56-50 Spencer in a Plainsmen match

Started by Tuolumne Lawman, September 20, 2005, 02:04:44 PM

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Tuolumne Lawman

Howdy to the camp,

I used my 56-50 Spencer as a rifle in a Plainsmen match at the High Sierra Shootout at Railroad Flat, CA this spring.  I had the magazine tube removed, and single loaded from the top.  The 56-50 has the spring loaded, center mounted Lane Extractor, which makes single loading MUCH easier than the pistol calibers.  (I UNDERSTAND THE 44-40S WITH HAVE A LANE EXTRACTOR, ALSO).  Considering folks were using 357 handy rifles, all agreed that it was not a comepitive advantage!  One person (with a handy-rifle and tricked out Ruger OLD ARMIES) complained, but I pointed out that the Indian War Cavalry used them as single shots (with stabler cut offs) and without the magazine tube, it IS a single shot.  IT SHOT CLEAN.
CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Old Top


Did you say the spencer came in 44-40 or 44 Russian?  I have heard of the Russian but not the 44-40, if it does come in that caliber I will have to start saving my coins.

Old Top
I only shoot to support my reloading habit.

Tuolumne Lawman

Yep, you heard right/  44-40!  According to Tammy Loy at Taylor's, it is in the works.  They are going to try to get caught up mwith the 56-50 Infantry rifle first.  Only 5 of those have made it in so far.  I am on the list for one, and will keep you posted.

The 44-40 is supposedly going to have the center mounted, spring loaded Lane extractor used by the 56-50.  It is much better for single loading!

CO. F, 12th Illinois Cavalry  SASS # 6127 Life * Spencer Shooting Society #43 * Motherlode Shootist Society #1 * River City Regulators

Old Top


Keep me informed I would be greatly interested in that rifle in 44-40

Old Top
I only shoot to support my reloading habit.

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