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CAS TOPICS => The Longbranch => Topic started by: PJ Hardtack on October 02, 2013, 10:26:25 AM

Title: Clint Eastwood quote
Post by: PJ Hardtack on October 02, 2013, 10:26:25 AM
"A pen in the hand of this President is far more dangerous than a gun in the hand of 200 million law-abiding citizens."

He added - "We Americans are so tired of being thought of as dumb asses by the rest of the world that went to the polls this past November and removed all doubt."

Clint Eastwood in the Peoria Journal Star
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood quote
Post by: Buffalo Creek Law Dog on October 04, 2013, 09:08:42 AM
Those two quotes fit Albertans during the last provincial election. :'(
Title: Re: Clint Eastwood quote
Post by: PJ Hardtack on October 04, 2013, 10:38:21 AM
Let's hope they remember the lesson.  The rallying cry for the Wild Rose Party next time ought to be - "Remember High River!"

For the benefit of those not aware of the topic, it concerns the massive search & seizure mission of the RCMP in the flood affected areas of southern Alberta.
The RCMP broke into unoccupied flood damaged homes and ransacked them looking for firearms and ammunition. The point being, THEY KNEW WHERE TO LOOK which implies that they have NOT destroyed the data bank from the scrapped long gun registry as ordered by the government.
There has been all sorts of azz covering and whitewashing statements made by both the Alberta gov't and the RCMP, but the fact remains, they pulled a "Katrina" and followed the Prime Directive of seizing as many guns as possible in a time of crisis. Other valuable items were not seized, putting the lie to claims that it was done to prevent loss to owners.

Comments were made to owners who reclaimed their guns that "You had a few that were not registered ....", begging the question - how did they know?

This has further undermined the reputation of the RCMP which is at an all time low right across the country. One of Sir Robert Peel's principles of good policing is that it requires the good will and support of the public to be effective. That has been largely abandoned by most police agencies and in Canada, you are far more likely to be assaulted, shot or killed by a LEO than by an alleged criminal.

This statement tends to get the back up of LEOs, but that is the reality as reported in the MSM, backed up by videos shot by citizens on the scene recording events as they happen.