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Special Interests - Groups & Societies => Cosie's Corner & Feed Bag => Topic started by: Forty Rod on July 18, 2014, 07:34:27 PM

Title: Need a source...
Post by: Forty Rod on July 18, 2014, 07:34:27 PM
... for Farmer Brothers coffee.  I just gave $18.00, including S&H for a 14 ounce can.

I can't find it in stores anyplace and the on-line cost is ridiculous.

I'm not much of a coffee person, maybe five cups a week, and this is the best I've found, but my stars and garters that's a lot of money.
Title: Re: Need a source...
Post by: Ol Gabe on July 19, 2014, 11:59:06 AM
F.R., Kind Sir,
Since we have seen it and had it here in Eastern Iowa, I did a quick Google to see where it might be available for you. Used 'farmer brothers coffee' and the website came up listing Torrance, CA as the home base if I read it right. Anyway, check it out as they provide a search engine to locate the many products they carry.
Best regards and good brewing!
'Ol Gabe, who once got a whole case for his birthday from his loving younger sister, yummy!
Title: Re: Need a source...
Post by: Ol Gabe on August 05, 2014, 09:14:53 AM
F.R., Kind Sir,
Did you ever hook up with a source for the Farmer Brothers Coffee? Hate to see a Pard go without his cuppa morning Jo!
Best regards and good researching!
'Ol Gabe