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GENERAL TOPICS => Tall Tales => Topic started by: Forty Rod on January 12, 2009, 12:16:19 PM

Title: CAS authors list
Post by: Forty Rod on January 12, 2009, 12:16:19 PM
I'm compiling a list of CAS authors who have been published in any fields: fiction, poetry, non-fiction, technical, music, history, comedy, photos, art, CDs, etc.

I have a pretty good start, but would like to hear from anyone who has written a book or made a CD who would like to be on this list. Even if you know of someone I'd like to hear about them.

I need their name, alias (if applicable), book titles (and ISBN if you know it), publisher, and contact info to get AUTOGRAPHED copies as well as any stores that may carry them.

I thought this would be quick and easy. HA! Help me out and I'll get it together as quickly as possible and make it available so everyone can find something to read because there dang sure ain't nothin'on TV.   

Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Trinity on January 12, 2009, 07:52:26 PM
I wrote a letter to a magazine once about a small town coed who moved to the big city... but that's probably not what you were looking for, huh?
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: litl rooster on January 12, 2009, 11:13:34 PM
I'm wiping off the monitor now :o ;D
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Texas Lawdog on January 13, 2009, 05:20:05 AM
I got one of my Police "War Stories" published in "America's Dumbest Criminals" once. I got paid a whole 25 Dollars for it. I've got the check somewhere, I never cashed it.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Leo Tanner on January 13, 2009, 07:32:15 PM
Wrote fer a now defunct motorsickle publication.  Got one issue left after ma deevorce cause a friend saved it fer me.
  Trin's got the right idea, thas where the money is.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Forty Rod on January 13, 2009, 07:40:27 PM
Money?  I'm in it for the glory and fame.   ;D

Actually, I write because I have a story I want to tell and I hope others will want to read it.  If you want to get rich, your odds are about the same (or a bit less) than hitting the big lottery...seriously. 

J. K. Rowling is a freak of nature. 

Louis L'Amour is the product of hundreds of stories over many, many years. 

Al Gore is the result of a pact with the devil.

Write because you can't not write.  If you want to write for the money get a job with Hallmark.

Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: litl rooster on January 13, 2009, 11:23:24 PM
write what you know about...Mark Twain, died broke
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Leo Tanner on January 14, 2009, 12:55:32 PM
Wrote fer a now defunct motorsickle publication.  Got one issue left after ma deevorce cause a friend saved it fer me.
  Trin's got the right idea, thas where the money is.

I guess I shoulda put a smiley after that last sentance ;D  I share yer passion fer writing just for the sake of its self.  That Trinity just gets me laughin so hard sometimes...
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Texas Lawdog on January 14, 2009, 03:15:17 PM
I like to read a lot. I really never was interested in writing.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Willie Dixon on January 14, 2009, 03:28:58 PM
I'm working on a comic for syndication, along with some other things here and there while going to school. 

The freak of nature is Stephanie Meyer... look how quickly her little vampire books blew up!  gotta admit though, fine reading.  I've always liked first person.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Leo Tanner on January 14, 2009, 03:34:17 PM
I like to read a lot. I really never was interested in writing.

It's a joy Pop.  You are creating lives, situations, romances even out of yer own mind.  Non-fiction is fun too, but not the same unless you have strong feelings on the subject matter.  That motorsickle magazine I wrote fer in the 90's was great cause no one got paid but the editor, an he didn't make spit.  All the contributors did it out of love.  You got an honest magazine from cover ta cover written by regular guys with day jobs.  We all got ta know each other an talk on the phone often or write letters.  It was kinda like bein here.  
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Forty Rod on January 14, 2009, 03:36:46 PM
That Trinity just gets me laughin so hard sometimes...

He ain't near as funny if you don't look at him.  :D
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Forty Rod on January 14, 2009, 03:46:44 PM
It's a joy Pop.  You are creating lives, situations, romances even out of yer own mind.  Non-fiction is fun too, but not the same unless you have strong feelings on the subject matter.  That motorsickle magazine I wrote fer in the 90's was great cause no one got paid but the editor, an he didn't make spit.  All the contributors did it out of love.  You got an honest magazine from cover ta cover written by regular guys with day jobs.  We all got ta know each other an talk on the phone often or write letters.  It was kinda like bein here.  

I really believe that almost everyone over 20 years old that hasn't lived in a closet all their life has at least one good story in him (or her).  It takes some work, but a really good story ("Like Legends", he said modestly.) will take on a life of its own and begin to write itself.  I just went along and recorded what my characters were doing.
Try a short story first and see where it goes.  Make a couple of character and put them in a situation and have then react just like you would.

It's fun and it could be very profitable.....buuuuut not likely.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Willie Dixon on January 14, 2009, 03:53:13 PM
It's a joy Pop.  You are creating lives, situations, romances even out of yer own mind.  Non-fiction is fun too, but not the same unless you have strong feelings on the subject matter.  That motorsickle magazine I wrote fer in the 90's was great cause no one got paid but the editor, an he didn't make spit.  All the contributors did it out of love.  You got an honest magazine from cover ta cover written by regular guys with day jobs.  We all got ta know each other an talk on the phone often or write letters.  It was kinda like bein here.  

well said Leo.  It is always fun to create new characters... but FR, it's not that simple for some.  It took me a long time to be able to create unique characters that had minds of their own.  Once I did though, I was hooked.  I also think it has a lot to do with the character development, the more developed they are, the more time that is spent in their "head" and then it's easy to see where they're going.

I was a contributor to a small time hot rod magazine in SoCal, I know exactly how you feel.  Now I'm hoping for some spots in the Chronicle once I get going.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Leo Tanner on January 14, 2009, 04:16:25 PM
Thank ya.  Just writing stories fer Saddle Bag Tales is a pleasure.  Having my wife wife involved makes it even better.  We don't tell each other what our characters are going to do until it's posted, makes it fun.  Kinda like the kids with the guns, she's a better writer than me an I look forward to what she comes up with each time.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Willie Dixon on January 14, 2009, 04:30:20 PM
what's your story Leo?  I'd love to read it.
here's mine for those that haven't seen it.  Working on chapter one now, trying to get it to novel size this time, add more challenge to it.  I cheated by putting in the margins of one of my novels into my word processor under "custom margins" category.
Child board:,23797.0.html
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Texas Lawdog on January 14, 2009, 06:23:50 PM
I'll leave the writin' to you folks that hve the talent for writing. I'll stick to reading.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Leo Tanner on January 14, 2009, 07:35:19 PM
what's your story Leo?  I'd love to read it.
here's mine for those that haven't seen it.  Working on chapter one now, trying to get it to novel size this time, add more challenge to it.  I cheated by putting in the margins of one of my novels into my word processor under "custom margins" category.
Child board:,23797.0.html


     Back to Civilization.  May be over the top in some parts, but it's fun ta be a part of ;)
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Willie Dixon on January 14, 2009, 11:49:18 PM
cool, thanks Leo.  I'll go check it out.  Is there a child board for your story too?  I like those for commenting.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Leo Tanner on January 15, 2009, 01:08:23 AM
cool, thanks Leo.  I'll go check it out.  Is there a child board for your story too?  I like those for commenting.

Yep, Lil just added a bit ta the story this evenin while I was napping.
Title: Re: CAS authors list
Post by: Wes Loveless Cutter on February 25, 2009, 03:12:00 PM
I do write reviews of graffic novels (read comics) and mystery novels for a magazine and have been working on afew short stories as well.