Author Topic: The Last Patrol  (Read 307221 times)

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #80 on: December 17, 2006, 02:44:25 PM »
Ella took the envelope and quickly scanned the contents.  "We can take railroads all the way to Cheyenne.  It could take as little as 5 days, depending on how the scheduling works out," she replied.  "Since this letter seems to be intended for Bo, is he going with us?"
Elegant Ella

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #81 on: December 17, 2006, 05:24:05 PM »
“Don’t know.” Scarlet said with a shrug her shoulders “that would be up to him. I’ll give him his letter and ask him if he would recommend us and if he wants to go along. After he decides what he wants to do we can send a wire to Ft. Laramie letting them know to expect us.”

Scarlet picked up the letter and headed towards the door. “I’ve packed what I want on Dancer, Joker ready to be loaded up with what ever you want to take.” She called over her shoulder.

"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #82 on: December 17, 2006, 06:16:43 PM »
Scarlet found Bo working with some of the young horses.

“You got a letter Bo.” She said pulling Lucky to a stop next to the corral.

Bo rode over. “Ma send me something?” He said stepping off the horse and taking the letter.

“Dang Scarlet” he said looking at the torn envelope. “At least you used to steam them open when you wanted to read them.” He teased.

“Daniels brought it out to the house. I didn’t realize it was for you until I finished it.” She replied waiting anxiously for him to read it.

Bo narrowed his eyes at her. “What does it say that seems to have yer interest?”

Scarlet glanced down, the corner of her mouth slightly turning up.

“Looks like you are ready for a trip.” He observed.

“I just need to let Tensleep know where Ella ‘n I are headed then we’ll be on our way.”

“And what I’m holding has something ta do with it huh?”

This brought a full smile to her lips “Darn skippy.”

Bo read the letter than looked up at her. “Yer insane.” He snorted. Only to receive a blank look from Scarlet.

“Ft. Fetterman is a hole and it’s still cold there.” Bo said not really sure why he was even trying to change her mind, he knew it was already made up.

“Ft. Fetterman or Charley Firehorse? Ella and I are going.” Scarlet said dismounting.

Now it was Bo’s turn to stare blankly, one was really no better than the other.

“If I were Fritz I wouldn’t be thrilled trying to explain to my men why my wife feels the need to come hold my hand.” Bo said.

“I agree. That’s why Scarlet Corbin is going.”

Bo just shook his head. “I knew you’d find some kind of trouble, just didn’t figure on this.”

“Look Bo, just because I got married doesn’t mean I stopped being good at what I do. Kane needs good scouts that understand the people they are going after and will ride with the Crow.”
“Stop, don’t start in on me. I know you’re good and I’m pretty sure you have given this at least a half seconds thought beyond you want to be near Fritz. And I bet you already told Ella to send a wire telling Cyrus you’d be coming and have figured out how yer gonna get there too.”

Scarlet smiled. “I told Ella to wait on the telegram until we knew if you’d be coming with us. She figures we can take the rails most the way and be there in about five days.”

“And what if things get tough and food gets poor Scarlet, that’s a nice looking horse yer riddin’.”

Scarlet narrowed her eyes. “They can eat the caucus of the man who tries it.” She growled.

Bo laughed. “Indeed they would be. I guess I best get my stuff together so I can keep those men safe from you.”

Scarlet hugged him.

“Johnny’s gonna be mad. He’s not going to like you hunting Sioux, kinda like if he lit out after Comanche.”

Scarlet frowned “I hope he will understand. But you know I would understand if he tracked Comanche as long as he didn’t hunt Black Wolf’s tribe. It’s a fine line I know.”

Bo just shook his head in agreement.

“I’ll go tell Ella, then I’ll get my gear. You can talk to yer dad and Tensleep then tell Zeke to take care of things while we are gone.” Bo replied as he tied the young horse back up.   

 “You’re both crazy you know, and me I’m crazy too.” Bo said as he walked into the telegraph office. “Send that telegraph to Ft. Laramie, address it to Cyrus Kane. Say….” Bo grinned “Say Hell must be frozen over you’ve asked a Reb for help. I’m on next thing smokin, bringing another scout and.

He looked at Ella “will it be two scouts or a scout and a medic?”
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain


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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #83 on: Today at 08:01:16 PM »

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #83 on: December 17, 2006, 06:37:56 PM »
"Scout and medic," replied Ella, settling into the sending chair.  "I'm not much use as a scout." 
She tapped the key for a minute.  "Message sent.  I'm glad you're coming, Bo.  Now I'm going to pack a field hospital onto Joker.  Scarlet, did what you wanted to bring and packed onto Dancer include food and cookware?"
Elegant Ella

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #84 on: December 17, 2006, 08:50:18 PM »
Scarlet was just outside the telegraph door talking to Zeke when she heard Ella's question.

