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GENERAL TOPICS => Tall Tales => Topic started by: Leo Tanner on November 26, 2008, 03:13:22 PM

Title: What da ya think of this one?
Post by: Leo Tanner on November 26, 2008, 03:13:22 PM
This has been in the news.

     Teen girl don't like another girl at her school.  First girl's mom decideds ta act like a juvinile herself and creates a bogus My Space account pertendin ta be a teen boy.  Mom torments other girl fer months til other girl hangs herself in her closet.  Cops figgure it out an charge mom with three misdemeanors an a felony.  Total prize fer a full conviction is 20 years in the pen.
     Jury goes out an hits mom with the 3 misdemeanors and is hung on the felony.  Max sentenace fer this result is 3 years an 300,000 dollars.  That's the max so it'll prolly be a much lighter sentance.  I was wonderin what other folks thought about how dearly mom should pay fer her assanign actions.
     I been tossin it around a bit.  On hand, I think mom should get the hammer just fer bein so stupid and a discredit ta the adult human race.  On the other hand, I can see the truth in the fact that the deceased girl chose to let herself get wrapped up in an internet fantasy land and chose to end her life over a comments made on My Space.  She had a history of depression, so where were her folks ta monitor her while she was allowing this ficticious relationship ta become an obsession. 
     It's just another story in the news, but this one got me thinkin.

Title: Re: What da ya think of this one?
Post by: Texas Lawdog on November 26, 2008, 06:10:04 PM
The parents are too wrapped up in their own little worlds to worry about their kids.
Title: Re: What da ya think of this one?
Post by: Ozark Tracker on November 26, 2008, 06:21:46 PM
we were just sittin here talkin about that, it was just on the news,  I think the woman should have been hit a little harder, with at least a felony, all ya need is people like that interactin with kids.  she said she started doing it to see if the dead girl was spreadin rumors about her daughter,
it's true the dead  girls parents shold have seem or noticed something before it went that far, but as Tex said, a lot parents today don't participate in their kids upbringin, let the school do it, anybody but them.
it'll probably be more of a problem as we go,
Title: Re: What da ya think of this one?
Post by: Tensleep on November 26, 2008, 06:40:03 PM
Most wimmen act like they are 14 til they turn 35, then they git really hormonal  :o
Title: Re: What da ya think of this one?
Post by: Leo Tanner on November 26, 2008, 07:06:07 PM
Lil's perfect at 44.  I've heard stories of her younger days an am glad I didn't catch up with her until 6 years ago.

     OT has a good point about parents bein in their own little worlds.  Lot a folks these days look at havin kids as a lease with option ta buy.  When things go sour they stick their heads in the sand an ask fer Calgon ta take em away.  I'm lucky to have been raised by a Marine an a strong dedicated woman.  They were one heck of a team when it came ta lookin over us kids.

Title: Re: What da ya think of this one?
Post by: Texas Lawdog on November 27, 2008, 03:40:20 AM
These parents are all about impressing their friends and co-workers. They live their lives through their children. Too much pressure is put on these kids to perform for their parents.
Title: Re: What da ya think of this one?
Post by: litl rooster on November 27, 2008, 06:01:50 AM
Most wimmen act like they are 14 til they turn 35, then they git really hormonal  :o

Title: Re: What da ya think of this one?
Post by: Texas Lawdog on November 27, 2008, 08:20:04 AM
Leave it to Bro. Sleep to put everything into prospective.