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CAS TOPICS => The Darksider's Den => Topic started by: Dick Dastardly on January 18, 2018, 06:37:50 PM

Title: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: Dick Dastardly on January 18, 2018, 06:37:50 PM
Filled orders for molds and Tower of Power stands.  Put wood in the outdoor furnace.  Got the Virtually Indestructible ball down for Fudge and he blasted it all over the south lawn and into the woods, twice.  Loaded some C45Spl ammo for next season and some 45 Colt also.  Got things ready to load some 16ga bp ammo to kill KDs.

But mostly, I looked back on last season.  My bride going off to heaven last July 19 took much of my time, and it was time well spent.  Now, it's just me and Fudge.  Fudge is a 10 month old chocolate lab and my companion.  I'm learning how to cook and much of what I learn will transfer well to campfire cooking.  I missed you pards.  I'll be back, guns blazing and telling lies with panache.  Life goes on.

Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: Noz on January 19, 2018, 03:00:01 AM
Hang in there, brother.
Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: wildman1 on January 19, 2018, 07:15:21 AM
My condolences Dick. I didn't know.
I received email confirmation on the Mav Dutchmen mold I ordered yesterday.
Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: Dick Dastardly on January 19, 2018, 09:15:55 AM
Here's Fudge.  He's my companion.  He makes me smile.

Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: Dave T on January 19, 2018, 09:57:20 AM

I only know you through but I feel a connection because of our mutual interest in Old West guns and related matters. I can also say, because I have a wife that fills the empty place in me, I can't imagine loosing her and what that would do to me. My heartfelt condolences go out to you.

And, as a dog lover I can imagine how much comfort Fudge is to you. God bless and keep both of you.

Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: Blackpowder Burn on January 19, 2018, 10:04:54 AM
Fudge will definitely keep you moving and occupied.  That's a good thing right now.
Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: Dick Dastardly on January 19, 2018, 02:32:54 PM
Fudge likes the aroma of black powder burning.  Problem is, he's a retriever and he thinks I never miss.  So, he brings back something, no matter what.

Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: hellgate on January 19, 2018, 04:13:35 PM
Don't know what I'd do w/o my wife. Probably follow in your path. I hope Fudge is OK with gunfire and doesn't try to retrieve steel. It's kinda hard on teeth.
Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: Bunk on January 19, 2018, 05:06:37 PM
In 2006 after 30 years, 6 months and 6 days of living adventures you only dream of  l lost my pardner, first mate and best friend. I still miss her.
Dick I know where you are and all I can say is it gets better as time goes by but it never gets to be as it was.
There is a hole in your life that can never be filled.
Give Fudge a big hug from me.
Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: Back Roads on January 19, 2018, 08:33:33 PM
Cute pup. Looks playful.
Condolences and best wishes to you in your loss.

Back Roads
Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: Professor Marvel on January 19, 2018, 09:26:54 PM
My Dear Monsieur Dasterdly -

I humbley offer my belated condolances on the loss of your wife last summer.
There is not much more one can say.

I am glad to see you got a good companion there in Fudge, our fur friends are always there for us.
It is also good to see you have recovred from your knee surgey & gut issues.

Please keep posting, I am proud to count you as one of my internet friends.

As before I am happy to "line em up" so you can "throw em  the sales pitch".

Your Friend and  Humble Servant
prof marvel

~~~~~Professor Algernon Horatio Ubiquitous Marvel The First~~~~~~

Professor Marvel's Traveling Apothecary
Fortune Telling Emporium

~~~~~Acclaimed By The Crowned Heads of Europe~~~~~

Purveyor of
Patent Remedies, Snake Oil, Cleaning Supplies, Percussion Caps, Pins, Needles, Thread,
Coffee, Soap, Dry Goods, and Picture Postcards

Providing Useless Items to the Gentry Since 1822
Offering Unwanted Advice for All Occasions
Title: Re: It was a quiet day here at Meadow's Edge. . . . .
Post by: PJ Hardtack on January 20, 2018, 06:13:03 PM
I tell my wife that on a daily basis. She has been my rock and my joy in the few short years of our marriage. When I was diagnosed with stage four cancer eight years ago, she was my anchor and I would have been lost without her support.

After a month long bout with some kind of bad bug, I went for a 10 km x-country ski with our dogs today. All I have to do is step out the door and put on my skis.

My wife periodically attends quilting seminars and visits her elderly mother on the coast. When she is gone, the dogs and I miss her, but they help fill the gap. They love life and show me what is important - having something to eat, a warm place to sleep and someone who cares.

In return they offer unconditional love and loyalty. But it's not the same as that of a life partner. I pray to God that I go first.

Don't know what I'd do w/o my wife. Probably follow in your path. I hope Fudge is OK with gunfire and doesn't try to retrieve steel. It's kinda hard on teeth.