"One pan, coffee pot and provisions for three people, and horses for three days ride, figure we could restock in the next town we came to. If we ride the rails it will be much easier."

"I'll bring an extra horse,we can distribute the pack weight evenly." Bo said then his expresson softened "Would be against my better judgement to turn you and Scarlet lose on poor ol Cyrus." He tried to be serious but chuckled at the end of his statement. Truth was he wouldn't let Ella or Scarlet go alone, both were quit capable as far as he was concerned but he knew just the presence of a man would keep some trouble at bay.

He knew Johnny would go if he had to, hell any of the men would go but Bo was probably the best choice, especially since the letter did come to him.
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #85 on: December 17, 2006, 11:28:55 PM »
Having a whole packhorse for carrying her field hospital felt luxurious.  It did seem that every time she went out on an expedition or with the posse, she found one more thing that she needed to have with her.  It was hard to believe that three years ago, she had carried all the medical supplies she ever needed in her pockets.  Her pockets grew once she started having occasion to use those medical supplies, and started being responsible for more people.  When she reached the limits of expanding the pockets under her skirt, she copied Doctor Bill and added a carpetbag, and then a second one.  Then she started keeping saddlebags loaded and ready in addition to the carpetbags. 

Canvas walls and roof were the bulkiest item.  A dozen bottles of sterilized salt water were the heaviest item, and the most fragile.  Two disassembled cots made an awkwardly shaped bundle.  Canvas bags containing waxed linen bags of herbs and yards and yards of linen and gauze bandages carefully wrapped in more waxed linen padded the box containing bottles of tinctures and tonics.  A couple of pots would be useful for cooking up tonics and soups.  Ella got everything loaded onto the pack saddle. 

Her saddlebags could be used for her personal items, in addition to a little more medical supplies.  Instead of carpetbags, she would carry a bedroll containing a couple changes of clothes behind her saddle.  She was going to ride Aaron this trip.  He was a little faster and stronger than Ruth, who was probably coming into season pretty soon. 
Elegant Ella

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #86 on: December 18, 2006, 08:52:05 PM »
Scarlet walked up to the house, her mom and dad were sitting on the front porch, she knew they were waiting for her.

Rose met her half way down the steps and caught her in a tight embrace. For a moment Scarlet wondered if she new EVERYTHING.

“You be careful.” Rose said trying not to cry.

“I promise” Scarlet said.

She looked up at her dad, she couldn’t help but feel guilty. He also got up and joined her on the steps and hugged her tightly. He knew she’d be going, it was just a matter of time. It wasn’t like she was going knowingly after his brother, but he knew in her heart she carried that very feeling. He tipped her head up.

“Do not feel guilty; you would hunt Comanche as long as it wasn’t Black Wolf’s tribe, just as you’ve hunted white people. You’re mother and I have always encouraged you to follow your heart, even though at times we’ve questioned if we were right for doing so. Just do me the courtesy of not making me sorry I didn’t try to talk you out of it this time.”

Scarlet hugged him furiously. 

“Remember everything I’ve taught you and who you are.”

“I promise, I’ll remember everything you’ve both taught me.” Scarlet replied then turned and headed towards the Marshal’s office hoping he’d be half as understanding as her family had been.
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #87 on: December 18, 2006, 09:13:20 PM »
He stared at himself in the mirror.  She'd done a good job.  When the scissors had done their job, she went to the razor.  He'd be a couple of weeks on the trail, so he'd have some stubble when he got to Fort Fetterman...but that was all.

"You're a handsome man," Rowena said, "even without your hair."

Rowena asked, "so...what are your plans tonight?"

"I'd better see to my horses.  Maybe I'll bed down by the river."  Fritz stood and retrieved his gunbelt.

"Nonsense.  There's room here," Rowena smiled.  "In the hotel, I mean." 

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #88 on: December 19, 2006, 06:36:10 PM »
Fritz paid Rowena and walked into the street.  It was cool outside, but not uncomfortably so.  He looked in the lighted doorway, and then towards the river.  He perched his slouch atop his head, and mounted Buddy.

"Let's go down by the river boys," Fritz said, and wheeled his horses about. 

Offline Tensleep

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #89 on: December 20, 2006, 06:15:45 PM »
Scarlet found Tensleep sitting behind his desk going through the new batch of wanted posters.

“I was giving thought of going after Charley Firehorse, but Bo got a letter from someone at Ft. Laramie requesting scouts to go to Ft. Fetterman. I want to go, and Ella wants to go with me.” Scarlet said.

