Author Topic: Anything Could Happen  (Read 108055 times)

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #60 on: December 05, 2005, 09:14:52 PM »
One of the soldiers eased up next to Fritz. "What he really wants is a scout that can and will take him to the indians that live round here. Probably would cut you a good deal if you could do it or get somebody else to take him."
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #61 on: December 06, 2005, 06:25:34 PM »
“That’s not me,” Fritz replied.  “From what I know of these people, all they want is to be left alone.”

The rider moved back to his position.

“Is it true?  What they say about you?”

Fritz turned to the trooper pulling the Gatling gun.  “Depends on what they’re saying.  What’s your name son?”

“My name’s Willis, sir...Anson Willis.”

“They call him ‘Handsome Anson,’ ‘cause he’s so pretty,” retorted the trooper pulling the howitzer.  Fritz ignored him.

“So, Trooper Willis, what are they saying about me?

“They say you’re a war hero.  You served in the war, became an officer even.”

“Yes son,” Fritz replied.  “That’s all true.”

Willis asked “why did you quit?  Being an officer, I mean.”

“Simple,” Fritz said.  “Because I’d rather be an outstanding Sergeant, than just another officer.  An officer can get by on his men.  But a Sergeant has to know his stuff.  An old Sergeant once told me that, and he was right.”

“And now you’re the old offense,” Willis said, blushing.

“None taken.  I’ve been in the army for over eighteen years now.  Someday I’ll retire, and you’ll be the old Sergeant.”

“Nah,” Willis replied.  “I don’t intend to be a soldier my whole life.”

“I didn’t intend to either son,” Fritz said.  “But it’s been a good run.  And when I retire, I’m not gonna curl up and die.  There’s a life beyond my uniform, and I intend to live it.”

“He’s full of crap, Handsome.  Don’t listen to him.  He’s...”

The trooper’s head exploded.  Fritz heard the report...

...then all hell broke loose.     


1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #62 on: December 06, 2005, 07:16:56 PM »
The first shot spooked the horse pulling the howitzer.  It broke from the formation at a gallop, its dead rider falling from the saddle.  A second shot boomed.  Fritz figured it for a buffalo gun...probably a .50 caliber Sharps. Trooper Willis reined in, his face in shock.  It probably saved his life.  The round meant for him smashed into his mount’s head, killing it instantly.  Then fire erupted from the left flank.  “Lower caliber, probably Winchesters,” Fritz thought, reaching for his Navy...which of course, was gone.

He was unarmed.

Captain Fields screamed “Ambush left!!!”  He wheeled his mount and drew his pistol.  “Lead element on me!  CHARGE!!!”

A dozen troopers came about as the trumpeter sounded the charge.  Fritz had seen this before.  He knew the charge was doomed.

Fritz leapt off Buddy and pulled Willis to his feet.  The boy had a saber strapped to his saddle.

“Is that thing sharp?”


“Then cut the traces loose!  We’ve got to get this gun in action!!!”

Horses thundered across the open valley.  The sound of the bugle filled the air.  Guidons flapped in the breeze.  It was very romantic.

The Winchesters volleyed from the treeline.  Men and horses fell.  After the second volley crashed, riders appeared and countercharged.  They were headed for the riderless horse, haplessly pulling the howitzer.

Fritz yelled over the din.  “Form skirmish lines!!!  Load...CARBINES!!!”

The remaining troopers took a knee, feeding rounds into their Springfields.

The riders closed on the field piece.


The line burst into read flame.  A third of the enemy fell, but still they came on.

Fritz and Willis manhandled the Gatling into position.  The boy pulled a magazine from the caisson.  Fritz snapped it into the gun.

“Fire at will!!!”

The line erupted again, more of the enemy falling.  Fritz spun the crank.  The Gatling came to horrible life, chewing at man and horseflesh in equal parts.  Divots of earth flew skyward. 

His attention was focused on the countercharge.  Fritz didn’t see the two riders entering the opposite side of the field.  They reached for the horse’s loose reins.  Fritz swivelled the gun.


“Dammit!  Give me another magazine!!!  KILL THOSE SONSABITCHES!!!

The troopers fired as fast as they could, but to no avail.  The riders were running hard, and were almost out of range.  One looked back, his hat falling on its stampede string.  A shock of white hair fell loose.  His skin was the same color.  Fritz could tell he was smiling.

“Cease fire!  Cease fire!  They’re out of range!”

