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CAS TOPICS => Gun Reviews => Topic started by: Jax Orebetter on October 04, 2005, 10:10:16 PM

Title: Looking for recommendations on Buckaroo guns
Post by: Jax Orebetter on October 04, 2005, 10:10:16 PM
Howdy all!
My son has shown an interest in getting involved in CAS. He is almost 8, and has been shooting a .22 rifle for about a year now. I'm looking for a .22 revolver for him. I looked at the Herritage Rough Rider and I'm not all that crazy about it. It is aluminum framed and has a wierd safety on the oposite side from the loading gate. THe up side is one of the stores here has one in stock and on sale for $115. I would really rather have a Ruger Bearcat, but cost is a deffinite factor at this time. Any thoughts on this?
Title: Re: Looking for recommendations on Buckaroo guns
Post by: Big Hext on October 04, 2005, 10:25:32 PM

What kinda money are ya lookin' to spend?  I'll keep my eyes peeled.  We've got an old model Bearcat, but I think it's over $200.  I frequently run across old but functional 22 revolvers, let me know if I can help you out.

Title: Re: Looking for recommendations on Buckaroo guns
Post by: Jax Orebetter on October 05, 2005, 12:03:48 AM
Thanks Hext. It doesn't have to be pretty, just has to work. I'd like to stay in the $200 range. Grandma (my Mom) said she would get it for him for Christmas. I told her about that much, so I'm sure I could kick in a little more to get a better quality gun. I've been browsing the local toy stores, but pickings are kind of slim for single action .22s.