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Regional Topics => Chinook Country => Topic started by: Short Knife Johnson on February 15, 2012, 07:49:22 PM

Title: Liberal debaucle is now the slain dragon
Post by: Short Knife Johnson on February 15, 2012, 07:49:22 PM
A rancous "HUZZAH" is in order.
Title: Re: Liberal debaucle is now the slain dragon
Post by: PJ Hardtack on February 16, 2012, 10:36:09 AM
Huzzah! Whoopee ding - break out the champagne! Now, a reality check .....

The Bill has passed third reading in the House, but still needs Senate ratification, subject to amendment. Quebec is contesting the cancellation of the registry and wants to retain the data bank. Other provinces may follow suit.

- you still need 'Big Brother's' approval to own property in your possession before C-68 and the Registry became law
- you need to undergo an expensive vetting process for a PAL that is more difficult to get than a Passport and would be considered invasive if applied to any other segment of society
- you need more paperwork to move or transport your lawful property
- you need to have your guns in locked cases with trigger locks for storage and transport
- if you don't have your paperwork with you or let it expire, your guns are confiscated (Papiere, bitte ....?)
- your house can be invaded without a warrant on the excuse that they thought you might be up to something
- you do not have the right NOT to incriminate yourself. This and the above do not apply to known criminals
- self defence? Fuggedaboudit! Use a gun to fire warning shots at creeps who just fire bombed your house or stole your ATV and you're in more trouble than they are
- the RCMP can arbitrarily decide which guns you can or cannot own based on whim and the appearance of the gun
- these are forfeit without compensation
- unless you are 'granfathered' you cannot own .25s, .32s or handguns with a 4" or less barrel (delayed confiscation)
- if hauled into court on charges related to any of the proceeding, you are in for an expensive court battle that will ruin your life.
- the public pays for the legal expenses of career and repeat criminals; gives them the mandatory wrist slap and double credit for time already served
- criminals are exempt/ignore any and all of the requirements of lawful firearms ownership
- there is more gun crime/violence now than before any of the above requirements became law
- your kids and grandkids wlil never know the joy of playing 'Cowboys & Indians', 'Cop & Robbers' or roaming the neighbourhood with a Red Ryder BB gun for fear of being taken down at gun point
- these would have been tomorrow's gun owners and shooters

There, I feel so much better for the passage of the Bill. Have I left anything out? We aren't talking some third world country, but Canada - "... the true north, strong and free ..."  I feel so 'free' I could just s__t happiness .... ;>)

Remember Alan Rock's vision of a country where only the police and army have guns? He wasn't talking about Libya, Syria or some other tin-pot dictatorship.

Google "Unintended Consequences" by John Ross. If you can find a copy, read it. There are TWO in the entire public library system of BC.  On the net they go for $200+; "$90 if you'll settle for one with a broken spine. It is available in pdf form. Find it, read it. You'll understand what has been slowly happening over the last few decades and is now happening at an unprecedented rate.
It's no better in "... the land of the free and the home of the brave ..."  That's where all this social engineering originates and migrates north.