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Special Interests - Groups & Societies => Frontier Iron => Topic started by: PJ Hardtack on January 26, 2011, 11:31:46 AM

Title: .450 Tranter
Post by: PJ Hardtack on January 26, 2011, 11:31:46 AM
I've got a classic period revolver that gets a lot of interest - a 450 Tranter 'Army' model. The Tranter patents predate Webley and many licences were granted other makers to use certain aspects of Tranter design.
It fires a short case 450 round easily made from 45 Colt brass or modern .455 cases. It's a five shot DA model and oozes quality. Dates from the late 1870s. Looks like something Sherlock Holmes would have had in his greatcoat pocket.

Although we aren't NCOWS, our local CAS guys permit me to use it so long as I SA cock it.  I recently had the cylinder magnafluxed and it got a clean bill of health. The guys in the shop were totally taken by the gun.
Title: Re: .450 Tranter
Post by: St. George on January 26, 2011, 01:21:30 PM
If you can - send a photo.

By the way - NCOWS'll let you shoot it double-action - give 'em a try.


Scouts Out!

Title: Re: .450 Tranter
Post by: Books OToole on January 26, 2011, 02:16:16 PM

By the way - NCOWS'll let you shoot it double-action - give 'em a try.


Scouts Out!

The NCOWS Double-Action Championship will be held at the Garnett, Kansas Range of the Kansas Vigilance Committee on May 8th.

Title: Re: .450 Tranter
Post by: PJ Hardtack on January 26, 2011, 05:48:07 PM
I'm a techno-illiterate when it comes to posting pictures. Also have a mechanically perfect .38 Colt Lightning made in the 1st year of production.

I've tried to generate some interest in NCOWS locally, but no dice. My wife and I would love it as we are both into historical reenacting. It would certainly open the door to a lot of guns overlooked or ignored by SASS.
I let my under 10,000 membership in SASS expire for political reasons. It was fun for a while when the stock answer to equipment eligibility was - "If John Wayne would use it, it's OK."
That went by the board long ago and now it's 'IPSC in Cowboy Clothes"; speed rules. Allowing that to happen proves that there are more horses asses than horses amongst the Territorial Governors. ;>)

As for going to US shoots, I used to. Been to Cody and Couer D'Alene a few times, but after 911 and Homeland Security tightened the rules - fuggegaboudit! When was the last time you tried to bring your guns into Canada?
Title: Re: .450 Tranter
Post by: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on January 26, 2011, 06:24:43 PM
PJ; Come over to Victoria for February 6, 2011.   "The Grey Fox" will likely have his 1878.
Title: Re: .450 Tranter
Post by: Montana Slim on February 02, 2011, 11:27:55 AM
First..Congrats on getting a great old classic back in action!  I admire that.

..............Although we aren't NCOWS, our local CAS guys permit me to use it so long as I SA cock it...........

must be afraid you'll out-shoot someone with a fancy self-cocker ???...Fortunately my local clubs (SASS) don't give me trouble over using my DA Smith 44...which I nearly always shoot DA - I was caught single-cocking on a challenge target once  :o  I do shoot BP Duelist (when I shoot cartridge revolvers), and that does somewhat limit the number of shooters in my category (usually me & if I'm lucky a couple of buds who were able to come out). I volunteered to have my category changed to "NCOWS" or "cheater" if there were challenges that couldn't be resolved...all in a joking mood. I don't bring that kind of stuff out for any type of match that offers a category ribbon, trophy, etc.

I love the flexibility of NCOWS policy on types of revolvers used. My only problem is too many guns to shoot..... too little time & opportunities in my driving range.

Title: Re: .450 Tranter
Post by: Hangtown Frye on February 07, 2011, 08:56:53 PM
Hey PJ, good to see you here!  I hope one day to wander up your way to check out that Tranter, and a few other goodies besides! 

Take care of yourself, and watch your topknot!

