Wood Bees

Started by Joanna, June 06, 2010, 11:31:42 AM

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Everybody's a comedian  :P   ::)   ;D

Diane Amberg

Would you believe a very long pole, like bamboo or such with an insecticide soaked rag or cotton that you could poke in the holes? Some wasp sprays have a very long spray and might reach... Or call your Ag extension?

Diane Amberg

Time to get serious. NBS30 is a repellent. Works to repel wood bees ,doesn't kill them. Mix 3.2oz. per gal. in a pump sprayer and you might get it high where you need it. Spray 1 gal. per 500 square feet. You may need to respray a couple of times during the season. An insecticide that also repels is Cypermethrin spray.  Read and follow all directions carefully.


Thanks Diane... but I don't do well with spraying over my head... it would end up being a stinky chemical shower for me... I've seen myself at work and I can say for sure it would not end well  ::) ::)
I have some of that wasp spray that goes 25 or 30 foot, but while I am a good shot with a firearm, for some reason all I can hit is the side of the barn with that spray can. LOL!
I'll drag out the ladder and caulk gun and give that a try, maybe in a couple days when Flo is working so I won't have to come down and answer the phone a dozen times... you know it never rings till you can't possibly answer it. HA! I don't think a long pole would work because I couldn't get at the right angle to do any good.

Varmit, the only way that carport is going somewhere is in a tornado and I'm not expecting one soon because my insurance is paid up.

Diane Amberg

So have you had time to vanquish those wood bees yet? I'm still trying to come up with something better than a body sized trash bag and an umbrella. ;)


well, I did actually try the spray while standing in the doorway and slamming it shut before the stuff drifted back down. It was a little messy, but I haven't seen the bees for a couple days since, but I can't imagine I scared them off. We'll see... ::)


You probably scared them off.  Who wouldn't run when a mad woman points a can at you then slams the door in your face?


yeah, been there, done that-----------ouch

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I know they won't bore into painted wood.  I just spray their holes with wasp and hornet spray and it usually makes them leave.

Honestly, I have never seen a bore bee in the garden, but I have seen them on flowers.  :)


Quote from: Wilma on June 06, 2010, 08:14:50 PM
I don't know about wood bees, but I have some bees bigger than honey bees working my flowers.  I know they aren't bumble bees or wood bees.

Probably bumbles.  wood bees don't produce honey.  Only thing they produce is holes and sawdust. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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