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Special Interests - Groups & Societies => BOLD Chambers => Topic started by: West Longer on October 29, 2005, 12:30:42 PM

Title: Had to do Over!
Post by: West Longer on October 29, 2005, 12:30:42 PM
Howdy all ya Lawdawgs

If you had a chance to do it all over again, would ya go back down the Lawdawg trail? Or what would of ya gone for?
Me, I think I would have done the money trail. Like Brain Surgeon or 00 Spy! ;D
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: California Lawdawg on October 29, 2005, 11:22:39 PM
I would do it over again iffen I could drop about 45+ years. ;D I enjoyed being involved in Law Enforcement and after 33 years saw too many changes going on.  :o  Give me the good old days anytime.....

Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Tascosa on October 30, 2005, 09:35:38 AM
Yep I'd do it all over again. Spent 30 years in LE not counting the 4 years in the Air Police.
But I would want to start back when I did 30 years ago, not today.
LE has changeds too much over the past years and not for the better.
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Maryland Marshal on October 31, 2005, 04:10:49 PM
I sure wouldn't want to be startin' out today.  I've discouraged my kids when they showed any interest.  Tood bad-I miss the old days too.
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Sheriff A.E. Moses on November 05, 2005, 10:36:36 AM
Yep, like everyone else, I would do the LE trail if I could do a restart in 1972. But I would go for the Fed side because of the money. Retirement from local LE is not very compatible when to comes to buying food and medicine.
On one hand, I feel sorry for the newbies now, but I also admire them because they are so much better trained and educated than when I started. I rest easily at night knowing those people are out there kicking butt and taking names with technology we never dreamed of!
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Tascosa on November 06, 2005, 10:17:12 AM
Sheriff, my daddy taught me ifn' yer goin' to kick butt, ya don't need to take names!
Was he wrong? ;D
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Cuts Crooked on November 06, 2005, 03:29:17 PM
I got into this work later in life than most. If I could do it over I'd have started much younger!!!

Sheriff, the money on the fed is better, but the frustrations are worse!!!!!!!!!!! :-\ It's a two edged sword ;)
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Ned Pepper GB on November 06, 2005, 04:01:13 PM
Nope Nope well maybe!

I was young and felt invinceable in those days (1968) and somehow had a calling, thought I could put the world to rights, loved the early years, gave it my all.

If I had to do it all again,(and was YOUNGER!!) yes OK, but not here in the UK. I am sure some of the boys and girls have the same calling that I had but on the whole the Police Service over here is held in very low esteem by the public. Poor Leadership, Poor Law makers (POLITICIANS) Very Inneficient (SAD)

I had some of the good years.

Ned Pepper
BOLD 452
Picketts Hill Marshal

Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: B. Butch Cavendish on November 07, 2005, 02:08:17 AM
 After a run when I was younger I was out of the profession for many years. And just returned a few years ago. I to wish I was younger, stronger, faster and better trained. I have done alright for myself, but have to work twice as hard to keep up.
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Utah Bob on November 08, 2005, 07:04:45 PM
Got 112 days left. I'll let you know. ;)
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Baron von Haltomstadt on November 09, 2005, 01:43:11 PM
I didn't get started 'til late. I was in my early 30s when I got my first position. I spent 1/2 of my LE career (29 years - Jan 1, 2007) working outside and 1/2 inside. If I had the ability to do it over again, I would never have left motors. That was the best 10 yrs of my life (I still practice the 'motor-jock walk' on occassion - usually in the confines of our home, long after the wife's asleep <g>)!

I retired once, in Dec 2001. 12 weeks later, I was working again. I have 3 years, 6 months, and 17 days left 'til permanent retirement, but I'm not keeping track.  
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Slim Silver on November 09, 2005, 03:05:46 PM is may last day.  Just pulled the plug.  I have excepted another position in the private sector and am looking forward to it.  Sure will miss it though.  You guys are right I would do it over if I could start back three decades ago.
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Wiley Desperado on November 10, 2005, 03:35:36 PM
this is a question I have thought about a lot.  In December I will complete 37 years of full time law enforcement service and plan on pulling the pin at the end of April, 2006.  To go down this road again in todays world I would have to have a whole different frame of mind.  My question is, isn't it like that in every occupation?  there is no way on earth that I would survive as a street officer in todays world with my 61 year old mind set...However, when I was a youngster I knew some officers who had started in Law enforcement back in the thirties, and they couldn't understand how we were going to get along in the crazy world of the late 60's, I guess there must be a master plan... 
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Olin Broke on November 23, 2005, 09:51:08 PM
I'm new to CAS City and this forum stuff.  Yup, I'm a Lawdawg.  Been involved since early '68.  Done the City, State and am still working at the Fed thing.

Would I do it again.  Yup!  Always wanted to be in LE since I was in short pants. :)

I have a question for you folks already involved in BOLD.  What's involved in join'n?  I need another badge.

I'm called "Doc Don"  couldn'd think of anything original.  The Wife and I are homestead'n in our skinny house on wheels, in El Paso.  That's west of the Pecos for all you city folk.

I'm plann'n on retiring as soon as the new horse is paid for.  Then we'll put the skinny house on the trail and visit some of the shoots.

Keep the pointy end pointed down range Pards.

Doc Don
Title: Re: Had to do Over!
Post by: Utah Bob on November 24, 2005, 06:51:56 AM
Doc, simply mosey on over to our website and fil out the eelektronic application. (  ;D