Fritz mounted Buddy.  “Trooper Willis!  Keep that gun loaded and ready.  I’m going forward to check the wounded.”

“Yes Sergeant!”  The boy wore a new confidence on his face.  He’d seen the elephant, and lived.

Fritz stopped at the first casualty. It was Sergeant Carter.  He had two holes in his chest.  His dead eyes peered skyward.  Fritz took his gunbelt off the dead boy’s saddle. 

The Guidon bearer was next.  He was dead too, still clutching the staff.  He didn’t let it fall.   
He heard the cries of the wounded.  Of the dead, only silence. 

Fritz reached Captain Fields.  He’d been hit in the right shoulder, and twice in the thigh.  He’d bled a lot, but wasn’t dead.  Fritz pulled his canteen from his saddle.  Taking a knee, he offered it to Fields.

“...Sergeant Carter...?”

“He’s dead, sir,” Fritz replied.

“ must...”

“I’ll get you home sir.”

“This...isn’t over...”  Fields passed out.

“Nope...guess not,” Fritz said.

He hoped Ella and the rest had heard the shots.           


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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #63 on: Today at 04:48:06 PM »

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #63 on: December 06, 2005, 09:17:38 PM »
Scarlet was trying to busy herself by helping break down camp while she waited for the men from the Starr to show up. It looked as if it would be Tensleep and her following the trail of the outlaws but they had agreed not to leave until Ella and Dr. Bill had back up.

She jumped at the faint sound of gunfire she’d been listening for and ran for her horse.

“Be careful!” Tensleep yelled as she rode past.

Out of the corner of her eye Scarlet caught Ella coming out of the tent stuffing things in her pockets.

Ella followed right behind Scarlet who picked up speed at the pounding sound of the Gatling gun.

Then the sound stopped. All the gunfire stopped. Scarlet and Ella slowed their horses and swung a wide loop so they could come in under cover. Scarlet slowed Lucky to a jog. Ella pulled Diamond along side. Scarlet pulled her sharps from its boot and began to load it. The two women exchanged looks, both hoping they weren’t too late and hoping they wouldn’t hear the gun fire of the outlaws possibly walking among the downed soldiers like they probably had the first time.

Scarlet and Ella could see men walking among fallen men as the rode into view. Scarlet shouldered the big rifle but looked over the sights.

“Looks like all soldiers.”

“I agree.” Ella replied.

Scarlet’s eyes were searching beyond the group of men into the tree line just beyond them.

“I see Fritz.” Ella said causing Scarlet to lower the rifle and rest it on the saddle horn as they rode in.

“Sir.” One of the men said to Fritz pointing to the two incoming riders.

“It’s alright son.” He replied watching the familiar figures riding towards them.

Ella stopped at the first fallen man.

Scarlet rode up to Fritz her eyes continually scanning the surroundings for something that shouldn’t be there until Lucky came to a stop.

She looked down at him he could tell she was relieved to see he was alright. “Someone once told me they thought I had nine lives like a cat. You have a unique way of scaring them right out of me.” She smiled at him then looked back across the landscape. “I don’t have to tell you we need patch them up and get them outta here quickly. I’m guessing we have enough time for the outlaws to lick their own wounds then they will be back for what they missed.”
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #64 on: December 06, 2005, 10:00:45 PM »
The first fallen man was dead.  So was the second.  The third was barely alive with a sucking chest wound.  She slapped a dressing on the wound, and moved on to the next. 

The next ten minutes were a blur of blood and death.  Bandage anything bleeding fast, murmur a brief prayer over the dead, and move on to the next.  Don't think, don't feel, let training and experience move her hands.  Depend on Scarlet and Fritz to watch for outlaws coming back.  Just keep moving.

Until she looked up to spot the next victim and couldn't see one.  It was time to go back to the ones who needed more care most urgently.  Then it was time to extract bullets and disinfect and stitch up the wounds.  No broken bones - that was a mercy, since the Army doctor was likely to amputate any limb with a bullet-broken bone because he wouldn't know how to prevent infection and gangrene from setting in. 
Elegant Ella

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #65 on: December 07, 2005, 07:38:20 PM »
The patrol limped home.  Those who could ride did.  Those who could not were pulled in travois behind their mounts.  The Gatling gun rode centered in the column, a trooper riding the carriage.  The gun was loaded and ready.

Fritz rode at the head of the column.  A pace to the left and rear rode Trooper Willis, proudly carrying the guidon. 

