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Tall Tales / Re: September Cawfee,Tea and A...
Last post by Professor Marvel - Today at 09:50:22 PM
My dear Del

Could gopher grease perhaps live on the farm?
The Longbranch / Re: Sad state of affairs
Last post by Professor Marvel - Today at 09:46:12 PM
St George nailed it.

New guys see this:

Even a plain Pietta .45 Colt SAA msrp is $540 so $1100 for two
1873 rifle msrp $1600
Double shotgun list $600 to $1200
.45 colt (the iconic caliber) at $1 a round (when you can find it)

How much ammo?

For a typical monthly match of six stages take at least 200 rounds of rifle and pistol and 50 shotshell

So about $3500 min to get started, then burning up about $150 to $220 for just for one match of cartridges

And you still have to find and get to a match AND PAY TO Play
Then the clothes.

So the kids look at a
good double stack 9mm ~ $350-$450
9mm ammo still at ~ $11 to $15 a box
And an AR clone ~ $500
5.56 ammo at ~ $15 for 50

Go play at Any public range or state open space.

They can be well equiped for home defense with two guns, go play army with their friends and ring steel
A hell of a lot cheaper than playing cowboy and getting told by old farts their clothes aint right, their guns aint right, and then listen to hivernaughts like us whining waxing poetic about the good old days
And historic accuracy.

It is literally like when I was getting into muzzleloaders in 1970. Dixie and emf was it.
At least bp and caps could be got. But shooting venues were few and far between.

Time marches on.
As the roman whispereded in the general's ear

"Sic transit gloria mundi"

Prof mumbles
Tall Tales / Re: September Cawfee,Tea and A...
Last post by The Trinity Kid - Today at 09:41:35 PM
Evening all.

Currently in Montana, paying Uncle Sam my dues. Head home Thursday, and Friday go right back to work for Uncle Sam, just in a different hat.

Y'all take care.

It's a good idea to preserve the original lever screw on your M1860, especially if it's showing wear. Replacement screws made from tool steel can be a great choice as they are generally tougher and more resistant to wear compared to original vintage screws.
I Bought it for my husband. He loved it - it told him everything he wanted to know and more.
The Longbranch / Re: CCW What to you like to ca...
Last post by Professor Marvel - Today at 09:06:11 PM
Quote from: Silver Creek Slim on Today at 05:42:50 PMMy main carry right now is a S&W 15-3 /w 2" barrel. I carry a Ruger Police Service-Six at home. My church safety team carry is a S&W 66-8.


Excellent choices Slim.
Several Lustrum ago I consulted with numerous Chicago & Minneapolis and Denver LEO and plaincothes detectives. Based on their real world experiences and the Downtown ER Doctor reports,  I have settled on and advise the use of glaser safety slugs in enclosed spaces. The efficacy is literally shocking, and overpenetration and collateral damage is virtually nonexistant.

One Leo used .45 acp first 4 glasers, followed by supervel flying ashtrays ( no longer made)

Prof mrvl
CAS City Classifieds / Re: WTB Canvas cartridge belt
Last post by Abilene - Today at 06:32:14 PM
Oh yeah, more better!
The Longbranch / Re: Sad state of affairs
Last post by Abilene - Today at 06:23:07 PM
Quote from: Johnny McCrae on Today at 03:35:13 PM...Just an old codgers humble opinion.

Codgers rule!   ;D

I'm just a codger-in-training, 3 score and a dozen. Got some aches and pains but I can still move okay and see and hear okay.  My brain doesn't always tell me the right thing to do.  ;)   I'm extremely lucky that I can shoot every weekend at 4 clubs, 3 are about an hour and one is 90 minutes.  They all are down somewhat in attendance from, say, ten years ago, but not a huge amount. Mostly recovered from Covid. We had 44 shooters Saturday at Plum Creek.  Attendance is usually down in the summer as the heat, which is increasing, gets harder to take as we age.  There are new shooters coming in, not a lot but at least some.  So, it's not too bad around here but sure, you can see it coming.  I sorta think I'll probably be gone or have to hang it up before CAS is totally kaput around here (Central TX). 

As to things here being slow, the users here are aging, too.  Maybe just spending more time going to and from the bathroom, so less time to post?  I know a lot of people do read here and the other Wire without posting.   Maybe they're shy.
My main carry right now is a S&W 15-3 /w 2" barrel. I carry a Ruger Police Service-Six at home. My church safety team carry is a S&W 66-8.

Tall Tales / Re: September Cawfee,Tea and A...
Last post by Delmonico - Today at 05:22:04 PM
Met with the pastor today, nice guy, I like him.

The kids have been a bit help, basically they took over and it's mostly sign here, fill this out. A lot of stuff, to go through.  I didn't realize till they kind of take over that as adults and not being a legal care taker the med bills are in one name or the other and the spouse is not obligated to pay the bills the left.  A copy of the death certificate will due. 

I signed and filled out a big stack of papers today.  An one person old people apt is opening in early Oct in Cook Nebraska and I apply for it, my Dad's hometown, about 10 miles from my youngest, in fact she is going to pass here EMT test and be on that crew because their town is to small for a rescue squad. 

Gopher Grease is trying to buy a house there because it's closer to work, than where he is at.  Would work well, our farm is only about 5 miles away but promised the kids and my mom I would not go to the farm by myself, LOL and they have spies on the hill to the east and west. ::)  ;D  ;D
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