Cas City Forum Hall & CAS-L

GENERAL TOPICS => Tall Tales => Topic started by: Major E A Sterner on October 31, 2015, 11:36:30 PM

Title: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major E A Sterner on October 31, 2015, 11:36:30 PM
Don't forget to check your clocks this mornin
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on October 31, 2015, 11:49:58 PM
Don't forget to check your clocks this mornin

Already did last weekend and had to reset them, dang British Facebook friends anyway, they didn't say it was just them and not us.   ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: El Peludo on November 01, 2015, 01:58:32 AM
I texted my granddaughter to be sure and set her alarm for 0200 so she could get up and turn the clocks back; she answered "ok, thanks."  I guess I won't know if she took the bait until tomorrow.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 01, 2015, 04:42:10 AM
got up at 2:AM for plumbing check.... came back to bed at 3:05 and "SHE" said "where the hell you been for an hour" ?
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 01, 2015, 06:45:15 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

Rained 'til 'round 1600 yesterday.

'Tis 40 and overcast. High of 58.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 01, 2015, 06:59:15 AM
Thanks for the coffee...It is raining here. just like yesterday.  I thought the clock reset was for 1 hour, not 24! 
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 01, 2015, 09:56:35 AM
Slept in the recliner again last night. This dang cold/sinus thing is flat out kicking my butt :-\

It rained late evening. After the TorT'ers got done. Had about a hundred plus, not that many kids in the park, so I guess they were relatives or were trucked in from surrounding areas ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 01, 2015, 10:07:37 AM
Slept in the recliner again last night. This dang cold/sinus thing is flat out kicking my butt :-\

Weird my sinuses are on the other end.    ;D
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 01, 2015, 11:58:43 AM
We had a grand total of 15 treaters.  Guess I’ll have to man-up and eat the rest of the three bags of candy myself.  The steak was good and the treaters were nice enough to hold off until we finished.

The weather has taken it’s turn for the worse.  Started out at 62 at 6 this morning and has been going downhill since.  The wind has been going up.  It’s now 20+ with gusts to 35.  Rain may hit this afternoon,  but supposed to really get damp tonight and tomorrow.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 01, 2015, 12:08:56 PM
running at both ends here... got some meds that seems to work at the side effects  :-\

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 02, 2015, 03:35:29 AM
Up early hacking again. Sleeping in the recliner didn't seem to work this time ::) :-\
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 02, 2015, 09:01:12 AM
It was a lazy weekend for me with all the rain.  We had only three groups of tigger treaders.  The Mrs's took care of them.  Now we have all these darn skiddles left.

Rain has gone for the day, but damage remains.  There were several tornados in the area.  One where I have some rental property.  I've not heard from the tenants, so I'm assuming the best.  I'll go by today and check things out.

About to have my second cup, and checked the weather for the weekend...rain!!!  You are kidding??  Just in time for our monthly match!!
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 02, 2015, 05:16:22 PM
We’ve had rain, sometimes mixed with a little slushy snow, ever since about 1900 Sunday.  Nothing heavy and no accumulation of the slushy snow part yet.

Yesterday was like a scene from Hitchcock’s The Birds.  Started off nice with about 30 quail partaking of the feed I had put out for them (they seem to be making a comeback).  Then in the afternoon we were beset by a mob of about 50 large crows.  They went after the seed the quail had left so I moved the tray with the food into the garage.  This didn’t seem to deter the crows, as they went after all the seed the quail had kicked out of the tray.  So, the wife, who is not overly fond of crows, went out with the hose and proceeded to give them a severe dowsing.  They have not been back since.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 03, 2015, 05:28:30 AM
I'll start the pots.

47 here, still dark. Almost got to 70 yesterday, calling for 74 today. Election day here in the Buckeye state, will go exercise my right to complain on my lunch break. Have a marijuana issue(2) on the ballots for this year. Hope we don't go Colo.'s way ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 03, 2015, 05:39:25 AM
Thanks,  poring a cup now....guessers say 91°  Today -  71° now
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 03, 2015, 06:22:50 AM
Morning y'all.
Thanks fer the coffee.

'Tis 35 and clear. High of 69.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 03, 2015, 04:51:13 PM
Had to take the wife in for a checkup today.  It was one of those that she wasn’t allowed to drive afterwards.  She was really hit by the anesthesia and has been napping since she got home.  When I had this procedure a year or so ago it didn’t hit me anywhere this hard.