The sentries opened the gates and the troopers passed inside.  Colonel Troutman stood at the hitching rail, his face clouded.  He stood in disbelief as Fritz and Willis dismounted.  They walked to the colonel, and delivered the guidon.

Troutman asked, “what happened?”

“Sir,” Fritz replied, “the troop was ambushed.  The enemy was repulsed, but not before the loss of the mountain howitzer.  Captain Fields led a charge...”


“...and was wounded by enemy fire.  The troopers deployed in skirmish line, and stopped their countercharge.  But the howitzer was taken by an albino.”

Troutman thought hard.  “How did you come to be in the column.?”

“Captain Fields wanted prisoners.  I had none.  Only wounded.  So he arrested me for failing to obey an order.”

“Damned fool,” Troutman replied.  “I never ordered him to take any prisoners.”  He looked at the guidon.  “In light of the circumstances, you’re free to go.” 

“Sir, you need good NCO’s.  Trooper Willis kept his head under fire.  He’d make a good Corporal.”

“Consider it done.”  Troutman walked into his office, carrying the guidon.  He returned carrying a Cavalry Colt.  He handed it to Fritz.

“I hereby reinstate you to your previous rank.  1stSgt King, thank you for bringing my men home.”

Fritz saluted.  This time, the salute was returned.

“Thank you sir.”

Troutman said, “I thought you’d forgotten where you came from.”

“Never sir,” Fritz replied.  “Just because I wear a badge, doesn’t mean I stopped being a soldier.”

Troutman smiled.

“Bravo Fritz...bravo.”

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #66 on: December 09, 2005, 03:15:05 PM »
Scarlet and Ella took a different trail back to the camp than they had ridden in on, their horses moving at a quick but easy pace.

“Ella.” Scarlet looked over at her friend. “My gut instincts are telling me they’ll be coming for you. I have a feeling we’ve been being watched and with them being wounded they may want a doctor. Be careful going back to the ranch.”
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #67 on: December 09, 2005, 04:15:41 PM »
"I will be careful.  At least the plan for going back to the ranch involves 4 vehicles, so there will be several drivers,"  Ella paused, worry creasing her face.  "The trouble is, these guys are ruthless and would not hesitate to kill everyone around me if they thought they needed to.  Maybe it will be best if I ride a little away from the wagons so that they don't have to murder the drivers and the wounded troopers to catch me.  The hard part is going to be for me to get away from them once their wounded are patched up,and before they decide they don't need my services anymore."

Ella sighed, "Refusing to treat their wounded is not an option.  That would violate the healer's oath I swore to my grandmother."
Elegant Ella

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #68 on: December 10, 2005, 10:16:12 AM »
Scarlet half smiled in understanding at Ella’s comment. 

It would be interesting to know what they were planning to do with the heavy artillery. Ella could find that out easy enough just by listening if they caught her, but getting her away from them would be the hard part. Scarlet figured Ella was correct in her thinking; men like this would just kill her when they were done with her. 

“How opposed would you be to the idea of not riding with the wagons at all? I know you wouldn’t want to leave before them, but once they are loaded, get on that horse, take the back trail and make a run for it?”

“Dad will most likely bring extra men n horses, one of them could ride with you or I could ride with you and catch up with the Marshal later.”

“If I thought I could convince you to leave before the wagons do I would say we just keep riding now?” Scarlet said hopefully because she liked that idea best. She figured the outlaws were at least behind them and not had the time to figure how to capture Ella should they want her.
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #69 on: December 10, 2005, 11:25:27 AM »
"Marshal's going to need you with him as soon as he heads after them," replied Ella.  "I am willing to head out before the wagons leave, but I need to be there to get the patients loaded.  Besides, I hadn't finished morning rounds when we left.  I left Johnson in charge with Sean to act as his hands and legs, and do wonder how much trouble that caused."
Elegant Ella

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #70 on: December 10, 2005, 08:24:17 PM »
“I didn’t think I could get you to keep riding but it was worth a shot.” Scarlet replied. “I’ve been trying to figure out what those outlaws would want heavy artillery for. I’ve come up with a few ideas. Either they are going to rob a train or ambush a large patrol coming in with payroll or something.”  Scarlet glanced over at Ella. “You haven’t heard talk on the wire of a large payroll coming in or perhaps some outlaw they would want to free while you’re watching the telegraph for Patches have you?”
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #71 on: December 10, 2005, 09:39:46 PM »
“First Sergeant, I need your help.”  Troutman looked at him expectantly.

