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CAS TOPICS => Bird Cage Theatre ( Videos ) => Topic started by: PopcornKelly on April 15, 2024, 04:33:43 PM

Title: Up Next Ep 7: What does a Cigar Night and a Gluten-free Lunch Have in Common?
Post by: PopcornKelly on April 15, 2024, 04:33:43 PM
In this episode we announce the addition of a Cigar Night to our Friday evening on-range activities and an option to purchase a Gluten-free lunch on Friday and Saturday.
Cigar Night:  The Cigar Night will be held Friday night in the newly built small-bore benchrest building located directly across from the registration building.  For those so inclined, it’ll be a nice way to relax on a late summer evening after a day of warm-up and Side matches.  Bring your own drink and chairs.  Check the Event Program for official start and end times. 
Gluten-free Lunches:  In addition to the standard Friday and Saturday lunch menu, we’ll be taking advance orders for a Gluten-free Chicken Ceasar Salad.  Please note:  Because, unlike the regular menu, the Chicken Ceasar Salad requires advance order and payment using a form on our website.   
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