1860 Richards Transition Question

Started by 103, January 08, 2020, 04:18:19 PM

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Quote from: Coffinmaker on January 27, 2025, 09:05:19 AMhave the memory of a Gnat.  Way Back inna Wabac (thank you Sherman and the Perfesser) there was a retailer of ASM Richards replicants, that was adding a gas ring to the ASM guns.  Unfortunately it wasn't a complete ring that required relieving of the barrel breach.  It was made with a wedge shaped cutout to go around the barrel breach.  It also worked fairly well.

I remember that ring/thing but I remember it not working well for me and I have lost it over the years.  These guns would slow down after 10 rounds or less, no fun at all.  So I reamed the cylinder and made a collar to fit, had to relieve the bottom of the breach.  I tapered the collar a little so I did not have to remove as much metal from the barrel...Did this all with a hand drill, dremel, and home made jig...If I silver soldered the ring to the cylinder it would probably run a little longer but it's easy to clean this way and works good enough.. I did both guns the same...



 :) HI 1860 ;)

Atz why I said it work'd "fairly well."  After three or four stages of a CAS match, I'd have to pull the Barrel assembly and clean under the little ring thingie and the Cylinder at the Arbor.  Kind of a Nuisance it twas.  I did however keep the little ring thingies with the guns (that had them) when I sold them on.

I was sorely tempted to make up a set of "real" gas rings, Ala the Uberti Open Top as you describe, but received several offer for the guns I just couldn't refuse.  Away they went.


I was at the Harrisburg show yesterday and looked at a couple Taylor RM conversions..Guns felt solid, indexed and timed good...but no gas ring...and 750.00!!!

No Joy for me.



Quote from: 1860 on Yesterday at 05:35:28 AMI was at the Harrisburg show yesterday and looked at a couple Taylor RM conversions..Guns felt solid, indexed and timed good...but no gas ring...and 750.00!!!

No Joy for me.


I don't understand that at all, the fact that you had them in your hands and didn't see that the Richards-Masons all have gas rings.  I have '51s and '60.  The '60 gas rings and barrel "forcing cones" are shorter than the '51's but are there and they all run just fine with BP.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube


 :) PLUS ONE for Abilene  ;)

Unless something at Uberti has drastically changed, ALL Uberti built R/M conversions have "Gas Rings" although it is not a separate "Part" or "Bushing."  The "Gas Ring" is integral to the cylinder.  It doesn't necessarily "look" like a Gas Ring, but it is.


Yes, my 72 opentop has the gas ring, it spins with the cylinder.  I checked both guns for indexing by holding my thumb on the cylinder while cocking it slowly..and I was looking at the front of the cylinder/pin area...the cylinder obviously moved but I did not see anything in front of it moving with it.  Then I half cocked the 61 and slowly moved the cylinder...same result... Now my eyes are at least as old as I am and that's over 70 so I could have missed it.  I'm going to dig my 72 out of the safe and try it the same way to see what I can see. 

This was at a busy gun show where the light was probably not the best and honestly I was not really interested in the guns anyway, I don't care for the sight picture on RMs and don't need any more cowboy guns...



They probably keep the lights dim in the gun shows on purpose!  :D

For most CAS I don't use the hammer notch for sighting, I just put the front sight on top of the hammer, otherwise yeah that notch is pretty tiny.
Storm #21   NCOWS L-208   SASS 27489

Abilenes CAS Pages  * * * Abilene Cowboy Shooter Youtube

Major 2

Quote from: 1860 on Yesterday at 05:40:10 PM.... don't need any more cowboy guns...

Hmmm, if we all followed that statement  :-\
Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling!
40 years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes!
The dead rising from the grave!
Human sacrifice, cats and dogs living together, mass hysteria!

To quote a movie phrase  ;D
when planets align...do the deal !

45 Dragoon

Follow me on Instagram @goonsgunworks

Hair Trigger Jim

I was wondering if somebody could interpret that phrase into English, because it's unintelligible to me.  Simply can't understand it.
Hair Trigger Jim

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