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CAS TOPICS => NCOWS => Topic started by: Trap on August 14, 2006, 10:41:47 AM

Title: Thanks to BRR
Post by: Trap on August 14, 2006, 10:41:47 AM

  Thanks to all the fine folks at BRR for putting on a great  SHOOT, thats right a real CAS shoot , just like that other group does,  just like some folks don't think NCOWS has. It got a little damp on Sun. But  hey, I'll bet it rained in the 19th century too. Thanks again for all the work you guys & gals went to to make us all feel welcome and allow for all the great memories.     jt
Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: Quick Fire on August 14, 2006, 11:08:20 AM
Trap, from all of us at Blue River, we appreciate the fact that all of you fine folks took time out of your busy schedules and made it down to our shoot. We truely enjoyed your company and hope you all can join us again in the future.
Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: Irish Dave on August 14, 2006, 11:09:19 AM
Sounds like you guys had a great time. Sorry I couldn't have been there.
Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: River City John on August 14, 2006, 03:44:24 PM
Not only was it a great time, but I was once again reminded of the generous nature many of the people in this hobby share. I was loaned a pocket pistol with cartridges to complete the stages that called for them. (Thanks Chad and Jack.)
My poor old mule-ear SxS, after 120 years of faithful service, gave up the ghost and so will now go on display over the fireplace. I think it was fitting that the last rounds that went through her were Black Powder and all shot from the hip. And on Sunday I was loaned a shotgun to shoot my stages. (Thanks Jack.)

Why even on Sunday morning when a squall came through camp I had people left and right offering shelter and helping me stash my stuff from my open lean-to and wipe down the guns. (Thanks John, George and again Jack.)

The stages were based on historical incidents or shootouts and had lots of variety, plus a few curves. A lot of work has been put into that range since I was there for last year's Ruckus, what with new picnic shelter, outhouses, 200 yd. Buffalo range and new stagefronts and wood rail fence denoting the firing line. Sounded like a lot more was planned for the future, too.

Thank you to all who worked so hard.

Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: Frenchie on August 14, 2006, 06:31:03 PM
It got a little damp on Sun. But  hey, I'll bet it rained in the 19th century too.

Oh, yeah. Burnside's "Mud March" comes to mind, and this quip from a Pennsylvania private in Rosecrans's Army of the Tennessee, writing home in December, 1862: "Not a Presbyterian rain either, but a real Baptist downpour."  ;D
Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: toeless dave on August 14, 2006, 09:37:11 PM
Best bunch of folks I've shared time with lately.  Glad everyone had a safe and fun time.  We may try to schmooze  :-* Mother Nature more next time.  C'mon back.  Same cowboy channel, same cowboy time.

You know, every bit of fifty percent of the actual work for this event was done by Quickfire.
Thanks Jack!
Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: Yuma Kid on August 14, 2006, 10:28:54 PM
Amen Dave,
You and I both know Jack would say "Hell, I didn't do so much!"  Although, I was not able to attend the "Ruckus" this year.  I was around before the shoot enough to know how much work Jack put in.  There would not have been a "Ruckus at Raccoon Forks" if it had not been for Jack "Quickfire" Bursovsky.  We the members of the Blue River Regulators want to thank Jack for his tireless effort.
Thanks again Jack!
Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: Quick Fire on August 14, 2006, 10:34:08 PM
While I thank you for your kind words, this was defineitly a team effort. BRR has a core group of the best damn people that I know. Thanks to them for the Ruckus.
Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: Lone Gunman on August 15, 2006, 12:19:10 AM
It was a great 3 day event despite the weather on Sunday. A day spent shootin' in the rain beats a sunny day mowin' the lawn anytime. I'm happy to report that all my hours of practicing really paid the random prize drawing.  ;)  Here's the set of magna-tip screwdrivers I won that were made by BRR member John Butcher:


I will refrain from mentioning that I also won the really spiffy bedroll which was also put together by Mr Butcher. An authentic Woolrich Civil War Cavalry blanket & a beautiful handmade quilt all wrapped in a canvas groundcloth. I'd post a picture of it too but I don't want to cause any undo suffering to anyone who didn't win this great prize.

Speaking of Jack Bursovsky  8)  here's a few more things he deserves thanks for. I heard he was responsible for the new shower stall. Anyone who's camped in a tent for three days in August understands the value of a place to dump a little water over your head at the end of the day.  He also got up every morning to build the fire, make the coffee and, with help from Troy Lytle & John Butcher, cooked us all breakfast Saturday & Sunday.  Oh, and he made and cooked all the hamburgers Friday & Saturday nights...and fetched fresh water every day...and on, and on, and on. 

With the exception of the weather, I think this was the first shoot anywhere for a long time that I didn't hear anybody complain about anything. Dave Filbert & Troy Lytle did a great job writing the stages. No one said the targets were too small, too far away or too big & close. No one said there was too much reloading, no one said there was too little. No one complained that the stages were too complicated and no one claimed they were boring. All in all a very well thought out and executed match that was enjoyed by everyone with the good sense to attend. (

Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: Grizzle Bear on August 15, 2006, 07:49:49 AM
That's right everybody, just rub it in!  Just because I got a toothache and couldn't make it.......................

 :'( :'( :'(

Grizzle Bear

Title: Re: Thanks to BRR
Post by: River City John on August 15, 2006, 09:19:50 AM
Does this mean you have another tooth hanging around your neck? :D