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CAS TOPICS => The Powder Room - CAS reloading => Topic started by: Coffinmaker on September 03, 2022, 05:41:13 PM

Title: WOE IS ME (Sniffel, Sob)
Post by: Coffinmaker on September 03, 2022, 05:41:13 PM

FRIDAY, at the beginning of a reloading session (really needed the rounds too), my Dillon 650 just up and died.  It had been acting some sickish for days, but Friday, the poor thing just Croke'd.  It was just a teenager too.  Only about 19 years old and had only loaded about 400,000 rounds.

Good thing I have another sitting right next to it.

I have no idea what it will cost when sent back to Dillon for Re-Conditioning.  Any of you guys ever do dat??  I'll be hoping Dillion employees are great Necromancers.

Sniffel sniffle sob
Title: Re: WOE IS ME (Sniffel, Sob)
Post by: Niederlander on September 03, 2022, 06:21:31 PM
It lived a long and useful life.............and will probably live again!  We should all have that option!
Title: Re: WOE IS ME (Sniffel, Sob)
Post by: Dave T on September 04, 2022, 03:49:59 PM
Years ago (good grief I'm getting old) Dillon claimed they would refurbish/recondition a press for free, no charge.  I even remember letters to the editor in the early Blue Press praising them for doing so.  Don't know if that is still their policy but for your sake I hope it is.  Good luck!

Title: Re: WOE IS ME (Sniffel, Sob)
Post by: Dusty Boddams on September 05, 2022, 09:16:00 PM
I sent my 650 in recently and I think it cost about 80.00 came back and it was like new! 
Title: Re: WOE IS ME (Sniffel, Sob)
Post by: Coffinmaker on September 06, 2022, 07:34:14 AM

 :)  Dusty  ;)

Hey!!  Thanks a bunch.  I could stand that.  My press has been rode hard and put away wet for literally years.  Think I may have to pull it off the bench and box it up.

I'll probably catch all holy ned from Dillon as it looks like it came through a war.  I kept it well lubed but I don't remember if I actually ever "cleaned" it.  Too busy just making ammunition to think about cleaning it.

Gotta go find a Box.

People are Still Contagious.  Avoid'Em
Title: Re: WOE IS ME (Sniffel, Sob)
Post by: Cliff Fendley on September 06, 2022, 08:20:34 AM
I doubt it will cost much, Dillon is top notch.
Title: Re: WOE IS ME (Sniffel, Sob)
Post by: Knarley Bob on January 17, 2023, 06:51:48 PM
When you send it to Dillon, put a "Get well soon card" in the box.
Title: Re: WOE IS ME (Sniffel, Sob)
Post by: Earl Brasse on January 18, 2023, 04:56:54 PM
If you are going to EOT bring it with you & drop it off at Dillon.
Or... if you have a good pard who would be willing to mule it out there for you if you aren't going.

It would save you the shipping to get it there.

You might even be able to call them & see if you could get a time slot to get it fixed in the week of the match & pick it up on the way back & save the return postage as well.

Dillon has great people to deal with.