A Hat for Jeb Feckles

Started by RollingThunder, August 13, 2008, 03:00:35 PM

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A Hat for Jeb Feckles
Copyright 2008 Roland Millington, All Rights Reserved

He was six foot three, and stood two inches taller.
The name was Jeb Feckles, and he was borned in a holler
Down 'bouts Poplar Bluff 'sourrah, they say.
And into our bunkhouse he walked one day.

Jeb was a quiet feller, peculiar and mild,
He had the brawn of six men but the smile of a child
Jes got candy from his Sunday school marm.
Feckles wudn't much on doing no one harm.

It was fitty-eight, and we coulda used the hands
So Feckles was sorely 'ppreciated by the men
He worked with, rode with, ate with and drank
Down at the Bosco, where we all filled our tanks.

Jeb never talked much 'bout where he come from
Just went 'bout hisself without troublin' no one.
We all took to likin' that calm, steady way
That would ease a fella up, without a cross word to say.

He looked to be somewheres 'bout forty five.
He had sandy grey hair and leathery hide
Covered the back of his neck on to his hat
Which, few of us remember him not having that.

It was ever-where he went, whether nice or not
Jeb wore it in rain, or in cold or in hot
That old beaver felt bonnet was a bit sorry site
Even by the standards us cowpokes called right.

So I called all the boys together, gathered them in,
And we all dropped in, at least five or ten
And young Charley Watson picked up the task
To head to town one day, and stop and to ask

The folks at the local store if they thought they might
Help us find a fittin' brim, somethin' that'd look just right
On the head of a big, tall 'sourah man
With a face long as California, and a neck that was tan.

They fixed old Charley Watson up good
And in two months later, the beaver felt stood
On the porch rail edge outside the bunkhouse
As the boys and I stood, waitin' for Jeb to step out.

He came out and looked at us all around
And settled his gaze upon that tall crown
Of that tall, wide-brimmed beaver-felt hat
He shrugged and he grinned, and we all got a laugh.

"Didn't think it was my birthday," Jeb told us.
"Why doncha try it on, you ornery old cuss!"
We just stood there a starin' and lookin' about.
And old Jeb grinned, as if he was just a bit in doubt.

Jeb was squirmin' tryin' not to let us down,
For buyin' that fine wide brimmed hat with the crown
That shore woulda shaded him better from rain and sun
Than that sad old excuse that was his current one.

"Boys, this is a mighty fine hat sittin' that rail,
But I got to tell you, this here hat's little tale.
See, I was off in Europe back in forty four,
Even though my wife feared she'd not see me no more.

"I was cowboyin' in Kansas right 'fore I joined up.
I was just in my thirties, not no greenhorn pup,
And I'd handled some 'dozers, equipment and so
They stuck me in a tank and done let me go.

"That suited me fine, 'cause they called it the cav.
I was plumb full all the pride one man could have.
The missus, she hated them big, smelly things.
Guess she knew 'bout the danger that duty brings.

"I was there in the hedgerows when the Panzers broke in
Blastin' us hard, like hot lead through tin.
I ain't no brave man, fellas, I was scared for my life
But mostly of all, I just ached for my wife.

"So we fought them bastards hard, and kicked 'em on down.
I fought in the mud, and left my brothers on the grounds
Of countless fields, over which my heart still roams
'Til the day it was over, and I got to come home.

"I'll never forget the 'noon I made Abilene.
The blue sky, the sunshine, the gold in the fields
Weren't nothin' at all compared to the sight
Of my lovin' Nora, my sweetheart, my wife.

"She kissed me and gave me this hat you see here,
She said if she bought it, she'd have not a fear
Of me getting' home without a scratch on my face
And goin' back to the life I left in this place.

"She bought this for me boys, that part you now know.
But you didn't see her face, near white as snow.
She'd took to a fever two weeks 'fore I came.
And that night she passed, like an evenin' fall rain.

"So boys, I thank you kindly, 'cause that hat's pretty nice.
It musta took everyone to fetch up its price.
But this here's worth more than the world, you see.
'Cause it was the love of my life that gave it to me."
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!



