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Special Interests - Groups & Societies => The Barracks => GAF After Action Reports => Topic started by: Pitspitr on July 05, 2014, 05:26:20 PM

Title: 2014 International Grand Muster After Action Report
Post by: Pitspitr on July 05, 2014, 05:26:20 PM
5, July 1876 (+138)

To: General U. S. Scout
Headquarters Grand Army of the Frontier
Near Washington City

Copies to: (Bvt.) Col. Major Matt Lewis Chief of Staff,
(Bvt.) Col. Drydock Chief of Ordnance,
(Bvt. ) Col. Bull Schmidt Adjutant ,
and The ladies and gentlemen of the GAF at large


I have the honor to submit my report following the 2014 Grand Muster of the Grand Army of the Frontier

My preparations continued Tuesday, 24, June when the Commissary Department Chief Delmonico arrived. Stu Kettle arrived the next day and with their help the preparations were completed by the time the muster was scheduled to begin.

Our mess consisted of 25 shooting participants excluding camp followers. While I do not believe this number is too many for my facility, I was not prepared for some of the challenges that it presented; none of which were probably even noticeable to casual observer, but presented goals for me to improve next year.
Also present were a few hardy sutlers. These were: Gripmaker, High Plains Shooters Supply, Plum Creek Leather and Runnin Iron. The latter is a gun smith and dealer who brought, among other things, a couple of class III firearms which some of the men tried out.
The weather also presented it’s own challenges. A year ago it was decided to hold the Department of the Missouri Muster earlier in the summer to avoid some of Nebraska’s summer heat. When it was decided that this would be the Grand Muster this year, the same weekend was chosen. While the heat was better, thunderstorms with attendant rain (and a few golf ball sized hail) occurred almost every night.
Friday morning operations commenced with the Expansion Era Match side match.

Following lunch the group commenced the long range rifle match. The 300 yard long range rifle match was found to be quite challenging. This long range match was a paper match. The participants sighted in their rifles at the same time the match proceeded and while the men diligently attempted to get their long range targets shot up until dark not everyone accomplished the task.  

The Main match used the same skirmish format as the Expansion Era Match did. One of the highlights of the Main match was a new target called “the Runner.” Another Highlight occurred Sunday morning when the men shot the Fort Scotsman Stage utilizing a Gatling Gun as a guest gun.
I had prepared more stages for the participants to attack; however, number of participants made it impracticalable to finish them all using the methods with which we had planned our attack.
Saturday evening we retired to the Comstock Lodge Bed and Breakfast for the banquet. The Ladies and the men seemed to quite enjoy the facilities. While there, door prizes were awarded. The Door prize committee consisting of Bowview Haymaker, Mustang Gregg and led by River City John had procured enough very nice door prizes that nearly everyone present received two.
While at the banquet hall we attended to several items of business. Lt. Col. Shamrock, the Division of Illinois commander’s retirement was announced. Major G. W. Strong was formally promoted to Lt. Col. in his stead and Sgt. Major Don Long was promoted to Major vice Lt. Col. Strong’s promotion. Col. Drydock approached the subject of next year’s Grand Muster and suggested that it be held here again. A year ago Illinois had requested to host the 2015 and 2016 musters; however with Division of Illinois Commander Shamrock’s retirement, Lt. Col. Strong opined that the muster should reside in Nebraska. A vote was held and it came out nearly unanimous that I host it again. My abstention was the only vote that wasn’t in the positive.

I totaled the scores Sunday about noon and the certificates were awarded to the men. At this point some of the men broke camp and the men returned to their home quarters. The rest of us prepared for an American Zoot Shooters Association match that was to be held in conjunction with the Grand Muster. The purpose hold the 2 matches in conjuction with each other was to expose the GAF shooters to AZSA and the AZSA shooters to GAF. While this goal was achieved and we added a good number of shooters to our ranks I will not schedule the matches this way again as it was just too much to try and squeeze into a long weekend.

Here I should thank a number of people: The Broken Bow Lions Club for sponsoring the insurance; Lt. Col. Dusty Tagalon for printing the winners certificates; Lt. Col. Ned Neiderlander, his efforts building camp equipage and the new runner target, and finally Capt. Delmonico. For those of you who missed this match, the food alone was reason enough to come to this Muster. It is simply amazing what Delmonico can make in dutch ovens. Thanks Glen!
Due to some miscommunications and some unexpected obstacles, some of the certificates nor any of the medals were awarded. If you didn’t receive your certificates please make me aware of it and I will mail them with your medals. If you already have one of the medals of the color you won, I can issue the star device that goes on them instead. Just let me know.
I remain,
Your Ob'd Servant
Jerry M. "Pitspitr" Davenport
(Bvt.) Col. Commanding, Department of the Missouri, Grand Army of the Frontier

Main Match:

Brigade Champion: Dale Beethe

Gun Shoot Thingy Award (long story. Means the fastest overall time): Chuck Luektemeyer

Division Plate: Nebraska (Can you mail it Missouri?)
Scores were as follows:

Nebraska - 100
Missouri -   62
Colorado -  62
Illinois  -    46
Iowa  -      42
Arizona -    10
Montana -   8
Alberta -     8

1st Dale Beethe
2nd Les Richardson
3rd Steve Fowler

Smokeless Rifleman
1st Paul Arens

BP Rifleman
1st Al Weaver
2nd Grant Rombough

1st D. Chuck Luektemeyer
2nd Tom Snow

Staff Officer
1st Doug Strong

Smokeless Scout
1st Steve Summers
2nd Cindy Woodworth

BP Scout
1st Robert Thompson
2nd Lonny Meyers
3rd Terry Woodworth

1st Quickfire
2nd Allen Ashton

Dress Uniform
1st Larry Little
2nd Al Weaver
3rd Tom Snow

Work Uniform
1st Doug Strong
2nd Dale Beethe
3rd Chuck Luektemeyer

Camp Award
1st D. Doug Strong

Expansion Era Match

Department EEM Champion: Steve Fowler

Regular Military
1st Brian Bauer
2nd Allan Ashton
3rd Les Richardson


1st Dale Beethe
2nd Lonnie Meyer
3rd Jerry Davenport

Staff Officer
1st Steve Fowler
2nd Chuck Luektemeyer

1st Doug Strong

1st Steve Summers (Stu Kettle)

Expansion Era Uniform
1st Steve Fowler
2nd Garry James
3rd Doug Strong

EEM Long Range Rifle


1st Les Richardson
2nd Dale Beethe
3rd Steve Fowler


1st Jerry Davenport


1st Larry Little
Allan Ashton
Title: Re: 2014 International Grand Muster After Action Report
Post by: Pitspitr on July 06, 2014, 03:18:23 PM
I see we also got a nice full page article in the Custer County Chief
Title: Re: 2014 International Grand Muster After Action Report
Post by: Niederlander on July 06, 2014, 05:47:18 PM
Is that online anywhere or do I have to try to find a hard copy?
Title: Re: 2014 International Grand Muster After Action Report
Post by: Pitspitr on July 06, 2014, 05:53:30 PM
So far I haven't found it on line, but they might not post it for a week or two so that folks buy the hard copy

Note: I made some corrections to the results and listed the Division plate scores.