
Started by Growit1, February 12, 2013, 03:58:44 PM

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Jane, I have some really pretty Crepe Myrtle, they are called Razzle Dazzle. They are short, Compact and bloom really beautiful. I have some of the bigger Crepe Myrtles but I like the Razzle Dazzle the best.


For the longest time, I have wanted to grow grapes. (Concord)  Apparently this area used to be prime for that back in the early 1900's.  Has anyone ever tried to satrt from seed, or would a graft be best?

ready for spring, too!


Quote from: readyaimduck on February 13, 2013, 05:16:55 PM
For the longest time, I have wanted to grow grapes. (Concord)  Apparently this area used to be prime for that back in the early 1900's.  Has anyone ever tried to satrt from seed, or would a graft be best?

ready for spring, too!
Ready, you don't have do any grafting, every spring, Lowes and Home Depot have Concord grape vines. Grapes should do well in your area. When I was a young boy growing up in Howard several people had Concord Grapes.
Frank Winn


Thank you!..   The gentlemen that had some here, went 'away' so I never got any.  I will check out Lowe's.  We have Sandy soil and a fence line for the support that runs East and West.  In a few years...grape wine!  All are invited!



       I planted a grape vine two years ago and have not gotten fruit.  It may be too shady. Do they need full sun?


Bullwinkle I have never seen a Grape Vinyard that was in the shade.  Driving across Missouri there are lots of them and all are in the sun.


      Thanks, I guess I'll have to relocate it or cut down a tree.  :)

Judy Harder

My Naked Ladies are about 6 inches tall today. Plus right next to it I see Holly Hock that is volunteer.........been here since I moved in 92 and transplanted them. All that is left is really sad. But, after 21 years I am pleased.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


        Mom always said people thought holly hocks were weeds. I love them. Patsy Lanning always has some.


Hollyhocks are not weeds although they survive like weeds.  Mine are only a couple of years old and not established really well yet, but I used to have some old ones that stood six feet tall and several feet in diameter.  The fact that the chickens scratched around the bottom of them all summer only helped.  The blossoms and buds could be used to make flower dolls, but I didn't like destroying the flowers.

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