Started by Teresa, May 05, 2007, 10:23:49 PM

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Has anyone besides me noticed that there's been no activity on this thread since mid-November?  That was around the time member #452 joined our happy "little" family.  We're now at 502 members.  So my question is---Would you folks that have recently joined please take a quick moment and let the rest of us know a little about yourself by posting here on this thread?  We don't need (or want) your whole life story, but just enough so we can relate to and understand you a little better.  What do you say?  Join in and share a lttle bit about who you are.  I, for one, would be very apppreciative.  Thanks.


Hello. My name is Amanda Hall.
I was born in Winfield but have never lived there. I have always lived around here. Okay. Almost always. I'm 19 and my mom told me about this site.  I thought I would join and see what was going on.
I've lived with my grandparents, Jane and Sam Trigg for most of my life. My mother's user name is Rosewolf. She's pretty cool. I lived with her from the time I was 15 until November of last year. We lived in havana. then moved to Bartlesville. I ended up comeing back here after she moved to North Carolina in I think July. Maybe it was August. I can't remember. Anyway. So I moved in with my grandparents and thats where I stay now. They own Trigg's Greenhouse. I help them out as much as I can. The plants tend to scream and run when I come around.  ;D But seriously. I like elk county. But I don't really do not want to live the rest of my life here. weird huh. Well, I guess I'm young and want to see things before I die. Selfish. I hope not.


So, are you the one that has a car older than she is? I think I met you if you are that person. Anyway, welcome aboard!  ;D

Diane Amberg

Hi again...thanks for letting us know something about yourself.You sound like a delightful young lady.


As some of you already know I have been posting on this fourm for a little while now, not too long, still kinda new.  However, it was brought to my attention that I had not posted on this particular thread, and to be honest I had never looked at it.  So anyway here goes...
My name is Billy Roe I was born in Ponca City, lived in Newkirk for about 7 yrs.  My father was in the navy so we moved around quite abit.  California, S. Carolina, Maine, back to S. Carolina.  We moved here when my dad retired, grandpa had a pig farm south of Grenola.  I went to school in burden, graduated, got married, joined the army, got divorced, remarried, was injuried, got out of the army, moved here.  I have three children, two dogs.
I like to hunt, fish, read, watch movies, bar-b-que, and debate.  I believe in the Constitution, God, and the American Dream. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Well you might have squelched the  whispers of "who IS that Masked Patriot?"..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Ah, so he has been outed.  Thank you, Teresa, for keeping this forum going.  I haven't had this much fun since party lines were discontinued.

Roma Jean Turner

Hey Greenthumb 13, young people are supposed to want to go out and see the world.  Wish I had done a lot more of that when I was younger.  Good luck.

Right On Varmit.  I appreciate your posts.


Hello, my name is Charles Brown.

My wife and I moved to Wichita in 98 to take a job in aircraft, when we started our family we wanted to move to a smaller town where we could slow down a little.We have been here now for six years and really like it here. we have three children. Alexia, Allen and cordell. I got laid off in April of 09 and went to work for the county, which I do enjoy, no long drive to work, I get to work outside and have the opportunity to meet new people in and around town.
"Talk Low, Talk Slow And Dont Talk Too Much."
                  ( John Wayne )

Rudy Taylor

You made a good decision to move to Elk County, Charles. It truly is God's country.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

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