WWI Officer Rank Insignia

Started by Doc Holloman, July 19, 2023, 03:49:18 PM

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Doc Holloman

Were the rank insignia worn by Company and Field Grade officers in the field subdued like the branch and  other insignia worn on the collar, or were they bright finish as worn in WWII?


Subdued/blackened   Some officers had enlisted uniforms to wear in the field, without the cuff stripes, etc.  I have no bright collar brass in my collection except the post-war stuff.

Doc Holloman

Thanks.  So a Major would have a browned oakleaf?

St. George

Blackened/browned insignia of the Great War was an enlisted thing - Officers wore none at all, or regular bright rank and darkened Branch insignia.

There weren's hordes of Officers then, as now - men 'knew' who their leaders were.

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