.38 Colt

Started by Bunk, April 06, 2023, 04:52:06 PM

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Is anyone out there working with the .38 Colt (short) in the original .375" caliber?
The bullet I am using is the Eras Gone  (shameless plug) 124  grain paper cartridge heel bullet and FFFg GOEX powder.
This is in an 1851 Uberti Navy with the Kirst conversion and real front sight was done by Barnes.
Any comments or experiences will be appreciated.
Held Center
Hit somewhere (as usual)

Professor Marvel

I am replying because I have lucked out and got an old Lyman 37583 bullet mold 38-55 145 grain
"gallery and small game"

this ought to be perfect for the .36 C&B and the .38 Colt conversion cylinder.

but only if I can the unlabeled box the incompetent moving morons put it in!

prf mumbles
Your Humble Servant
~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic


:)  Perfesser  8)

That particular item will be found in the LAST possible box you open  :o

Yes, Auntie Agness, People are Still Hazardous to Yer Health


don't worry i moved a little over two years ago and am still unpacking stuff. And can't find a lot of stuff.
Of course it was a 60 year accumulation.
Moving is a female dog (family friendly)


I've been "moving" for almost two years, after almost 25 years in the same house.  You see the problem?  I can't find something, I replace it, then I find it. 
In my book a pioneer is a man who turned all the grass upside down, strung bob-wire over the dust that was left, poisoned the water, cut down the trees, killed the Indian who owned the land and called it progress.  Charles M. Russell


Since I seem to be the only nut fooling with the .38 Colt It seems to like  FFFg to the bullet base with a tiny bit of compression. I don't bother with lube the bore pf my 1851 has been JB compounded to very smooth surface and does not seem to lead foul at least none I can see..
Starline brass apparently varys just a bit in length causing bullet seating/crimping  problems. This means a big trimming job is in the near future. :(
For what it is worth that is what I know. This is the pickiest cartridge I have ever loaded and my loading history goes back to FA#70 corrosive primers and HiVel 2
Still making smoke.


I find the 130 gr and lighter bullets don't have the oompf to reliably drop knock-down targets.  I switched to a 140 grain heeled from Accurate and am much happier with the results.
NRA Life Benefactor, CRPA Life, SASS Life 83712, RO I, Hiram Ranger 48, Coyote Valley Sharpshooters, Coyote Valley Cowboys, SASS TG


all i am doing is can rolling and steel gong ringing. The 124 grain bullet is fine.
Is your barrel lined to .357"?  I left mine the original .375" and can shoot either cartridge or percussion.


is anyone out there?
All i hear is crickets
Lonesome Bunk

Professor Marvel

Ola Bunk

I located the 1851 revolvers and the .38 coversion cylinders  but
I am still looking for my mold....
and my powder scale
and my kitchen measuring spoons and cups

if absolutely necessary I will make a mold using a .375 drill and a powder measure
out of an old cartridge case...

more later...
Your Humble Servant
~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~
President, CEO, Chairman,  and Chief Bottle Washer of

Professor Marvel's
Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe
Purveyor of Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Powder, Percussion Caps, Cleaning Supplies, Dry Goods,
Picture Postcards

Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Providing Useless Items to the Gentry
Since 1822
Available by Appointment for Lectures on Any Topic

Reverend P. Babcock Chase

Howdy Fellas,

I have a very old 51 conversion in .38 S&W. Original percussion barrel. I have had good luck with 148gr. hollow base wadcutters. I don't mess with black and didn't have any interest in fussing with heeled bullets. I'm loading mild smokeless loads of American Select and have found that this approach works pretty well.

That's all I understand about what I know about this,
Rev. Chase


:) Hi Bunk!!  :D

:) And Everbody  ;)

I have only one pair of .38 Conversions.  Began life as a pair of Captain Schaffer Replicas from EMF/Pietta.  Also started life as .36cal Percussion guns, which, they still are after about 7 or 8 seconds to change cylinders.  I'm running R & D two piece cylinders in them for 38 Special cartridges.  I have had really good results with commercial swaged 148Gr Hollow Base Wadcutters.

I do not have any experience with the itty bitty shorty 38 Colty cases.  None.  Nope, none at all.  I don't cast my own bullets so I am no help there either.  I don't shoot smokeless so I am no help there either.  Obviously I can't provide any meaningful help type stuff to the OP.