The  rain has gone away, and everything is looking as dry as if it never happened.  Got 1 1/4 inches yesterday.

Tomorrow’s a cooking-for-leftovers day.  Doing a Garfield Special (lasagna).
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 04, 2015, 06:13:57 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

Leaving for the annual SD pilgrimage after verk.
'Tis 48 and overcast. High of 66.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 04, 2015, 07:28:05 AM
Thanks for the coffee.  Looking forward to the end of the week, and more rain....okay, this is half true.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 05, 2015, 04:05:37 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

Got to MN at 2100. Heading to SD in a few.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 05, 2015, 07:29:14 AM
Be safe, Slim.

It's Friday Eve on the coastal plain.  Expecting more rain, just in time for the steel horse rally in Galveston, and TRR monthly match.  No matter what, I'll adapt.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 05, 2015, 07:47:01 AM
 ???   I believe Texas is an hour behind , not a day ahead   ;)

Thursday Morning on the east cost  :)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 05, 2015, 08:02:09 AM
I'm making (or attempting to make) a play on words.  It is the eve of Friday, as in Christmas Eve...rather than Friday evening.

Friday Eve the night before Friday (Thursday) which celebrates the birth of a new weekend 48 hours of freedom from the duties of work.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 05, 2015, 04:13:17 PM
The first try at cooking the wife’s lasagna went well.  She even said I did a good job!  Got tonight off.  Tomorrow the grilled pork steaks re-emerge from the freezer, where the chicken relegated them last week.  Still have some stuffin’ go with them.  Will be pushin’ 50, tomorrow evening, so it should be nice sitting out by the grill, and letting the cats chase the leaves in the back yard.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 05, 2015, 04:20:15 PM
I'm making (or attempting to make) a play on words.  It is the eve of Friday, as in Christmas Eve...rather than Friday evening.

Friday Eve the night before Friday (Thursday) which celebrates the birth of a new weekend 48 hours of freedom from the duties of work.

Auh Huh ...OK ....  

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 05, 2015, 08:27:04 PM
Had a good day hunting.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 06, 2015, 07:07:22 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

'Tis 31 and hazy. High of 47.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 06, 2015, 06:06:51 PM
How are you and the Chinese Chicks gettin' along,Slim? ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 06, 2015, 08:30:33 PM
I got one today.  ;D

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 07, 2015, 07:03:48 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

'Tis 27 and clear. High of 53.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 07, 2015, 07:57:42 AM
Thanks for the coffee.  Chinese chicken???

It's currently 72, and cooling off.  Rain coming in.  Tomorrow will be cooler and hopefully dry.
Off to the range to shoot the new TD Carbine with some Holy Black.  It did very well yesterday on the indoor range with Trail Boss.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 07, 2015, 09:58:43 AM
Pheasants,Troy ;)

In the 40's with sun here ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 07, 2015, 01:26:36 PM
That is all.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 07, 2015, 03:24:04 PM
Here's more..
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 08, 2015, 08:45:18 AM
Coffee and hot water are ready!
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 08, 2015, 09:53:07 AM
Thank you, Sir...slept in sorta... was up at 5: AM with the obligatory animal duties , draining, feeding, etc. and my own personal  visit to the ablutionary.
Then crawled back into the rack an dosed off  :)

"SHE" remained in Melbourne @ her sisters ,  after the nieces wedding yesterday , a very nice affair I'll add.

I'm kicking around a Victorian era 22 cal gallery style shoot ... Victorian dress ( I:E NCOWS/ CAS ) 22 cal. only
simple 2 gun discipline , with just two classes ...No gun carts needed , no brass pickup
1 rifle -  22 cal. only
Pumps, levers , even bolts ( Tube fed only -No detectable box mag  or semi  auto )
and 1 pistol - 22 cal only,  SA or DA revolvers only  (no semi auto)

Open .... 2 handed holds , open sights (target, adj. or open )   no scopes
Traditional ...  duelist hold , open or OEM adj. sights , no target apparatuses , no scopes .

reactionary targets only ,  bells , gongs and swingers....


Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: The Trinity Kid on November 08, 2015, 11:05:43 PM
Hey Y'all.

And y'all thought you were rid of me.  ::)

Sorry to have been such a stranger the past few whiles(yeah, life has gotten to the point for me that months and weeks are just too tedious to deal with.  Anything long than 72 hours is a "while.").    I've kind of had a large dose of hecticness in my life. 
For a brief summary, here goes:

Drove to Montana and back
Drove to Wisconsin and back
Drove to county fair and back
drove to San Francisco and back

Then, there has also been school, which requires driving to the City 4 times a week, broken cars, deaths in the family and a bunch of other junk.

