POINT !   Nimrod. Sheesh!

     And, we all have been eating potatoes all our lives and don't need a dissertation on them.

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Patriot on February 15, 2014, 06:53:32 PM
Quote from: Bullwinkle on February 15, 2014, 06:18:21 PM

Your analysis is spot on in all areas except the quote above, methinks.  Ann Coulter has repeatedly pointed out that progressive thinking is a mental disease.  Perhaps help will be available under ObamaCare.  We can only hope.  ::)

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2014, 09:16:39 AM
Back to the rude name calling again I see. Yes, sometimes I do respond when asked a question.You are once again showing your own true characters. Go ahead, bust a vein. It won't change a thing, will it. If there are things you can't afford ,do what you tell others to do...go get another job...and ignore me please....both of you. You can sit out in a shack somewhere and discuss how awful your lives are. Oh boo hoo. You control your own lives and you make who you are. Ya don't like it, do what needs to be done to improve it. I planned for my life more than 50 years ago and took the paths that got me there. It didn't just happen, I worked for it! Why didn't you? Blame yourselves, not me.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Bullwinkle on February 16, 2014, 10:18:25 AM
       Once again , you just don't get it.


      So once again, Washington raised the debt limit. When will that debt will ruin us? BIG question.

      As for WE, individuals, it has nothing to do with how well we are living. I'm doing just fine , thank you, but it isn't about me. Otherwise, Warph would have posted about my last extravagant steak dinner followed by a bottle of Fume Blanc  ;)

      Lady Di has a propensity for steering a topic away from it's intended topic and BLOWHARDING about what she purports to know and how well off she is. Nothing new here, move along, this is not the droid you're looking for.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Jane on February 16, 2014, 10:34:53 AM
Bullwinkle, Jarhead and Patriot.
After reading all of this, I have decided that Diane just gets on here because truth be know she has nothing else to do and she loves to be the center of attraction on the forum. So if all us just leave her along she will have no one to fight with. She has her own thread and needs to stay on it which I thought she was going to do but she fibbed a big one.  ;D
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 16, 2014, 11:14:17 AM
I hope you are having fun.
This a hugely wealthy country, especially when it comes to political wealth.... Billionaires by the bucket.They spend their money as they choose. Why do you assume the tax payers paid for those gold plated carrots and radishes? Don't you understand how much of that kind of thing is taken care of under the table by Gov'ts enormously rich "friends and patrons?" And it isn't new. Nixon was known for it..political favors anyone? Remember, I said these dinners are partly to show case our states? Ya ever ask yourself if Maryland crab meat was ever sent to the White House gratis?  How about Delaware chicken? If supposedly stupid me knows all this, why don't you? As far as people not being able to afford it, it depends on how you look at it. Some sectors are indeed in deep doo-doo, but many aren't. Did you buy super bowl tickets? Me neither, but look how many individuals and companies did. People spend what they want, how they want. I'm sure you do too. You, as many, hate the Gov't. Well duh. I'm not happy with them either, but probably in much different ways than you.
Jane, I doubt you know anything about debating. I'm not fighting with anyone, they are fighting with me. I know how to debate issues and not get mad....they apparently don't. Then they get all righteous when the poster has had enough and pushes back.  My, my. The Kansas double standard...real top drawer.
But most Kansans aren't like that at all. They are tolerant and kind to everyone, even the scum that doesn't deserve it.. Thank goodness I know plenty of the nice ones and they know me. ZING! Tarwater huh...hmmmm. ;) Center of attention? Ross has that one sewn up.
I hadn't posted on any other threads in a long time.  My choice. I was interested in the post on the State Dinner so I posted back. Who asked any of you to jump in anyway?. You do not own this forum!
Hope you enjoy being so miserable and grumpy. Go ahead ,shoot a few more personal attacks my way. It's an indication of who you really are. Intolerant and self absorbed. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Now I've got some things to do since the sun is out at last. You negative people sure can a make a nice day gloomy.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Anmar on February 16, 2014, 04:06:40 PM
State dinner, seriously? 

