Cas City Forum Hall & CAS-L

Cas City => Cas City - Forum Support & Comments => Topic started by: Forty Rod on January 07, 2006, 10:10:59 AM

Title: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Forty Rod on January 07, 2006, 10:10:59 AM
Am I being dense or did the colors change on this site.  I don't remember the bar at the top being boxcar red before.  The last few days is all I can recall this color. 

It  ain't no way important, but I'm doing a sanity survey.  Tell me I'm not crazy.  (Oh, crud.  I just opened the door on that, didn't I?)
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Marshal Halloway on January 07, 2006, 10:14:44 AM
You are ok, buddy. It is not you, but the ongoing change of layout of the "town".

To avoid downtime, we have to do it step by step.

More info here:,5534.0.html
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Forty Rod on January 07, 2006, 10:22:09 AM
Thanks.  Thought I was losing my mind...maybe I am, but not THIS TIME!!!

Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Marshal'ette Halloway on January 07, 2006, 11:01:02 AM
Am I being dense or did the colors change on this site.
It  ain't no way important, but I'm doing a sanity survey.  Tell me I'm not crazy.

Damn it! (
I wanted to answer this one... !

Can we start over and let MEEEEE answer his question?
Pleasssseeeee ??

Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Forty Rod on January 07, 2006, 11:25:18 AM
Do any of you get the feeling that you stepped in something and it's gonna be on your boot forever?

Yeah, it's kinda like that.

Okay, M'ette, go ahead and unload on me.  I'll throw myself om the grenade to save the others from scorn, jibes, and abuse.

 ;D ::) :o
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Big John Denny on January 07, 2006, 12:16:18 PM
Forty Rod, this is all a trick made up by the Marshal and Marshal'ette to drive you crazier then you already are. LOL
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Marshal'ette Halloway on January 07, 2006, 12:20:43 PM
*speaking in my most sweetest southern Scarlett voice I can muster up*
Why Forty dear...
You didn't think that what I wanted to say would be something that had the consistency of something that you '"stepped in"... now do you? (
buuuuuttttt~~~~You DID open that little ole' door of opportunity, now didn't you~?

I..myself... would NEVER have thought of replin'... me bein' the shy quiet type that I am.
But the nasty ole' truth is..
weeelll....... It's actually Cammie's fault that I say these things...
 Bein' around that redhead on this forum has just "tainted"  my more refined and reserved side, I'm afraid.
 She has just brought "this wild, out of control side " of me out of hiding.
I would ...NEVER on my own.. have thought that you were crazier than a bed bug.

I am shocked at how I have behaved...
So save the grenade..I have myself under control..for the time being anyway.
M'ette ..((who is giving Forty Rod a 'please forgive me' kiss))

((M'ette who is walking around the corner catching Camille looking at me....(  ))
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Marshal Halloway on January 07, 2006, 12:30:09 PM

Well, M'ette.... I think your inspiration really comes from the total misunderstanding about what cowboy action shooting is all about.

You see, folks, the first picture I showed her of a couple shooting CAS was this:

One Ear Pete & Eula Nissen

And since then, she has her own interpretation of the sport....

M'ette now has serial numbers on her rollin pins and if a CAS event don't have side matches for long range rolling pins, she says she won't show up. Go figure.... 
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Silent Joe on January 07, 2006, 12:53:03 PM
Maybe, we can organise a contest for the lady's with the rolling pins.  ;D I think that M'ette will win. She had the most experience.  ;) 
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Micheal Fortune on January 07, 2006, 02:11:43 PM
Yikes Silent Joe!  I can't think of anything scarier than a bunch of women folk with rolling pins in their hand!  :o  ;) :)
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Big John Denny on January 07, 2006, 03:07:16 PM
Pards, we need to stop this now. Remember what happened last time with the infamous Time Out Chair and the Rolling Pin ruckus. Just trying to save the Marshal from getting hit again.
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Texas Tall on January 07, 2006, 05:30:29 PM
Hey there Marshal'ette, I think you're right blamin CAMMIE for you're poor behaviour, she has even got some of us downunder cousins sayin and doin things we would never dreamed of till we met up with her. ;D ;D ;D
 Rollin pins!!!!, Hell it's startin to sound just like home. ; :o :o :o
 See ya ...........Texas Tall. ;) ;)
Title: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Dakota Dan from OZ on January 07, 2006, 05:37:59 PM

Hey Texas you don't want to start another cat fight here.remember the last time you were involved in downunder with a couple of nice ladies you came out very sick and sore.

I don't think I will be able to help you again,still getting over it myself.

Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Forty Rod on January 07, 2006, 06:57:04 PM
Sure a bunch of you folks trying to get a pilot's license like M'ette.

You know:

Pilot higher an' deeper, pilot on Forty Rod, pilot here, pilot there, pilot everywhere.
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Old Top on January 07, 2006, 07:10:09 PM

As a pilot, should you not have your goggles on?  After all you need to wear the correct safety equipment.   ;D ;D ;D

Old Top
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Camille Eonich on January 07, 2006, 10:31:12 PM
Oh...Oh!  Just let me take a bit of time off from the board to do some real work and I get attacked from all sides!!! :o :o

M'ette how in the world can you blame lil' ol' me for corruptin' you when all I have done is seek guidance from someone soooo much older and well....ummm older than me.  I am flabber gasted.  Then the guys from downunder blamin' me....when they ....