"Hmmmmmmmmm, Charlie Firehorse....... " The marshal looked at a wanted poster.
"No need, just got a wire in that said he died when he tried to hit a stage that some Mexican wanted. Way it read wasn't a pretty sight to see."

Scarlet wondered if he'd heard the last part of her sentence for a moment. "Cyrus Kane at Ft. Laramie has requested scouts. I want to go and Ella wants to go with me. We'd like to leave as soon as possible."

Scarlet wasn't in the mood to beat around the bush, she was shouldering as much guilt as she could stand and leaving Tensleep short handed only added to it. She continued "I'd like to tell Ella you were ok with our request and we would have jobs when we returned."   

Tensleep looked up at Scarlet, his eyes flashing. "Now why would you think that you wouldn't have jobs when you got back? There are always more outlaws than deputies in this country."

"As far as your request, is this going to be work for the government? You know that the taxpayers already pay your wages."

"Why wouldn't I think we wouldn't have jobs." Scarlet sighed. "Because I'm leaving you short handed and following my gut feeling or my heart, I'm not real sure yet. Irresponsible to you and my job is what it is and I wouldn't blame you." There she thought she'd spoken her mind. It sounded even worse when she'd said it too.
"Ella's going to sign on as a medic, I'll scout, last time I inquired it was government work yes. Unless you got someone else in the wanted poster pile that might be riding with the Souix I figured we might have to sign on with the army."

"Matter o' fact, just happen to have yer next assignment here on my desk. Crazy white woman named Carrie Moore killed her husband an' two kids then took up with some Injuns fro Palo Duro an' headed north. You get to take whoever ya want with ya." Tensleep looked at Scarlet and winked. "I might be interested in goin' myself. 'Becca told me I needed to get out more but said she had too much to do to go anywhere with me."

Scarlet smiled. "I'll ask Ella to see if she's heard anything about thie Carrie Moore on the wire while we wait for you to pack your gear. You can brief us along the way and if you have any questions about Kane, Bo can tell ya about 'im."

As Scarlet went out the door she said "Becca often tells me you are the answer to a womans prayers."

"I don't know about her prayers but she does seem to call on God a lot at times." Tensleep winked again.

The marshal stood. "I'll have my things together, kiss 'Becca goodbye an' meet y'all at the Livery."

Masonic Cowboy Shootist
America's 1st Grey Sash Cowboy, GSC 006
SASS 5756 Life, Regulator
Dooley Gang, Virginia Chapter
Just a poor dumb cowboy, tryin' to do my best.
"If I could roll back tha years, back when I was young and limber..."

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #90 on: December 20, 2006, 09:20:42 PM »
He'd set his camp without incident.  Fritz was too tired to cook, so he settled for some of Ella's cookies and some water.  He tended to his mounts, and laid out his greatcoat.  He fell asleep, and dreamed again...

Fritz recognized this place.  It was Grey Eagle's sweat lodge.  Perspiration flowed from his pores.  Across the fire, through the steam, Grey Eagle stared intently at him.

"Ni Itzo...your time has come."

"What do you mean?"

Grey Eagle smiled.  "It is time for you to speak for our people."

He heard movement to his left.  Suddenly, Fritz was awake, the shot Colt in his hand.

"Come on out!  I know you're there."

She wore a riding cloak, but her frame was unmistakeable.  Rowena.

"Lady, you could've got yourself killed."

She smiled.  "I knew you wouldn't hurt me."  The cloak slipped from her shoulders.

"You took a bad chance."  Fritz stood and holstered his piece.

"I thought you were the hotel."

"Changed my mind" was his reply. 

She moved closer.  "I know you like me...I know you do."

"Ma'am, I..."


"Okay, Rowena.  You've got the wrong idea about me."

"Do I?"  She was almost touching him.  "You're a soldier.  I know what a soldier likes."

"Maybe I was like that once," Fritz said quietly, "but not anymore."

Rowena put her hand on his chest.  Fritz gently pushed it off.

" should go now."

She looked him in the eye, and slowly turned away.  She picked up her cloak as she walked.

"You know where to find me," she said, as she slipped into the dark.


1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #91 on: December 21, 2006, 08:47:49 PM »
He considered moving out that night, but thought better of it.  Fritz laid back down, and tried to sleep.  He spent most of the night in fitfull tossing.  After a few hours worth, the grey tendrils of sunshine crept over the horizon.  Fritz saddled his mounts and headed up the trail.  Then, he decided a cup of coffee couldn't hurt.  He turned back towards town. 