But anyway, today I went to a concert.  That basically sums up the slowest day I've had in the past two months.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 09, 2015, 05:54:35 AM
I'll start the pots. ;)

It's 30 here, just getting light out. ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 09, 2015, 07:31:55 AM
It is 58, and a beautiful morning here near the coast.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: pony express on November 09, 2015, 08:02:11 AM
Welcome back, TK! You been gone for more than a few "whiles"
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 09, 2015, 08:49:55 AM
Morning y'all.
Thanks fer the coffee.

Good ta hear from ya, TK.

Gallery shoot sounds like a lot of fun.

Had a good time chasing the Chinese chickens and spending time with family and friends. We are back in MN. Heading back to WI this morn.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 09, 2015, 07:11:37 PM
We are home. Got here 'bout 5:45.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: El Peludo on November 09, 2015, 08:40:30 PM
Hey, TK, glad to see you're still among the inspiring and expiring crowd.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: The Trinity Kid on November 09, 2015, 11:15:34 PM
Good evening Y'all.  ;D

I'll put on a pot for the night watch.  I may be able to put on the morning pot, depending on when y'all in future time zones are rising and shining.  Part of my edumacating involves a 1.5 hour drive(stinking road construction) to the city for an 8am class..  5am doesn't seem too early, but when you're pulling 11pm nights, it gets old. :-\ 
Life could be worse.  I could be getting up at 5 to shovel out a barn full of cows with diarrhea. :o ::)

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 10, 2015, 05:30:09 AM
I'll start the pots for the early risers ;)

50 here with light rain. Looks like another furniture assembly day in the models. Have a concert tonight. Might be interesting considering this cold sinus stuff has kept me from playing the last couple weeks :o :-\ ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 10, 2015, 12:25:20 PM
Got our first real good snow of the year, overnight.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 10, 2015, 12:31:54 PM
May have a bit tonight.   

Got a cool camp project going on in the basement, involves coffee, both drinking and later in camp. :D
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: pony express on November 10, 2015, 01:22:13 PM
May have a bit tonight.   

Got a cool camp project going on in the basement, involves coffee, both drinking and later in camp. :D

Since it's November now, I expect there's no threat of Pumpkin Spice anything with the coffee project.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 10, 2015, 01:39:33 PM
Since it's November now, I expect there's no threat of Pumpkin Spice anything with the coffee project.

The only spice that will go into that box will be cardamon and it will be in the section with the Ibrik.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 11, 2015, 06:34:21 AM
Ibrik? That a new APPLE product,Del? ;D ;)

I'll start the pots. 40 something here now with sun. Concert went pretty well considering ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 11, 2015, 09:02:46 PM
'Tis raining. Might get snow by morning.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 11, 2015, 10:18:44 PM
still in the grip of this dreaded chest malady, seems to get better, then returns and drag you down again... I know of several with it
and it keeps hanging on with them as well ....
on that note just try to sleep , and cough will wake you, or the dam alarm at work goes off , and the service calls to get you up  ::)
11 PM ?.... no one authorized should be in there , sent the LEO's .

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 12, 2015, 04:27:58 AM
Morning all, pots are on, seems like multi-cup morning....
nobody reported squat , perhaps a false motion censer alarm   :-\

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 12, 2015, 09:38:54 AM
You're not the only one dealing with the viral crap,M2 :P Been messing with it for almost three weeks now :-\
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 12, 2015, 10:25:30 AM
We had a cold front come through last night.   
It is about 65  ??? and cloudy.

Miss Red has had a chest cold that started in late September.  It lingered for better than a month...of course, the Marlboros don't help.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 12, 2015, 11:01:38 AM
Morning all, pots are on, seems like multi-cup morning....
nobody reported squat , perhaps a false motion censer alarm   :-\

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 12, 2015, 11:02:07 AM
You're not the only one dealing with the viral crap,M2 :P Been messing with it for almost three weeks now :-\
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 12, 2015, 11:02:44 AM