Oh...just oh...I'm gonna start keepin' closer watch from now on...have to!
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Forty Rod on January 08, 2006, 12:05:12 AM
ALWAYS wear goggles when they pilot on.  Keeps the crap out of your eyes.   :o   :o   :o

Wear 'em after, too, when you're showerin'.  Keeps the soap out of your eyes.   ::)

Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Marshal'ette Halloway on January 08, 2006, 12:11:47 AM

M'ette how in the world can you blame lil' ol' me for corruptin' you when all I have done is seek guidance from someone soooo much older and well....ummm older than me.  I am flabber gasted.  Then the guys from downunder blamin' me....when they ....

Oh...just oh...I'm gonna start keepin' closer watch from now on...have to!

I HAVE to blame you.... I mean.. I can't take ALL the blame... because... well... ahhhh ...just because.. !
That's why. 8)
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Texas Tall on January 08, 2006, 12:20:12 AM
I HAVE to blame you.... I mean.. I can't take ALL the blame... because... well... ahhhh ...just because.. !
That's why. 8)

Hey Dakota, I'm keepin right outa this and I think you should too :-X :-X.
 Lets just sit back and watch the fun. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Dakota Dan from OZ on January 08, 2006, 12:51:40 AM


Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Marshal'ette Halloway on January 08, 2006, 01:25:57 AM
Hey Dakota, I'm keepin right outa this and I think you should too :-X :-X.
 Lets just sit back and watch the fun. ;D ;D ;D

I don't get it! A forum just chuck full of your peers of the male species and a redhead and a blond walk in together and what happens?!
You all set back because you think that we are going to "entertain you".. ha ha ha..
I don't know how because Cammie hasn't yet taught me how to entert.............errrr.......never mind..

M'ette (who is backing out of the room looking for flying horseshoes)
Title: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Dakota Dan from OZ on January 08, 2006, 01:41:01 AM
Hey Dakota, I'm keepin right outa this and I think you should too :-X :-X.
 Lets just sit back and watch the fun. ;D ;D ;D

Hey Texas come'on put your Grey Sash on and lets get amongs this,about time we both  earnt the money that we are getting paid to save the world from all the wrong doings
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Texas Tall on January 08, 2006, 03:51:34 AM
Well now Dakota,We've been in some tight spots at times but I think we should take notice of the warnings we got on another forum 'bout messin with these LADIES in CAS City,,,,you know the ones I'm talkin 'bout. ::) ::)
 As I said DD, let's just sit back and see what happens.. ;D ;D ;D

Catch Ya soon...................Texas Tall. ;) ;)
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Micheal Fortune on January 08, 2006, 04:26:03 AM
Better get the post back on line (what ever that was) or Slim will come around and banish us off to Tall Tales again... ;) :)
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Lou Graham on January 08, 2006, 05:41:15 AM
Well, I was laughing along the thread and then -- HEY! That's my good pards One-Ear and Eula from the Lincoln County Lawmen in that picture  ;D

I have to tell you, Eula makes wonderful pies but that's not all....... (the pie crust is what a rolling pin is used for sometimes, ask Del)

In spite of the fact she learned to shoot even later in life than I did, she shoots a very responsible load in her .45's as a double duelist. Naw, she ain't a soot lady.  But she was doing DD when there was hardly any ladies period shooting in these parts, nevermind one-handed.  This couple brings an extra measure of fun to any posse they are on.

My compliments to the interior decorator Marshal, the dressed up town is lookin' good!
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: tarheel mac on January 08, 2006, 07:15:42 AM
A match for the ladies..heck, that's fine.. but a match for the ladies with rolling pins?  NOpe..Besides who are you going to get to spot and time it?
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Texas Tall on January 08, 2006, 04:58:05 PM
Yeah you're right Mac, and who'd be game enough to give one of 'em a PRO or at worst a DQ :o :o :o
 Not me, see ya ..............Texas Tall. ;) ;)
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Juan Colgando on January 08, 2006, 07:09:47 PM
Looks like a little change in color makes a lot of difference  :o

Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Blondetta on January 09, 2006, 08:14:18 AM
I always carry one, in my guncart.  A lady never knows when it might come in handy.

  We belong to the Rolling Pin Posse. 

  We must'nt forget our other club The Frying Pan Posse.
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Forty Rod on January 09, 2006, 12:30:33 PM
Ye gods an' little fishes, I gotta go dig out my old WW Deuce helmet again.

Skillets an' rollin' pins. I'll hafta pick up more aspirin, too.
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Old Top on January 09, 2006, 01:21:37 PM

I think I have a spare jump helmet I can lend ya if you need it (and with some of your posts I think that you will need it)  ;D ;D ;D.

Old Top
Title: Re: Color changes on the forum and some fun added to it?
Post by: Texas Tall on January 10, 2006, 04:14:09 AM
We're seein a side of these GORGEOUS young ladies at CAS City that I just can't believe,a real
 "You're gonna know 'bout it fella" side.  >:( >:(
There is one that visits at times that I wouldn't doubt would get rough, but she hails from them
Far Northern Regions, but these sweeties at Cas City..... whewwwwwww.. I don't believe it. :-\ :-\
 See Ya .....................Texas Tall. ;) ;)