She rose early, as was her custom.  Coffee was on the boil, and she'd begun fixing breakfast, when there was a knock at her door.  Rowena cinched her robe tighter as she opened the door.

"Well, I didn't expect to see you."  Even though the tone was sharp, there was a smile in her eyes.

"Rowena, I owe you an explanation."

She shook her head.  "You don't owe me anything."

"Please," Fritz said.  She opened the door and let him in.

"Your coffee's boiling," he said.  Rowena lifted the pot form the stove.  She poured two cups and brought him one.

"I married once, for all the wrong reasons.  We hurt each other badly."  He sipped his coffee.  "I swore I'd never fall in love again.  Truth was, I didn't want to be hurt again.  So I threw myself into my career.  I tried to be the best soldier I could be."

Rowena nodded knowingly.

"On one mission, I thought I was going to die...and I really didn't care.  And then she came along."

"Who is she?"

" wife.  She saved my life, and stole my heart all in the same moment.  We've fought side by side ever since.  She's my equal.  I couldn't love her more.  And for the past two years, I've been happier than I've ever been."

"So, why are you alone, on the trail?"  She warmed his cup.

"Because I've been recalled to battle the Sioux.  It's my last fight.  When it's over, I'm leaving the Army.  My life's begun again, thanks to Scarlet."

Rowena smiled.  "She's a lucky lady.  Breakfast?" 


Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #92 on: December 21, 2006, 11:57:31 PM »
The sun painted the sky bright pink as it peered through the lighter pink clouds that lined the sky silhouetting the riders.

Scarlet in the saddle with her knee hooked around the horn. She was looking the information on Carrie Moore while they waited for the train. They’d ridden half the night to make the train stop.

Bo watched her, she looked better this morning than she’d looked in a week  He half grinned remembering the first time Travis tried to leave her behind when they went on a trip. Scarlet never took kindly to being told she was going to be staying behind and as long as he could remember she never did stay put where someone expected her.

It was supposed to be a trip to visit friends, another adventure for the brothers. Travis had told Scarlet she’d be staying at home. Bo could remember how angry she was, but she’d said nothing to her husband. The two brothers had taken bets on if Scarlet would follow them; El Paso to New Orleans, no sign of Scarlet. When they reached the hotel there was a note from Gloria, Travis’ favorite girl before Scarlet, inviting them for a drink at the saloon. Travis couldn’t believe his eyes seeing Scarlet at the bar, it had definitely made an impression on him. Gloria had been the most beautiful dancer Bo could remember until she’d taught the same moves to Scarlet. Best as Bo could figure Travis thought little about Gloria after that trip, Scarlet had indeed figured out how to keep his attention.

Although this was different he figured it was somehow similar. He was sure it was going to leave some kind of impression on Fritz, just what kind he was not sure.

Scarlet looked up, catching Bo’s gaze she smiled. Bo chuckled, what ever Fritz thought he was lucky she loved him the way she did or maybe she was the lucky one.

“Trains here.” He said.
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #93 on: December 27, 2006, 08:11:58 PM »
He rode thourgh the valley.  It was pleasant, as was his morning.  He'd only talked with Rowena.  They had breakfast, yes, but they talked.  It was nice talking about nothing in particular.  As he left, she said, "you tell that Scarlet how lucky a lady she is."

"I'm sure she knows," Fritz replied.

"But we still like to hear it, now and again."

She kissed him on the cheek.

"If you ever change your mind, you know where I'll be."


He'd never change his mind.  Scarlet was his life.  He was bringing one chapter in his life to a close, to begin a new one.   


Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #94 on: December 27, 2006, 10:24:26 PM »
They all settled into the stock car with their horses. It came as no surprise to Bo that Scarlet had insisted riding in the car with her horse, he was used to it, he couldn’t count the amount of times they’d done it. He was a bit surprised when Ella and Tensleep insisted on riding in the car with them.

Bo watched Ella curiously for a moment.

“Something you wanted to ask?” she said catching his gaze.

“They say it’s a small world. I was wondering if it was you Cyrus says saved his life.”

It was Ella’s turn to look curious.

“Cyrus Kane scouted for the Yankee Army during the war.” Bo continued “Over 15,000 casualties at Cold Harbor from enemy fire, and one by a Black bear. Cyrus told me the doctors didn’t think he’d make it at first and left him to die. He said there was one young nurse, who helped him, wouldn’t let him give up and then wouldn’t let the doctors take his arm.”