Miss Red has had a chest cold that started in late September.  It lingered for better than a month...of course, the Marlboros don't help.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 12, 2015, 11:20:50 AM
That guy's pic reminds me of the Cheech and Chong skit on the "Los Cochinos" album where a high school student asks Sgt. Stadanko..."Hey man, who cuts your hair?"
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: El Peludo on November 12, 2015, 12:16:46 PM
Must be an alien invasion; I've had something chewing at me for a couple of weeks, now, too.  And, our grandson, Kathan, is in the Army Reserves, and just got home from six months at Fort Leonard Wood, hadn't been home two days and wound up in the hospital; they though he might have bacterial pericarditis -  :-\ :-\ :-\.  Got him sort of straightened out and sent him home, then called him yesterday and told him to get his tail in there as soon as he could; they were still running tests and found he had E-coli in his system - where in the He77 did he pick that up??  So now, he's on some other regimen of drugs, and his whole circle of close folks is being tested.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 13, 2015, 10:54:39 AM
I'll toss the pots on for those late risers out there.

Baked salmon fillets and chardonay for supper tonight.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 13, 2015, 05:31:23 PM
Got a bunch of odds and ends of wood I've gathered up through the years. 

First project was a box for the coffee gear, not for the post but supporting gear, will hold 18 cups in layers, coffee grinder with handle removed to prevent breakage, Ibrik and the stuff for it, 3 quart jars will use blue green with zinc lids, couple cans of milk if someone wants some and room for other stuff as needed.   Can store every thing in it also.  Will paint it and the other stuff later. 
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 14, 2015, 07:53:25 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

Got a bunch of odds and ends of wood I've gathered up through the years. 

First project was a box for the coffee gear, not for the post but supporting gear, will hold 18 cups in layers, coffee grinder with handle removed to prevent breakage, Ibrik and the stuff for it, 3 quart jars will use blue green with zinc lids, couple cans of milk if someone wants some and room for other stuff as needed.   Can store every thing in it also.  Will paint it and the other stuff later. 
Looks good, Del.

Brought a black lab/blue heeler 16 week old puppy home last night.

'Tis 21 and partly cloudy. High of 60.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 14, 2015, 10:16:05 AM
Got asked yesterday if I had any Yuppie jokes.

Nope, there is nothing funny about Yuppies. ::)

Saw one the other night, "Think Green" bumper sticker, driving a Prius and drinking a bottle of water.  Yeah, right, to bad we were in Rita's station wagon thing, would have been a good "PIT a Prius Day."    Worst thing is the dang fool thought he was doing something good I'm sure.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 14, 2015, 11:44:17 AM
Around here my pet peeve bumper sticker from the yuppies is:

“Keep Tahoe Blue” 

The damed (spellin’ intentional.  There is a dam at the source of the Truckee River) lake water is CLEAR not blue.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 14, 2015, 12:01:31 PM
Should take the whole bunch out somewhere and tell them to grow their own food and build their own houses and see how green they can be.   Don't even get me started on the Yuppies fighting the ag industry, talk about biting the hand that feeds you.   
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Dan Gerous on November 14, 2015, 04:41:25 PM
A nice, sunny day here. The wife had the day off so we went for a drive and visited the John Wayne birthplace and museum in Winterset, Iowa. They have some of his clothes including the shirt and vest from "The Shootist" (with fake bloodstains) and his car with the raised roofline so he could sit comfortably behind the wheel. Not a real big place but quite interesting,
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 15, 2015, 07:50:14 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

'Tis 28 and sunny. High of 60.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 15, 2015, 11:12:54 AM
We're live and on the air as of 12pm EST.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: The Trinity Kid on November 15, 2015, 11:45:50 PM
Hey Y'all.

Sorry, life has been terrible this week.  Essays, car trouble, etc.

And them aliens seem to have gotten me too.  I've got a whing-dinger of a cold. :-\ 

In other news, We have snow above 5500, possibly down to 2500 by tomorrow.  Es todo,

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 16, 2015, 05:50:05 AM
I'll start the pots to heating ;)

36 here, just getting light out ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: pony express on November 16, 2015, 06:02:05 AM
Raining here, guessers say tomorrow rain also. Then sunshine for the rest of bambi season.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 16, 2015, 06:28:14 AM
Morning y'all.
Thanks fer the coffee.

We're live and on the air as of 12pm EST.
Looking good.

Del, your rain will get here this eve.

'Tis 48 and cloudy. High of 57.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 16, 2015, 07:33:59 AM
Thanks for the coffee.  It is 68, with rain coming this evening.
Probably another good evening to relax with Miss Red, catch up on Gotham and Fargo, and read a book.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: El Peludo on November 16, 2015, 01:17:42 PM
Got up to snow on the mountains all around the valley this morning, and a cold west wind.  NWS says its fifty, but it feels danged lot colder.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 17, 2015, 09:12:52 AM
Coffee and water are hot.