“What can I do for you sir?”

“I need senior leadership.  I plan on leading an expedition to recover the mountain howitzer.  I could use a man with your experience.”

“Sir,” Fritz replied, “I think it’s best to speak about this matter inside.”

“Very well,” Troutman said.  “Corporal Willis, see the men tend to their horses.”

The boy smiled and saluted.  “Yes sir!”                     

Once inside, the Colonel pulled a bottle and two glasses from his desk.  He poured two fingers in each glass, and offered one to Fritz.

“Speak your mind.”

Fritz raised his glass and took a sip.  Sam’s taste in bourbon had improved.

“In the last couple of days, you’ve lost about twenty men killed and wounded.  That’s about fifty percent of your compliment of effectives, right?”  Troutman nodded.

“If you take the men out after this albino, you’ll be leaving the fort virtually undefended.”  Fritz drained the glass.  “You do that, and he’ll come after all the ordnance in the fort.”

Troutman asked, “don’t you think the troop can handle him?”

“Sam, right now, all he’s got is the ammo in the caisson.  Once that’s expended, he’ll have to abandon the gun.  If you go afield, he’ll draw you into ground of his own choosing.  He’s hit your people twice.  What makes you think he’ll stop?”

Sam Troutman emptied his glass and put it down.  “So, what do you expect me to do, let him run rampant with my gun?”

“You have to play by the rules people do not.”

“Your people...that posse you ride with?”

“They’re men and women of good character.  Give us a chance, and I’ll roll that howitzer back in here myself.”

“If you can’t catch him, then you’ll join me in combating this threat?”

Fritz shook his hand.  “Done...if I survive that is.”

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #72 on: December 10, 2005, 10:25:35 PM »
"No, I haven't heard anything.  That kind of chatter on the wire mostly takes place late at night, and among telegraphers who have known each other a while," replied Ella.  "Patches is on that grapevine.  She might have said something to Bill, though.  You should ask him when we get back."
Elegant Ella

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #73 on: December 11, 2005, 12:40:03 PM »
Scarlet nodded her head in agreement with Ella.
The next few miles were silent each women lost in her own thoughts.

“What drives a man like that?” Scarlet kept asking herself. “Hate? Power? Money? Fame? If it was her what would she do? Tensleep had told her the kind of outlaw this man was. So far she thought him a bad one, but nothing set him apart from some of the others she’d dealt with, except the possession of Colonel Troutman’s artillery and the wounding of a good part of his men. That leaned her towards hate with out talking to someone to find out if there was something in the fort he wanted. She could relate to hate very easy. What would I do? Scarlet thought to herself one more time, a sinister grin parted her lips and her dark eyes danced with a wicked sparkle.

The sound of Ella’s voice saying “There’s Bill.” brought Scarlet back to the here and now.

She rode over and dismounted. Bill looked at her with question in his eyes. “They were hit hard. Outlaws got the mountain howitzer. The troop faired better than these people though. Fritz took the wounded to the fort.”

“Bill has Patches said anything to you about chatter on the wire, anything that might be of interest to this outlaw. Like the Army receiving a big payload or escorting some outlaw headed this way?”
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #74 on: December 13, 2005, 08:20:09 PM »
When Fritz left the Colonel’s office, the men looked at him differently.  He was no longer an unknown quantity.  The troopers had seen him under fire.  They nodded as they passed.  He saw Willis and smiled.  The young man took to his duties as a duck takes to water.  Willis saw him and approached, carrying his carbine.

“First Sergeant, I think this belongs to you,” he said, handing the Springfield and sling over.  Fritz chambered a round, and slung it over his shoulder

Willis asked, “What’s your next move?”

“I’ve got to get back to the Southern Star.  Let them know what happened.  If we’re gonna catch this albino, we’ll have to move quickly.”

“Sir, might I suggest sending a telegraph message to the Star?”

Fritz smiled, knowing his thoughts on Willis were dead on.  “That’s a good idea.  Where’s your telegraph office?”


After sending his message, Fritz mounted Buddy.  A voice from behind called out, “now Sergeant, weren’t ya gonna come and see ol’ Rosie?”

“Yep,” Fritz replied, “but I’ve been a little busy as of late.” 

Rosie handed up a bundle tied in brown paper.  “Will ya be wantin’ for me to sew them lozenges back on?”

Fritz handed her some coins.  “How did you know?”