Mus' be tha dust....

Thanks RT!
Masonic Cowboy Shootist
America's 1st Grey Sash Cowboy, GSC 006
SASS 5756 Life, Regulator
Dooley Gang, Virginia Chapter
Just a poor dumb cowboy, tryin' to do my best.
"If I could roll back tha years, back when I was young and limber..."

Texas Lawdog

SASS#47185  RO I   ROII       NCOWS#2244  NCOWS Life #186  BOLD#393 GAF#318 SCORRS#1 SBSS#1485  WASA#666  RATS#111  BOSS#155  Storm#241 Henry 1860#92 W3G#1000  Warthog AZSA #28  American Plainsmen Society #69  Masonic Cowboy Shootist  Hiram's Rangers#18  FOP  Lt. Col  Grand Army of The Frontier, Life Member CAF
   Col.  CAF  NRA  TSRA   BOA  Dooley Gang  BOPP  ROWSS  Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company  Cow Cracker Cavalry   Berger Sharpshooters "I had no Irons in the Fire". "Are you gonna pull those pistols or whistle Dixie"?

Leo Tanner

I hit reply, but don't know quite what ta say.
     That was special ta say the least.  You gotta talent my friend.
"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.


Thanks guys ... anyone got any critique's though?  ???
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!


Quote from: RollingThunder on August 13, 2008, 07:16:04 PM
Thanks guys ... anyone got any critique's though?  ???


Jist one ain't 'nuff!
Masonic Cowboy Shootist
America's 1st Grey Sash Cowboy, GSC 006
SASS 5756 Life, Regulator
Dooley Gang, Virginia Chapter
Just a poor dumb cowboy, tryin' to do my best.
"If I could roll back tha years, back when I was young and limber..."

Leo Tanner

Actually, these are critiques.  That word was never intended ta have a bad connotation.  People think "critic" and think bad reviews.  Not so.  A critique is just an opinion and all opinions here seem ta agree.  You got somethin.  We like it.
     None the lest, ya just proved the old poet's maxim : "Instead of looking for approval, the true penman looks for his flaws, just as the blacksmith lays awake with concern for a weak spot in the last wheel he has sent on a long journey".

"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."
     Tuco--The Good the Bad and the Ugly

"First comes smiles, then lies.  Last is gunfire."
     Roland Deschain

"Every man steps in the manure now an again, trick is not ta stick yer foot in yer mouth afterward"

religio SENIOR est exordium of scientia : tamen fossor contemno sapientia quod instruction.



Leo's ah FI-los-I-fer!  ;)

Masonic Cowboy Shootist
America's 1st Grey Sash Cowboy, GSC 006
SASS 5756 Life, Regulator
Dooley Gang, Virginia Chapter
Just a poor dumb cowboy, tryin' to do my best.
"If I could roll back tha years, back when I was young and limber..."


And a really wise one at that, Tensleep! Well said, Leo.

I's just perdy much lookin' fer some pointers ... the toughest part is knowin' how I'd go about actually readin' them out loud, vs. people readin' the written word.

Maybe I need to record these too. I always thought Baxter Black never read so well as he sounded. Just something missing there, ya know?
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

Scarlet Angel

Thanks for sharing RT. Another good one.

Read them like I imagine you wrote them, with emotion, and a combination of imagination and heart.
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I'd hate to be the one on the hell side." ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Lucky Irish Tom

Scarlet nailed that one RT, just let it roll off the tongue the way it rolled off your pen, er keyboard!  ;D

You have a gift and we are all glad you're of a mind to share!
If ya can't be fast it's good to be Lucky!
Official Irish Whiskey Taster
SASS 40271, WARTHOG, Darksider, Dirty RATS, RO2

litl rooster

Last week I shot my guitar full of holes, this week I'm breaking all my pencils....and will tend to nite hawkin'

Well done RT
Mathew 5.9


As long as you don't pitch yer harmonica, Rooster.  ;)

Gracias, mi compadre!
Just because you CAN ride the hide off a horse, doesn't mean you should.

http://www.youtube.com/artroland - The home of Backyard Horsemanship!

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