Most all of our snow is now gone.  No more in the near future.  High about 50 today!  Yesterday's high was 39.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 17, 2015, 10:03:50 AM
Thanks for the coffee Russ T.  We reached our high of 78 by 8 am.  It is forecasted to storm and cool off.  I'm welcoming the latter, and "hunkering down" for the former.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Texas Lawdog on November 17, 2015, 11:38:56 AM
We had heavy rain yesterday and early this morning. The Cawffe is tasty this morning. I fixed me some Waffles this morning for a late breakfast. Some sandwiches are planned for a late lunch. No clue for supper. We may get more rain tonight and tomorrow.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 17, 2015, 01:04:29 PM
Did you use a waffle iron?  I always thought if you ironed waffles you got pancakes.  ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 17, 2015, 01:16:39 PM
It is advisable to not put the syrup on the waffles before ironing them.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 18, 2015, 06:30:54 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

Rained overnight.
'Tis 50 and dark. High of 57. 60% chance of rain.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 18, 2015, 12:53:53 PM
Going sofa shopping tonight.  Looking for a replacement section in the living room.  After we’ve made the rounds of the furniture stores we’re stopping at Great Basin Brewery for fish & chips and some microbrew.
It’s sitting at 55 right now and that’s warmer than the predicted high.  We shall see how high it gets.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 19, 2015, 04:53:02 AM
Pots are on, for the early risers ... enjoy

80% rain predicted for today, as a front passes through this afternoon.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 19, 2015, 05:42:55 AM
Thanks for the coffee,M2 ;)

54 here, just starting to get light. Had rain over night. Been doing a lot of skirting the last couple days, mad push to get'em done before the weather breaks for good. Have three more to do :P ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 19, 2015, 07:03:25 AM
Morning y'all.
Thanks fer the coffee.

'Tis 34, overcast and blustery. "Windy. Much colder. Mostly cloudy. A chance of sprinkles and flurries. Highs in the upper 30s. West wind 20 to 30 mph with gusts to around 45 mph."

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 19, 2015, 07:20:46 AM
Howdy good folks.
Thanks for the coffee..I need it.  This getting up at 4 am to go exercise to get healthy is gonna kill me.

It's in the low 50's, high expected in the mid 70's.  It looks to be a great day.

Be safe y'all.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 19, 2015, 09:37:19 AM
Had some snow flakes yesterday, in the back yard, wasn't none I saw in the front yard. ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 19, 2015, 07:06:20 PM
That's pretty scattered,Del ::) ;D

Well, We actually got all three done today. Two crews, total of five guys. We're just about ready for the whether to shift now. Just have to get the salt bucket checked out now ::) :P
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 20, 2015, 08:12:43 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

Off verk today 'cuz I verked Sunday. Putting steel on the shed today.

Gun deer season starts tomorrow.

'Tis 23 and sunny. High of 37. Chance of light snow tonight.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Texas Lawdog on November 20, 2015, 12:27:51 PM
I had errands to run this morning. I got a couple of sausage burritos and a cup of Cawffee from McDonalds. I got back about 11. A late lunch is planned this afternoon.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 20, 2015, 03:37:25 PM
Why do they make, and why would anyone buy a camo snow shovel, esp in Arctic camo?   I thought about asking the guy buying 6 of them, but decided against it after dealing with the Menards guy who didn't know what a VOM meter was, that was enough for one day.   

I guess if you were in the Wehrmacht at Stalingrad it might keep the Russians from stealing your shovel when you got over ran.   ::)

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 20, 2015, 06:03:09 PM
Just musing here , why wouldn't Arctic Camo just be white ?
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 20, 2015, 06:23:34 PM
Plain white seems to work well for polar bears.  I guess Antarctic camo would be black and white and look like a tuxedo.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 20, 2015, 08:09:46 PM
Cause of shadows.   
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: pony express on November 20, 2015, 10:30:30 PM
Camo stuff seems to be about as bad as Pumpkin spice whatever was last month-everybody's just GOT to have camo!. I don't even have it for hunting, just old work clothes. Wife bought me a pair of camo pants, asked her why? I think they've been worn maybe 2 times(because everything else needed washing, most likely.)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 21, 2015, 12:13:46 AM
Cause of shadows.   