So you may wonder why I even bothered to join this discussion.  I'm wondering that myself.  My only conclusion is, it's Sunday Morning.  My Sweetheart is out of town.  Nobody to talk to and my Dog is sound asleep onna floor.  Not so much as a burnt outa him.  Oh well.  Should be pretty apparent I'm Skull Numb Bored and wanted something to do as it's still really cold in my shop.  So here I are and there you all are.  I would probably suggest ignoring this contribution, but iffin you have read this far > > > > IT'S ALREADY TOO LATE 'cause here ya ARE. (grins and giggles)


Quote from: Coffinmaker on April 30, 2023, 09:48:12 AM
:) Hi Bunk!!  :D

:) And Everbody  ;)

I have only one pair of .38 Conversions.  Began life as a pair of Captain Schaffer Replicas from EMF/Pietta.  Also started life as .36cal Percussion guns, which, they still are after about 7 or 8 seconds to change cylinders.  I'm running R & D two piece cylinders in them for 38 Special cartridges.  I have had really good results with commercial swaged 148Gr Hollow Base Wadcutters.

I do not have any experience with the itty bitty shorty 38 Colty cases.  None.  Nope, none at all.  I don't cast my own bullets so I am no help there either.  I don't shoot smokeless so I am no help there either.  Obviously I can't provide any meaningful help type stuff to the OP.

So you may wonder why I even bothered to join this discussion.  I'm wondering that myself.  My only conclusion is, it's Sunday Morning.  My Sweetheart is out of town.  Nobody to talk to and my Dog is sound asleep onna floor.  Not so much as a burnt outa him.  Oh well.  Should be pretty apparent I'm Skull Numb Bored and wanted something to do as it's still really cold in my shop.  So here I are and there you all are.  I would probably suggest ignoring this contribution, but iffin you have read this far > > > > IT'S ALREADY TOO LATE 'cause here ya ARE. (grins and giggles)

And besides that, it is way TOO windy to go out and shoot.


I have thrown in the towel on my .38 Colt 1851 conversion. It will be shooting exactly where I point it and every thing is dandy.
Take it apart and clean and put it back together now I am hitting just west of Fort Mudge... infuriating.
It is a Uberti and has the short arbor corrected by Barnes and set up tight.
All the brass is cleaned and trimmed and put away.
I feel somewhat better with my 1911 that hits EXACTLY where i point it so it is not me.
I  am DISGUSTED, puzzled and somewhat p!**ed off (family friendly)
practicing Curmudgeon

45 Dragoon

Just gonna hafta quit cleaning it !!!  8)

Kidding aside,  I've seen some videos lately .  .  . is there a set screw sticking out of the end of the arbor?  ( I think he's changed his arbor  "fix".)

Follow me on Instagram @goonsgunworks


yes it is a set screw in the end of the arbor adjusted and set in place with locktite.
It is a mystery to me because the whole gun is tight as Dick's hat band.
I am going to let it rest for a while and give me time to play with other toys before i start throwing things..
Holding center

45 Dragoon

Yap, that's what I figured. That's really not a good fix but folks try that or some version of it all the time.  Ideally you need the full diameter of the arbor to seat solidly against the bottom of the arbor hole.  A full size 1 piece spacer is ( IMO) the best "fix". It allows  full transmission of the force ( as well as harmonics) at firing.  The wedge must be under tension to keep the barrel assembly tight against the end of the arbor.  This allows the 2 assemblies to act / react as a single unit.   ( I know you know this so this is for folks that may not).  A set screw being the "connection" in effect reduces the diameter of the arbor to the diameter of the screw .  .  .  not a good outcome ( especially with horse pistols!!). A nice "thick enough" washer would be a better solution and I think your troubles would disappear.

Follow me on Instagram @goonsgunworks


Bunk, any chance the muzzle got bumped and put a ding in the crown?  I don't know where Fort Mudge is but I'll be avoiding it if your bullets are going to be flying around.  :)  Good luck!


:) I'm of Two Minds  ;) ??? Don't bring me into this :-[

I think I have mentioned inna past, I don't like Uberti.  Beyond that, the bullets being used may well not be optimized for a .375 barrel.  But before tossing the whole thing in the "Big Green Safe" out back, I'd first try a full diameter spacer thingie at the end of the Arbor.  A nice Brass washer, filed to fit, coupled with a nice snug Wedgeie and remembering to hold yer tongue right.

Along with the above, I'd quit messing with the odd cast bullets and go with Swaged Full Hollow Base Wadcutters.  I've had great result with them in my guns with .375 bores.  No guarantee with your gun of course, after all, it is a Uberti (Yech) .  And, with full Wadcutters, you should be able to run 38 Special cases and skip those itsy bittsy teeny tiny periody correct powder buckets.  Just a thought.  Or three.

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