Rosie smiled.  “It’s a small post.  And nothin’ gets by ol’ Rosie!”

Fritz turned Buddy and headed for the gate.

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #75 on: December 15, 2005, 06:05:15 PM »
Bill’s expression turned somewhat confused. He knew Patches would have told something like that to Scarlet, Ella and the Marshal, probably in that order not counting himself. “No, she’s not said anything.” He said realizing Scarlet had been away a good day longer than the rest of them.

“Thanks” Scarlet said almost disappointed then went back to helping prepare things to be moved. As she worked she turned different ideas over in her mind as to what the next move of the Albino might be.

She wasn’t sure how much time had gone by before she heard the rattling of the wagons. Looking up she noticed extra horses following the wagons and chuckled to herself when she realized the horses were the ones they often used when they were racing. Something Johnny sometimes denied knowing about and had told her he’d better never catch her racing the wagon teams. The drivers were all men she had raced at one time or another.

Scarlet looked questioningly at the first man as he pulled the team to a stop. He grinned back. “Boss said he needed volunteers to drive the wagons and we might have to make a run under fire. Told us to pick our own teams and own shotgun riders.”

Scarlet shook her head and laughed softly. “One of these days he won’t be able to stand it and he’s going to come out there with his own team. Ella is over there.” Scarlet pointed in Ella’s direction. “She’ll tell you what she needs done.”

“Yes ma’am.” The driver said with a tip of his hat.

“Can’t you ever have a boring day?” Jimmy asked as he rode up.

“Not many.” Scarlet replied glad to see him. “I have some ideas I want to talk to you about.”
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #76 on: December 17, 2005, 06:09:22 PM »
It was slow going.  Fritz had to go overland.  He knew the Albino would be watching the trails, and probably had an ambush set.  A mountain howitzer loaded with cannister would be devestating to anyone who got near it. 

He saw smoke in the distance.  Too close to be the posse; hopefully, they were already home and safe. had a good feel to it.

Something caught his eye.  A broken branch where none should have been.  The grass had been trampled a bit.  "One rider," Fritz thought, pulling the big Colt from its holster.  Buddy's ears pinned back.  He nickered.  Fritz smelled the blood a little after Buddy had.  He cocked the hammer.

The rider had moved erratically, almost as if he were drunk...or badly wounded.  The blood droplets got larger and more pronounced.  Then Fritz saw it.  Both the horse and rider were down.  Neither moved. 

Fritz dismounted, approaching slowly.  It could be a trick.

"Nope," he said, lowering the hammer.  Fritz felt a tinge on his left side.  He knew what a big bullet could do.  The exit wound was massive.  The horse had run as far and as fast as he could.  He died where he fell.  The rider had lived a bit longer, but was trapped under his mount.  His wound hadn't been immediately fatal, but the falling horse probably pushed already shattered ribs thorugh his organs.

"Not a pretty way to die," Fritz said, holstering the Colt.  The rider was no more than a boy.  His dead eyes looked skyward...just like Sergeant Carter's had.  Fritz closed the boy's eyes, and whispered a prayer.

"May God forgive your sins." 

Fritz went through the boy's pockets.  Not more than a few coins.  Riding with the Albino hadn't made him rich.  He stripped off the gunbelt.  There was a little ammo, and a short-barreled Colt.  He'd heard these called a "banker's" or "storekeeper's" model.  Either way, the boy didn't need it anymore.  Fritz pulled the rifle from it's scabbbard.  It was a '66, and in pretty good shape.  He chambered a round, and lowered the hammer.  Lastly, he pulled the saddlebags, and slung them over his shoulder.

Fritz looked towards the smoke.   

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #77 on: December 17, 2005, 06:24:39 PM »
Ella was glad to see Jimmy arrive with the wagons.  He was her first choice as escort for a run back to the Starr once the wagons were loaded.  She returned her attention to getting the wounded stowed in the wagons.  Doctor Bill was busy devising ways to stabilize broken legs for transport.  A wagon bed was usually a bouncy, uncomfortable ride at its best. 

Tensleep came over to see how the loading was going.

"Marshal, I think everyone should go back to the Starr with the wagons," said Ella.  "Patches might get some useful information from the telegraphers network while others are getting a good night's sleep.  We can also use the telegraph to try getting Fritz released to come with us."
Elegant Ella

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #78 on: December 18, 2005, 11:12:12 AM »
Johnny was helping ready the wagons to head for home. The looks on Jimmy’s face and the hand motions, the pacing between he and Scarlet caught Johnny’s attention and he went over to them.