So then back to the question "why "

Then PE is on to something  :)   perhaps a YUPPY advertising gimmick 

Like Ergonomic .... Ergonomic ?   designed to minimize physical effort and discomfort, and hence maximize efficiency

So one is digging in the snow with his Ergonomic white shovel .... sets it down a moment { union rules " break" }
"DUDE ?" where my shovel ?  ... only the Shadow knows ....  ;D
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: pony express on November 21, 2015, 06:03:28 AM
The only way to make a snow shovel "ergonomic" enough to make memore comfortable with shoveling snow, would be to have it attached to someone else's hands!
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 21, 2015, 11:32:20 AM
We have some of those ergonomic handled shovels here. Don't like how they handle, at least for me :-\ ::)

Temps were in the 30's here this morning, getting cloudier(?) as the day wears on. Dang viral crap came back on Thursday, just feel miserable :P :-\ :( ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 21, 2015, 11:56:43 AM
33 and severe clear here right now.  Heading for about 55 this afternoon.  Going to be doing our annual pre-thanksgiving turkey dinner for our local friends tonight, then we head out for Oregon for Thanksgiving Day.  Still need to prep the bird for the grill, but I’ve got plenty of time for that after the wife get the pumpkin pie done.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 21, 2015, 01:36:37 PM
Afternoon y'all.
Taking a break from the shed for lunch.

'Tis 28 and sunny. Might get to 32.  Low tonight of 17.  ::)

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 21, 2015, 06:18:24 PM
In the low 40's and raining here now. Still feeling crappy, wife is at her annual Alumni band end of season dinner. I wasn't up to going :P
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 22, 2015, 06:18:17 AM
Morning y'all.
Coffee is hot.

'Tis 13 and dark. High of 30.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 22, 2015, 09:45:24 AM
We're at 32 and cloudy here.I'm feeling somewhat better this morning,though ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 22, 2015, 10:33:04 AM
Glad you are perking up Buck.... I still have the grip as well

It comes and go's,  yesterday OK...but today it's back  ::)

it's 73° and rainy ....supposed to be 68° for a high tomorrow
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Dan Gerous on November 22, 2015, 12:52:23 PM
partly cloudy this afternoon. Had 5 inches of snow Friday night, now I have to go out and scrape the ice off the sidewalk. (sunshine caused it to melt and freeze) Guessers are saying 50's later this week and rain for Thanksgiving. Hope it holds off so we can drive up to Sioux City and visit the in laws.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: The Trinity Kid on November 22, 2015, 06:22:16 PM
Howdy y'all,

I have officially been put on break from school.  I get a whole week to catch up on homework... ::)

Kind of nice though.  I got a new job this month (at a gun store  ;D ), and yesterday was my first day.  My second day is this Wednesday, and my third the next Wednesday.  slightly odd schedule, but it's money.

Other than that, I'm just enjoying life, trying not to get sunk by bad mechanical devices (namely POS cars).

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 23, 2015, 07:48:26 AM
Pots are hot!  Time to partake!
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Texas Lawdog on November 23, 2015, 09:14:44 AM
Thanks for the Cawffee. I fixed some sausage burritos for breakfast. Waffles are planned for tomorrow. Moose has the week off. It is nice to have her home for the week.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 23, 2015, 01:29:38 PM
Official PTO , began @ 10:30AM,  runs through next Monday ...
I was to be off today, but went in to lay out the week (3 days) for my crew.
Once done and some materials ordered , I skedaddled  :) 

Use my new Smoker yesterday , 1st time out of the box ,,,,ribs were great
I'll use it for the Turkey, never did one so it will be an adventure ....
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 23, 2015, 07:19:21 PM
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 24, 2015, 05:38:13 AM
Wonder what it's quarter mile time is,Del :D ::)

I'll start the pots heating ;)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 24, 2015, 06:44:55 AM
Morning y'all.
Thanks fer the coffee.

Not me this time, Del.  ;)

'Tis 26 and cloudy. High of 41.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 24, 2015, 07:05:59 AM
Down to the last swallow of the first pot...I figure to swing by the stop & go for another on my way to the range.