“I’ve heard you say you were there, the nurse he has spoken of sounds like you. I doubt you would forget him if it was you. He has scars across his face from claws and teeth, some deep scars on his chest and arm. Blonde with blue eyes, one of them has a white cast now and he can only see partially out of it. He told me once he never got the chance to thank the nurse and he didn’t know who she was. I was just wonderin’”
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Elegant Ella

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #95 on: December 28, 2006, 12:47:14 AM »
"It's hard to forget anything about Cold Harbor," replied Ella.  "It was my first battle.  I came real close to admitting I was wrong to have insisted on coming with my aunt and uncle and asking to be sent back to the schoolroom.  I remember the man who was wounded by the bear.  I helped with him, and the others that the doctors didn't expect to survive, like Fritz.  Most of the time, the doctors were right, and all I could do was try to make the men comfortable, or write letters home for them.  It was my aunt, Helen Silver, who tended Cyrus and kept the doctors other than her husband and Dr. Alan away from his arm.  You couldn't expect any of the doctors to listen to a girl child."
Elegant Ella

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #96 on: December 28, 2006, 05:10:37 PM »
“It was the kindness of folks like yourself that many of the soldiers remember.” Bo said with a smile. 
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #97 on: December 28, 2006, 09:41:07 PM »
The group had ridden together and fought together even socialized together but somehow in the days it had taken them to get to Cheyenne they had become even closer.

Once they reached the city everyone happily agreed to get rooms at the hotel in town before they started the ride for Fort Laramie.

Scarlet opted for a hot bath, figuring it would most likely be her last one that was going to be hot and private, before everyone was to meet for supper.

The sun was beginning to set as she stepped out of the bathhouse, pausing for a long moment Scarlet wondered if Fritz was admiring the same beautiful picture she was. “I love you Fritz.” She whispered softly before turning to go to her room.
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain

1stSgt Fritz King

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #98 on: December 31, 2006, 04:16:49 PM »
Another night on the trail, sleeping on the hard ground.  Was he getting soft?  Fritz thought not.  He'd gotten tougher as he'd aged.  He had a higher tolerance for pain these days.  It seemed like another constant companion.  Not as welcome as his short-barreled Colt, but there it was. 

Inside the greatcoat pocket was his bible.  He pulled it out, and flipped to a favorite reading.  Matthew 8:5, the story of the Roman Centurion.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, he whispered, "I love you Scarlet."   

Offline Scarlet Angel

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Re: The Last Patrol
« Reply #99 on: December 31, 2006, 08:46:10 PM »
A day and a half later the group approached the gates at Fort Laramie.

They could hear the voices on the gate and from the other side.

“Riders approaching.”

“Open the gate.” Came the voice of one of the men that could be seen moving along the wall.

The gates swung open and the man who had ordered the gates open met them inside.

Bo swung down off his horse as Cyrus approached.

“Good ta see ya!” Cyrus said extending his hand.

Bo smiled as they shook hands.

“Yer supposed to reply with good ta be here. Isn’t that the custom?” Cyrus asked.

“I’m here at the request of a very old friend. I would have preferred to be drinking whisky with him in a saloon to standing here.” Bo replied causing Cyrus to laugh.

Cyrus looked over the dismounting riders that had ridden in with Bo. “Bring an extra nurse with ya? Yer telegram said scout and medic.”

“Picked up another scout.” Bo replied.

Cyrus leaned in close “Even with my bad eye there’s no mistakin’ there are two women riddin’ with you.” He said quietly.

Bo looked at the riders and half grinned. “Oh no mistake about it.”

“You always had a sense of humor.”

“Ella is exceptional in her field as is Scarlet.” Bo said.

Cyrus looked at him “Yer not kidding.”

“I am constantly reminded a couple of the lessons I learned about women, and is has nothing ta do with ‘em being soft and warm.  Ya know what I’m sayin’?”

Cyrus considered the question a moment. “Women make some of the best fighters because they can be colder and more calculating than men. Oh and you’d rather have one on the same side than on the opposite side. I remember, but have had little opportunity to experience it.”

“Let me introduce you to the team I prefer to ride with.” Bo said turning towards the group.

They stepped next to Ella. “This is Ella Coatsworth. She is an excellent healer, I can speak from experience. She even brought her own equipment. Miss Ella here would prefer to patch folks up but she is good with her guns. If  you have to seek her care she is very compassionate, unless you have fallen from her good graces..then I’ve heard medical treatment while still first rate is most uncomfortable.” Bo winked at Ella.

Cyrus offered his hand. “Welcome to Fort Laramie Miss Coatsworth.” 
"The Scarlet Angel, heaven and hell all rolled into one.... I’d hate to be the one on the hell side.” ~Patches McDuff

"Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

"Dance like nobody's watching; love like you've never been hurt. Sing like nobody's listening; live like it's heaven on earth."  Mark Twain


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