“What are the two of you discussing?” He asked, knowing it had to be in depth and interesting from what he had seen.

“She is nuts. They have places for someone like you.” Jimmy said looking at Scarlet.

“You can’t deny it couldn’t be done. You can’t deny one of us could do it.” She replied.

Jimmy turned to Johnny “Scarlet wants to know if we can get into the Fort. Not through the front gate mind ya. She wants to scale the wall and sneak in.”

“Why?” Johnny was right, this was interesting.

“Maybe I want to kill Andrews and get Fritz out of whatever hole they’ve put him in. They’d never expect it.” She said off handedly.

Johnny stared at her wondering just how serious she was. “It can be done. A hook on the end of the rope.”

“No hook.” She interrupted. “Here’s what I’m thinking, Jimmy can free climb on one side of the guards who patrol the back wall and I can take the other side. Once up there we’d kill the guards on the wall and sneak into the fort.”

“You’d do better if you had a diversion.” Johnny said.

“Give me a good one.” She replied.

“You wouldn’t kill the guards on patrol unless they aimed to shoot Fritz at dawn. So tell me what we’re really talking about.” Johnny said.

“Ok.” Scarlet half smiled. “I’m wondering if there’s something in the fort those outlaws want. How would they get in. They’ve got the Howitzer now, that would be useful, but you still have to get in.”

“Johnny said they had dynamite, blow a whole in the wall. Why go through all the trouble of sneaking over the wall. That’s a lot of trouble.” Jimmy said.

“Come on Jimmy. If you really wanted in and you wanted to be known as one of the only outlaws to take a fort, it’s Colonel and whatever else is in there?”

“Still need a diversion so you’re armed guards are in one place.” Johnny said realizing she was putting herself in the outlaws shoes. He’d taught her to catch ‘em you think like ‘em and she’d become good at it.
“Tell me a good one.” Scarlet said.

“Whores and whiskey.” Jimmy said.

“Some one claiming to be chased by the outlaws and wanting help.” Johnny replied.

Scarlet rolled her eyes. “Not hideous enough. He’s shot up two troops and not killed most of them, just left them here to die. What does that tell you about him gentleman?”

“Any of the soldiers missing uniforms?” Jimmy asked.

Scarlet had to think about that, most had been missing their gear. “Yes there were a few that were missing boots and shirts.”

“They have any prisoners?” Johnny asked.

“Not from this group or the group they jumped on the way back to the fort, why?” Scarlet asked.

“You wanted something worthy of this man. If I were him and I wanted a diversion, I would take one of them soldiers, light him on fire and kick him towards the front gate. Even if they didn’t come running out to try to help you got a diversion, you’re over the wall and inside.” Johnny said.

Jimmy grinned at the thought.

“If they did happen to come out to help we or he could shoot his way in, or maybe the two that are now inside could get what ever it is they want and get out. Maybe whatever it is hasn’t arrived yet and they are going to take control of the fort, pretend to be soldiers when it arrives.” Scarlet said.

 Jimmy and Johnny both looked at her like she was insane.

“How many soldiers are left in that fort now? So far been pretty easy pickin’ them off.” Scarlet said.

“Are you getting a bit elaborate?” Jimmy asked.

“Let’s not forget I’m out of my ever lovin’ mind.” She grinned “and I think I want to stand apart from all the other outlaws. Give ‘em something they’ll never forget.”

“heh” Johnny snorted.

“I’m sure I’ll think of something else along the way, already wondering about robbin’ a train.” Scarlet replied.

“Looks like the wagons are about ready to go. I’ll be taking the old road behind the line shack home. I figured Ella and I could stop there and rest the horses if we need to.” Jimmy said.
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: Anything Could Happen
« Reply #79 on: December 18, 2005, 03:30:59 PM »
Ella had come over to let Jimmy know she was ready and caught the end of the conversation. 
"You think he's going to try to take the fort?" she asked.  "I wonder if that was part of his idea in wounding the first patrol.  If the Army didn't collect them soon enough, he might have planned to come back for them a day later, pretend to be good Samaritans, and take them to the fort.  Carrying wounded ought to get his whole band through the gate.  I'm afraid that is another use for me that he might dream up - as a decoy to get a few of his men in as my escort.  Whether he might want to grab me to treat his men depends on him caring enough about his wounded."
Elegant Ella


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