Gonna go try some 44 BP reloads, in my Pistol  and some 32/20 BP Rifle reloads
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Good Troy on November 24, 2015, 07:58:22 AM
On my last cup before I OD on caffine.  Thought winter had made it here.  We had frost yesterday, and 36 degrees.  In the 50's this morning.  These temperature swings are playing heck with my sinuses.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: pony express on November 24, 2015, 06:41:22 PM
Spent a couple of hours sitting on the levee down by the creek, a spike buck chased a doe my way. The buck was saved by his small horns, since there's an antler point restriction where I live, minimum 4 on one side. The Doe had no such legal protection, so she is hanging out in the barn now.....
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 25, 2015, 07:32:37 AM
For all the early risers, the coffee and water are hot and ready!
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 25, 2015, 03:34:16 PM
I hate holidays, it's much easier to set up a kitchen under a tree and then move in a few days than to clean one that's been around since 1900.  LOL   Long story, but we ain't going to BIL and SIL's this year, has a lot of positives to it though.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 25, 2015, 03:45:59 PM
Turkey is in the marinade/brine , goes on the smoker at O:800
this is my first time at smoking one....

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 25, 2015, 04:03:24 PM
Turning the ranch over to the local friends for the weekend.  Heading North to Oregon for another injection of tryptophan.  Local temps here aren’t supposed to break freezing, so 50’s in Oregon are looking pretty good
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major E A Sterner on November 25, 2015, 06:55:00 PM

this is my first time at smoking one....

Won't it be hard to keep it lit? ;D ;D
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: The Trinity Kid on November 25, 2015, 09:17:58 PM
Evening all,

Dang, we got slammed with a cold wave this morning.  Past week has been mid twenties to mid thirties at night.  Got up this morning at 8:45, and the silly thermometer said 17.  Got to work at 11, and the water was all still frozen outside.  Inside was nice and toasty, perfect for paperwork... ::)

But, I put in a good six hours at $10 per, so that makes up for the paperwork.   I managed to not mess anything up too badly, and even figured out how to sell a Glock, Beretta, Browning, H&K(those VP40s are nice guns by the way), and a Benelli.   One never realizes how much paperwork actually goes into that.  :o

Anyway, y'all have a good Thanksgiving.  Be careful smoking that bird, Major.  It's one of those "gateway meats."   ;)

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: litl rooster on November 26, 2015, 07:06:17 AM
To all of ya playin' with the pencils here on the Group "W" bench.

Happy Thanksgiving
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 26, 2015, 07:27:04 AM
To all of ya playin' with the pencils here on the Group "W" bench.

Happy Thanksgiving

Clean out yer mailbox, I've been worried about you.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 26, 2015, 07:28:43 AM
And for those who have no idea what he is talking about (and this is only acceptable if you are under 50).
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 26, 2015, 08:06:57 AM
The coffee’s hot and the water is ready for tea.  Getting ready for the trip to the airport.  Squatters should be here soon to protect the homestead and the critters.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!!!
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 26, 2015, 10:30:32 AM
Nice to see ya,lR!

We're going to our younger son's later today. Probably take a roll of paper towels with me in case my sinuses decide to dump all at once ::)

For a change, I don't have to cook this year.Got a sick dachsy I've got to worry about,though ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 26, 2015, 11:40:57 AM
Got a Lab with a hotspot on the base of his tail, good dog, let me do it up with a peride rag and then put coconut oil on it and told him to leave it alone and he is..   
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 26, 2015, 01:54:28 PM
Better than some youngen's, Del ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 26, 2015, 06:41:37 PM
this is my first time at smoking one....

Won't it be hard to keep it lit? ;D ;D

managed to keep it lit , coach  ;)  turned out quite good, I'm very impressed with Traeger's Smoker/Grill
Ribs & now a turkey , both have been very good.

Had to think about "playin' with the pencils" wasn't making the connection , so as soon a I saw Alice's Restaurant was if a light went on....  almost 50 years ago  WOW ! 
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 26, 2015, 11:52:31 PM
Treager, that's like having a chauffeur drive you around in a car with an automatic transmission or micro-waving a TV dinner.   Heck i thought you were going to use charcoal or wood like I do.   Most natural charcoal and run around trimming the trees to make it smoke.   ;D
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 27, 2015, 02:44:44 AM
Any specific tree,Del? ???

Dang crap had me up hacking again. Decided to come out here so's SWMBO can sleep undisturbed. Have another turkey feast to go to this afternoon. ::)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: pony express on November 27, 2015, 06:11:18 AM
Home turkey feast is over for me-2 days of work now, then the super feast at church sunday.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 27, 2015, 06:31:30 AM
Treager, that's like having a chauffeur drive you around in a car with an automatic transmission or micro-waving a TV dinner.   Heck i thought you were going to use charcoal or wood like I do.   Most natural charcoal and run around trimming the trees to make it smoke.   ;D

I agree, just that easy , the Traeger was gift from my crew .... many overtime days working on a show last year, so one of guys brought his in to the shop.... I paid for the ribs.  As we put in the hours on the client's show
the ribs cooked away with nothing more than a look see , from time to time.... and we enjoyed the treat.