Everything thats going on in this country and you guys are worried about the menu on a state dinner?
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Bullwinkle on February 16, 2014, 06:36:08 PM
      Only worried about our country going further and further in debt. PERIOD.

      CCTP, not enough of them. Anyone with an education should follow suit.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Bullwinkle on February 16, 2014, 07:22:17 PM
Quote from: Jane on February 16, 2014, 10:34:53 AM
Bullwinkle, Jarhead and Patriot.
After reading all of this, I have decided that Diane just gets on here because truth be know she has nothing else to do and she loves to be the center of attraction on the forum. So if all us just leave her along she will have no one to fight with. She has her own thread and needs to stay on it which I thought she was going to do but she fibbed a big one.  ;D

    You are quite right.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Anmar on February 16, 2014, 08:22:54 PM
I see, so any act, big or small that sends us into debt is bad.  Does that go for republicans too?  how about members of the tea party? 

Our debt is the result of over 100 years of reckless spending, poor planning, and the politics of re-election.  Its ridiculous that you have chosen a state dinner to suddenly draw the line and declare to the world; "No More."  Where were you when G.W. enacted the biggest expansion of government in American history? 

The thing that kills me most about the far right is that they have no shame, and apparently no memory.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: upoladeb on February 17, 2014, 06:22:12 AM
Its been getting this way for 100 years,sure enough.And we've got Senators and congress persons that have been there almost that long,when are we going to get term limits that might change it for the better?
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: redcliffsw on February 17, 2014, 07:51:33 AM

Much of the so-called far right is about as socialistic as you are.  The basis of the Republican Party is socialism - we're talking about all the way back to Abraham Lincoln.  How many times have you seen a so-called "conservative" Republican support a socialism?  Happens all the time.  Being on the opposite side of Obama's issues does not make one a conservative.

I can understand you being a Republican or re-constructed Democrat - the country is full of 'em.

Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Bullwinkle on February 17, 2014, 09:17:47 AM
      I see, so since it's been going on for so long, it's OK

     It doesn't matter where you draw the line, as long as it gets drawn before the total collapse of our country.

     This president is no different than Clinton, it's all one big party to him, cost be damned.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Diane Amberg on February 17, 2014, 10:32:36 AM
Still on the state dinners?
How about something truly important like the debt ceiling. Look up which Presidents raised it the most.You might be sadly surprised, and every one of them had their excuses. Now we are still stuck paying for a war that just won't go away, because some are still making huge profits off it.  Also every state that has Gov't contracts is protecting it's own... including building planes that the military doesn't want.oink.oink.  ( now pushing ironic sarcasm button)
Some of those taxes you say you can't afford are taken from me and given to you, and other states. You think you deserve my money? Think again! Especially with the nasty attitude I see on the forum. Why don't you folks do the right thing and refuse the money? Where is your misplaced pride now, huh? Learn to get along without our charity. We can use every penny right here. See, I have my Gov't dislikes. You just never hit mine.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Anmar on February 17, 2014, 11:11:03 AM
Quote from: Bullwinkle on February 17, 2014, 09:17:47 AM

     This president is no different than Clinton, it's all one big party to him, cost be damned.

This president is different than Clinton.  Bill Clinton was the only president in my lifetime, and probably yours that balanced the budget, paid down the debt, and made real progress on the trade deficit.  He did all that without making any severe cuts to important domestic programs, instead he allowed the economy to grow, and he had a little luck.

Now if we can have another president that can pull those things off without making draconian cuts, I'd say that president deserves a fancy state dinner.
Title: Re: This REALLY d!ss,s me off...
Post by: Bullwinkle on February 17, 2014, 08:03:31 PM
      Where I would disagree is your so called domestic programs. Being in one of the largest welfare states, I can understand.

      No. there are several presidents in my lifetime that far surpassed anything that Clinton accomplished.

    Agreed, if we can put a president in office that does the will of the people , I will personally cook him the best steak he has ever had.