I fully understand your passion , and the enjoyment of camp fire , dutch oven and the historical  approach.
You Sir, have attained the wisdom of a sage. Positioned on my bucket list is to attended one of your camps.

The Traeger was gift I was proud to receive, Yuppish as it is .... the taste is great ....

Till that day , when I get to visit the sage  :)  

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 27, 2015, 08:24:42 AM
That's on my list,too,M2. An oaken bucket,though,Del ::) ;)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 27, 2015, 09:54:11 AM
Heck if my wife liked smoked meat more I'd get one of them too, fire and forget, one reason also I don't smoke as much is my littler cheapy drum one takes a watchful eye.    I don't smoke stuff in camp anyway or haven't yet.

Mulberry is what I use most, grows like a weed around here and of course is a fruit wood with good flavor.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: litl rooster on November 27, 2015, 10:33:29 AM
Look in your in box above
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 29, 2015, 07:58:11 AM
Coffee and water are on.  Will be heading back South this afternoon. It'll be nice to get back home even if the temp are 20 degrees cooler than here in the Northwest.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 29, 2015, 08:13:35 AM
Morning y'all.
Thanks fer the coffee. Need it this morn' since I was awake 'til after 02:30 talking with my brother, mother and uncle.

We are at Marshfield, WI for the annual pilgrimage. Took the pup for a walk around the 1/2 mile horse track.

'Tis 12 and sunny. High of 37.

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Russ T Chambers on November 30, 2015, 06:01:01 AM
Made it back from Oregon last night.  I’m up early so I’ll throw the pots on the fire for everyone.  Just a little over a week and it’ll be time to ship the wife off to Milwaukee for Christmas.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 30, 2015, 06:29:29 AM
Note to self.... Beware ! do not travel on Thanksgiving weekend  :o

Longer version, I saw where the Saluda Saddle Tramps {NCOWS} match was Nov. 29th ... Cool me thinks

I've been up there, nice Range ... OH! up there is Gaston, South Carolina - Mid Carolina Rifle Club (Columbia)
I'm also up for a road trip ... on good day , I can fleet foot it up there in 5 1/2 to 6 hours  :-*

So pard in tow...11 dam hours later we are home.... South Carolina wants you to "stay on my Mind "
The above mobile moves faster  ::)   no apparent reason , just X too many Cars, Semi's, Land Yachts on  50's era interstate infrastructure mentality.... and road Dept. that has a  ::) plan....

7 accidents going up ( by my count ) the worst just out of Daytona forcing a detour and 1 hour gridlock  , the rest just rubber necking slow or stop downs ( trip up was 9 hours ) but we did stop for Brunch at the Cracker Barrel, not known for blinding service , but that was by our design and decision.

Will I do it again ?...yep !  just not the Thanksgiving/Black Friday weekend ... in fact the just shoot id Feb. 14th ( oh crap !
 Valentines day ! )

Plan for today ?  a TLD patented NAP !  :)  no clue for lunch !  ;)
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Four-Eyed Buck on November 30, 2015, 06:09:30 PM
Sad news :( yesterday our not quite 7 year old smooth dachsy,Sadie, crossed the Rainbow Bridge due to a uterine infection that went septic and didn't show itself until it was too late. I held her until she was gone showered by many tears. She was our little lover girl, Sue,my SIL, and I are devastated. We still have her half sister, and she has been showered with attention today as they were a bonded pair :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Silver Creek Slim on November 30, 2015, 06:48:37 PM
Sorry to hear that, Buck.
Our Lady, I am afraid, will be following shortly.  :'(

Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Lucky Irish Tom on November 30, 2015, 08:05:48 PM
Always tough to lose a good and faithful dog, sorry Buck!
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Delmonico on November 30, 2015, 10:13:36 PM
So sorry Buck, Rowdy turns 10 in May, he seems fine but Labs seem to go about 12-13.
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 30, 2015, 10:15:28 PM
I too, offer my condolences.... the thought of mine breaks my heart .
Title: Re: November Cawfee and Grub,Y'all know that means winter is almost here
Post by: Major 2 on November 30, 2015, 10:30:29 PM,56492.msg679917.html#msg679917